KH RP Signup and Discussion.


hey guys, sorry, i've been stretched a bit thin recently. I'm going to disappear quietly for a while. However, i am leaving LLH in charge of the plot line while i'm gone. Expect me to come back with my final character, with Shadow having somehow died under mysterious circumstances. HF all, and don't worry about me. I'm going to go focus for a while.
It's too bad to see you're leaving, Shadow. Well, don't worry about the RP. I'll be taking good care of it! Promise! ^_^ So you can go do whatever you have to do without worries, ok?

To everyone else:

Well, give me a couple of days to take care of some things and we'll continue with the RP, ok? Just have some patieeeeeeeeenceeee!!!!
Shadow your absence shall be missed, and we await your return with hope that you will bring amazing ideas.
Well, Shadow said a while ago he was still accepting people, so I don't see why you can't:P Create a profile and we'll see what Shadow says next time he's around!

BTW, awesome siggie! I take you also watch/have watched/read Fate/Stay Night? I love it ^_^
Really? lol, it is so far my first and only one i made XD.

So i make one and wait for shadow, right?
Okay, its done.

Name: Miata Tomahawk

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Race: Giriyaguna. A race of cat/human hybrids. Besides having cat ears and tail, they generally resemble humans. They possess good agility, reflexes and are very flexible. They also have the ability similar to cats eyes, where they can filter light and see much better than other species. However, they are slightly weaker in terms of strength.

Side: Light, but sometimes hang into the dark according to the situation and circumstances.


Height: 167 cm
Weight: 58 kg
Ethnic looks: European with slightly tanned skin
Tail: Reaches the floor straight out (approx 120 centimetres long) and is the same colour as her ears.

Weapon: Three Keyblades. Ultima is held in the left hand by itself, whereas Heathen Fire and Cleansing Touch is held in the right with Heathen Flame pointing up like normal and Cleansing Touch inverted upside down in the right hand. When fighting, she sometimes juggle between the three blades whilst fighting or just dual wield Ultima and Heathen Flame.


Heathen Flame and Cleansing Touch (Arranged respectively):

Heathen Flame:
Atk: 8
MP: 2
Ability: Upgrade offensive spell one step (Eg: Fire -> Fira), with increase strength

Cleansing Touch:
Atk: 6
MP: 4
Ability: Upgrades passive spells one step (Eg: Cure -> Cura), with mp haste

Clothes: Wears what is in the picture up top. Underneath, she wears a black suit shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbow. The three top buttons are undone and so are the bottom two. A white tie is around her neck, but pulled loose so the Y (middle part where the three parts meet up) hangs around the third button from the top. On top of the suit shirt is a white vest similar to waiters (but just white with no pattern). She wears a white skirt that reaches just above the knee (picture) and high top black converses. On top is the cloak that reaches down to half the shin. The end of the sleeves flare out slightly and she has a harness similar to the one Cloud has in FF7 AC, but three slots only, where the keyblades go.

Cura: Heals moderate damage

Fira: Shoots forth three fireballs that fork off in three directions like a trident

Thundara: Summon a moderate sized bolt of lightning on target with 5 other lightning striking area around it.

Reflect: Bounce back magical and projectile attacks. Lasts for a few minutes.
Cannot be used at the same time as Protect.

Protect: Creates a barrier for physical attacks. Last for a few minutes. Cannot be used at the same time as Reflect.

Flare: Summons a giant fireball above her head and launches it down. Drains almost all MP and is only used as finish move or as a distraction to escape

Limit (optional): Volcanix Claw - Slamming all three blades into the ground around her in a triangle, a 4 metre hole emerges from the ground in front of her with a pillar of fire shooting out (Easy to dodge. Has to be incapacitated or dazed to be hit or your characters an idiot. More of a showy entrance.). From the pillar, a flaming sprite of Cerebus emerges from the hole and swipe a large flaming paw 6 metres long, 270 degrees around ( Like so [ o> ] The "o" is where Miata is standing and the area where the triangle opens u to is missed by the paw.

Form: Cat's Shadow
All the colour on Miata's body and clothes are inverted, besides her hair, which turns snow white. Her skin turns chestnut brown and her eyes turn silver. Her nails extend out 10 cm and two fangs protude about a centimetre or two downwards, like a saber tooth tiger. Heathen Flame and Cleansing Touch float behing her and attacks telepathically whil she holds Ultima. In this form, her speed, agility and strength boosts up at the loss of lowering defence and not able to perform magic.

History: Miata was found alone in a village ravaged by Heartless attack. All fell victim to the heartless save several children. Due to the wide number of similar incidents, she was left at the orphanage like everyone else. Miata survived in the orphanage hierachy and racial discrimination through her inner strength and self reliance. Eventually, at the age of 14, heartless attacked the major town. This time, Miata had the knowledge of what was going on. As the heartless swarmed through the orphanage, through intense fear and will to live, a mysterious and intricate key shaped blade materialised in front of her. She instinctively fought off the horde before the orphanage was soon clear. As soon as the last heartless died, she picked up the blade and stumbled out the door. During the next two years, she fought off nobodies and heartless. Throughout the years, she found the pair keyblades Heathen Flameand Cleansing Touch, and travelled to exterminate the source of these monsters.
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Looks like a really nice bio! I don't see why Shadow wouldn't want to let you in, but well, it's his call after all. Just wait till he shows around, ok? ^_^

BTW guys, I'll post Roy's profile as soon as I can! Those $#%& exams are drivin' me nuts! :mark:
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