KH RP Signup and Discussion.

*sighs* I had already suggested that >_>.... Either ways, I've been on three RPs (not on this site) that have used the whole Background Music system and it's worked perfectly. And it's good you gave the ok, Shadow ^_^
you thinks right i think it really added to my atmosphere as i posted... its wierd what music can do
Guys, i am sorry to say this but i gotta cut down on my internet time as im back in college. so i am afraid i am hanging up my Fenrir, good luck with the battle againstthe ultimate Evil.
Ugh, that sucks! >_< But well, I know what that feels like... college sucks waaay too much of your time >.>
it does but i am sure i will still find posting time. i am getting married too... march sometine next year... o_0 god knows what ive let myself in for...
Dont worry guys i will no be perminantly gone
just going to take a break, one of youcan fill me in when i get back.
I shall return from a sleep like Sora Did in KH2
When you guys kill Shadow after i attack one more world, you'll get my help. My final character is the unity of my heartless and nobody, and he is a keyblade wielder. So once you beat me, you guys get help.
cool, technically now that kai has left do i count as almost the main character seeing as ive been here since the beginning?
Meh, I think all of us count as main characters (or at least should) >.> On another note, Zack's just a couple of posts to go bad so Shadow.... don't you dare to kill Shadow yet!!! >.>
just thought i should go ahead and tell you, im trying to put up a hand drawn(omg!) picture of my heaven keyblade but i wont be able to post it until my scanner decides to stop acting like a retard.
I hope i can still enter. If not tell me so.

Name: Satix

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Race: Nobodie

Side: Darkness

Appearance: He's like this.

Weapon: Twin Daggers (a.k.a. Daggers of madness):
The daggers are formed by an unusual type of "hearts" blade. The blades react encountering strong willed people. It has a banded holder and a crystal infused in the daggers. The crystal is red like blood. The first Dagger and the second Dagger (Both are the dark element).

Open Darkness: Upon slashing an opponent it creates a some sort of gateway to that opponent's fear. When slashed twice in the same spot, or near it, the opponent is overhelmed with great fear.

Clothes: He is always wearing a sleveless white t-shirt and straight white jeans. He also wears a white silk coat. On his t-shirt he has some stripes and chains, attached at it and wears black shoes. His gloves become like this (it's Susanou).


Dark Portal: Can open a portal no any world, in any place.

Dark Shield: Can creates a shield to most magics for a short period of time.

Limit (optional):

Madness Heart: When activated, Satix begins spin around the opponent, creates images of him and attacks from diferent positions.

Form(s) (optional):

Dark Form: Is always activated (like the normal form of Sora).

Advanced Form: The daggers grow bigger and fuse with Satix. While in this form, Satix is a ranged and close combat person. For ranged he shots mini daggers and in close combat his own arms are the daggers.

History: Satix was born from a thief. Satix was then discovered by the Organization 13 and was put on wait, untill approvation of a new member. After the fall of the Organization 13, Satix was tron apart but, he keep on training and gathering Nobodies.
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I don't wanna be bossy or anything but, could u guys/girls sum the 20 pages of RPG? I really don't have the time to read it all. I'm sorry if i'm bothering.
No worries man. Pretty much, everyone is stuck at Space Paranoids/Radiant Gardens. I am launching attack on both at the moment, Kai disappeared, and the remaining keyblade wielders are forced to try and kill me. oh and LLH is losing his mind somehow (read his last post) and i think that's about it.
well i was gunna ask for a summary of what had happened in my shortabsence BUT i guess that just sums it all up... thats right people, the longest Serving Keyblade wielder and cousin of Sora is BACK!!!
well he will be when he makes a couple of changes to his Bio anyway, expect that by the end of today.
Can i create a world to myself? If i can, the background is more or less like the world that Xemnas created but larger and wider. The main building would have 30 floors and they would be filled with Nobodies. New breeds of them. Each 5 floors, has one General. Some kind of Boss... I'll make the intro of it.

City of Memories

The world was filled with tall buildings, the streets filled with nobodies that fled after Xemnas fall. Some were granted even greater power and are now the Generals. The 6 Generals. Each with a diferent ability, each diferent and stronger. In the middle of the city was builted a 30 floor building. This one is the HQ of the new breed of nobodies. Satix, the new ruler of the Nobodies is situated in the last floor, while the 6 Generals are distribuited along the floors. This was called the Light Organization.