KH RP Signup and Discussion.

well you never know. this is krystal we are discussing here. if she sees someone more powerful than she is then she may join them
If Stephen's on a war path, then i must be the Incredible Hulk. (Hulk Tear Giant Laser apart, HULK SMASH!!!!)
Hey all i am soooooooo soorrryyyyy for not being active in the rp.....i am realllyyyyyy sorry think you guys can forgive me

if so then can you pm me what has been going on

and if not then i understand if im not allowed to post in the rp....
Meh, don't worry about your not posting:P It happens, so don't worry:P As for what's happened so far.....

Well, I guess the important stuff began to happen during the Battle at Disney Castle. Kai, Zack, Fayd and John fought for the light side against Luka's heartless and a skull-like kid. The battle ended with the skull kid retreating as well as Luka's death by the hand of Kai. During the battle, Zack's kidnapped by Luka and it is then that he's granted the power to wield a keyblade, The Oathkeeper.

It is then revealed that Luka was a nobody and that the heartless that corresponded to that nobody appeared, whose name is Shadow. Well, after the battle the light-sided guys decide that Shadow's a threat and that he has to be dealth with so they all head to the Olympus Colloseum where they fight against Shadow and Hades. During the battle, a dark-knight which only Zack can see sents the boy to Radiant Garden while the other guys won the battle over the dark forces.

In Radiant Garden Zack discovers he's a clone of another warrior that fought during the Keyblade Wars, more than 10 years ago and that the dark knight that's been haunting him is nothing more than the psyche of that warrior that somehow managed to copy itself into Zack's consciousness. The warrior takes over Zack's body and turns to the dark side, wanting to kill every single keyblade master as revenge for what was done to him, especially the king. He battles the guys that wen to Radiant Garden in search for Zack and are surprised by the boy's change of heart.

Just as Zack was about to unleash his most powerful technique he begins to loose it and flees from the battlefield. After the fight, the light-sided guys meet up at Merlin's House, where they soon learn that hte heartless are planning to destroy Radiant Garden by a super powerful weapon named 'World Crusher' and, after Cid determined that there was no way of stopping the weapon in time, they decide to flee the planet in Cid's gummi ships, and bring along as many civilians as possible.

Radiant Garden is soon destroyed and the group's begin split between the ones that want to board the World Crusher (which is something like a huge heartless ship) and those that'll lead the citizens of RG to safety.

That's pretty much what happened so far.
in the catch up post you missed the fact that fayd is now stuck in nothing ness and his twin sister is being tainted by the dark side *cue star wars music* ;P
tbh its up to you guys, lol you would have to fight satixthen nearly beat her, but you could try lol ;)
Satix is the least of my worries, I'm gonna go into my Pheonix form again, blast a hole into the control room, and just go and mercilessly exterminate the heartless....God help you all if you ever cross my dark side.
Shaaaaaaadooooow! I have a question! Do I have to create a profile for every single bad guy I introduce (which I hope isn't the case >_<) or can I get away without posting a bio for them?
i would be mean and say post the bios, it gives us a chance to look at what we are about to face before we face them and think "ARGH!! he/she can do THAT!!!" and then we die
i would be mean and say post the bios, it gives us a chance to look at what we are about to face before we face them and think "ARGH!! he/she can do THAT!!!" and then we die

You're mean! :gasp: Meh, too much work to post a bio for every 'boss' I'm gonna introduce.... but on the other hand it'll kinda help not to make 'em overpowered.... Hmmm.....

I still don't want to make bios! >_<