KH RP Signup and Discussion.

Name: Krystal Miyumi
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Race: Dark Elf
Side: Depends on who talks to her first and convince her to join them
Appearance: ebony skin with long light blue hair. She has piercing crimson eyes and her slim lips hide fangs that are the only proof to her vampirism. Her broad white feathered angel wings give her the power of flight
Weapon: Adoring Kiss & Rumbling Rosebud, Double Key Blade fighting style, magic modifier+5 (Adoring Kiss), strength modifier+5 (Rumbling Rosebud), and ability draw(A) cure boost (R).
Clothes: She wears a black denim skirt, with a white t-shirt woth a skull motif, her armour consists of a spiked shoulder guard and golden gauntlets (alot like vincent valentines claw). She also wears a protection amulet her father gave her as a child
Magic(optional): N/A
"POWER OF LOVE"- An aura of light surrounds Krystal then explodes with gale force power.
"DISTILLED HEAVEN"- Adoring Kiss fires off a beam of light energy.
"THE BLESS OF LOVE"- This move has the same effect as cura.
"DARK HEARTS"- Dark energy attack
"LOVE BURNS"- An aura of fire surrounds Krystal and causes fire damage to anyone it touches
Limit (optional): THE SCALES OF BALANCE
DESCRIPTION: A glyph of the yin-yang sign appears on the floor and Krystal stabs down on the centre of the symbol, causing a blast radius of light then one of dark to travel from her and around all people on the field
EFFECT: 25% of damage done to the enemies is regenerated on the party if not then damage is as normal on the enemy
Form(s) (optional): "Succubus attack"- increased speed and agility
History: abandoned as a child when a vampire slaughtered her family. She is the only survivor but it came with a price. She was turned and now her tormented soul fights for what she feels to be right. Now she has returned to find that her brother was still alive and in the same state as her. She decided to replace him in the fight for power. this fallen angel will not give up her fights.
:P Well, Fayd was already in the RP but just seemed to disappear from time to time.... I wonder what that dirty boy was doing whenever he was away? :gasp:

On a side note.... Roy's profile is almost ready! Sorry it's taking this long to post it... exams, exams >_< I'm even surprised I still have the time to post:P
i was just busy cybering no im kidding i write and perform plays from time to time sorry for my frequent dissapearences
im just wondering how to interact. You all seemed to have a gummi ship and such. Should i just idle around or steal one and help?
note to new girl: i dont have a gummi ship :) i travel through portals, much easier. Oh and welcome by the way, i never said anything to you before lol
i was just busy cybering

I knew it! (Lol:P)

im just wondering how to interact. You all seemed to have a gummi ship and such. Should i just idle around or steal one and help?

Well, I had Cid provide everyone with 9 gummi ships so you can be inside one of those, either driving it or letting a civilian drive it:P
ZOMG! Radiant Garden's got blown out of the system! :gasp: Now, you guys have two choices: Either you go to Disney Castle with the civilians that are in your ship (assuming you were good and saved some:P) or you can go with Kira and storm the mothership:P It's up to you really! Just remember that the chances of getting inside will mean that the civiilans you're carrying will most probably die so yeah....

God! This is starting to sound more like a Star Wars RP than a KH one :wacky:
*flies into the WC in the millennium Falcon* Stephen jumps to his feet "Hans you have the bridge, Chewy your with me" *stephen and Chewbaca exit the Millennium Falcon.

LOL. it not that much like a Starwars RP.
John slices the commander of the WC with his lightsaber. He then uses the force to destroy incoming heartless.

ROFL, not really my kind of gig.
Lol! Too bad Zack wasn't around to lure her to the dark side of the force :wacky: You still haven't seen the last of him though! Expect to see him at a later date ^_^