KH RP Signup and Discussion.

Your beloved Kai.
-Name: Kai (last name isn’t used)
-Race: Nobody
-Gender: Male
-Side: Light
-Age: 19

Hair- short styled brown
Eyes- blue
Complexion- clear skinned
Build-Quite muscular
Tattoos- he has a tribal design on the top of his right arm and the names of his family down the back of his neck (see history)
Attire- black skin tight T-shirt and blue Denim jeans, White trainers that fasten with Velcro and a Belt with a large buckle on it, the buckle is dependant on Kai's mood as he has a variety of buckles to choose from, including an eagle, a cross and a skull and cross bones.
Armor: doesn't wear armour
-First Impression: some people believe he is a mercenary due to his build and alot of women think he is attractive

-Personality: Kind hearted and funny.

-Weapon(s): Fenrir
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-Magic:master of the thunder element, curative and protective.
Cura-heals moderate damage, with slight energy drain
Protect- raises barrier to defend from physical attacks, slight energy drain
Shell- raises barrier to defend from magic attacks, slight energy drain
all thunder spells- varying amounts of thunder damage

-Skills: master swordsman and quite strong mage

-Strengths: a physically strong fighter who is quite fast.

-Weaknesses: weaknesses are extreme heat and fire magic, cannot cast black magic.

-Quick History: when he was 10 years old his village was destroyed and his family killed. Kai then went on a quest searched the world for his families killer, at 16 Kai discovered he was one of the chosen few to wield a keyblade, he then chose to use two at the same time. He discovered the Oathkeeper at 17 and the rapture at 18, Kai now travels the worlds helping those in need.
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And the New guy
-Name: Stephen Hownam
-Age: 19
-Race: Human
-Gender: male
-Side: Light


(normally wears a Black Sleeveless T-shirt with it.

-Armour: Stephen's only armour isn't technically armour as it his Auto mail arm. It is made from light but durable metal.

-First impression: Due to Stephen's auto mail arm most people think he had suffered from abuse during his life. appears to put his friends first no matter what he does.

-Personality: trust worthy and honorable.Stephen puts the well being of his friends before his own. This is one of his main weaknesses and how he lost his arm. always smiling Stephen tries to keep all moods light no matter the situation and is always thinking up witty one line jokes to make people laugh.

-weapons: Stephen wields three weapons but only two of them can be seen. His two Daggers that are strapped to each of his thighs. these can be used for close combat kills, stealth kills and can also be thrown.
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 648x486.

his third weapon only appears when he calls it. It is His Keyblade way to Dawn

(reserved Keyblade the Nobody Keyblade)
-Magic: doesn't cast any.

-Skills: Master swordsman and Dagger wielder. Extremely accurate when throwing his blades.

-Strength: his right arm is less brittle than his left as it is made of metal. Physically strong and exceedingly quick.

-weaknesses: tries to hard to defend anything that he deems 'worth saving' never backs down from a fight and is always first in to help a friend.

-Short History: Raised in a large family he never had what he wanted, from a young age he developed a fond sense of Justice and began fighting on the side of light. Began dagger training at 16 and one and a half years later was bestowed with His Keyblade. Stayed on his home planed of Radient Gardens and was laced in a deep sleep in a strange pod on his 18 birthday.
nice one for the new guy's bio Riku. Slight problem, only one can be interacting with the others at a time. You can have Kai stuck in the dream land and still use Stephen, but the two cannot be on the same realm together. Pretty much, you can have 2, but one of them must be in the dream realm (the glass plates). I'll stretch the rules that far for all of us. BTW, Riku's keyblade is soul eater or something like that. I know it has soul in it.
thanks but it will only be two or three posts as Kai and Stephen battle as Kai is Stephen's nobody. so Stephen kills him (with great ease might i add) and then Stephen leaves where he is in Radiant garden and goes to help you guys out :) and after consulting the internet i discovered that the Keyblade is called Way to Dawn
Lol, love your pic! I see you like Fullmetal Alchemist too, right? (or at least you've watchted it ^^) Great anime and edward = awesome:P
Hey, I might join this if you're still accepting people.

Expect a template sometime tomorrow night if so.
I'm always accepting people! truthfully, i'm surprised this is so successful already. i thought i'd only get like 3 or 4 people, and here i have 6-7 different people! that makes me a feel bit better about my RP creation skills. Then again, i always need help with story lines, as i cannot make a story.
Awesome! I'm looking forward to seeing you join this RP ^^. So, hurry up and post a bio :lol:

BTW Shadow... think you could edit your fist post and create a list of all the characters that have joined (and are still alive) as well as which side they're fighting for? Will make it much easier to remember!

Oh btw, Shadow has a new ally:P
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It's late here, so I'm lacking the brainpower right now.

Also, whereabouts are you in the RP? I'll be posting tomorrow, provided that I have the necessary template to guide me there.
My god, I completely forgot aboot this RP lol I kept seeing it pop up and decided to check it out and suddenly remembered :P Can I rejoin? My character template should still be around here somewhere.
indeed, they will interact as Kai is going to feel weak stumble and or fall to his knee's and then the pod containing Stephen will open. who see's his nobodie and uses one of his Daggers to kill him.
Check story sages Rene, and yes your still in. Nice idea there Riku. As this is sorta getting old, i think revamping this thing might help. New ideas to increase the fun in this thing people? we already have BGM music in it.
check out my new bio... its easy to find, its the first one, oh and i was joking around with the "main" character thing. :P oh and shadow... if its ok with you i would like to discuss "career" moves for my character
Haiii guys! Awfully sorry I haven't been here pretty much since the beginning :gasp:

You can thank Shadow for dragging me back in, kicking and sceaming... Now, off to post :monster:
Oswald, are u talking to me in the rp? By "a man with a black hood" it appears its me but i dunno.