KH RP Signup and Discussion.

KK, here's Zack's updated profile!

Name: Zack

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown (looks like 15)

Race: Human

Side: Darkness

Appearance: Zack is about 5’3 and weights around 115 pounds, has spiky light brown hair, vibrant blue eyes and white skin that has been lightly tanned by spending just too much time in the outside. Zack wears a black cotton shirt that resembles Cloud’s a lot, over which he wears a navy blue zip jacket with silver-colored trimmings that he likes to keep open at all times. On his legs he wears a pair of thick, kind of loose, navy blue three-quarter pants with silver trimmings that grants Zack enough protection and mobility.

On his hands Zack wears a matching pair of fingerless gloves with reinforcement on the knuckles, giving him both protection as well as allowing him to use his hands as weapons. On his feet he wears a pair of boots and around his neck he wears a silver pendant with the head of a wolf engraved on its surface.


(Strenght modifier: +8, magic modifier: +2)

Reserved Keyblades:




·Curaga: Heals a lot of HP!

·Blizzaga: Launches a powerful spell that inflicts massive ice damage upon contact and has the chance to freeze the enemy.

·Firaga: Three fire-balls encircle Zack for a few seconds, causing everyone that comes into contact with them massive damage.

·Thundaga: Makes several thunders rain down from the heavens to strike the enemies.


Keyblade Abilities

·Dual Kick: The user uses slashes the enemy with an upward strike, raising him off the ground a couple of inches. The user then trusts his whole body upwards, hitting his opponent with two quick kicks while airbound. This attack causes light damage to the target.

·Blade Storm: The user uses his Keyblade to perform a series of quick trusts which attempt to pierce through the opponent’s body. This attack causes light to medium damage to the target. Two Keyblades may be used to increase the damage inflicted.

·Lion Fang: Zack uses all his strength to perform an upwards slash that raises his opponent off the ground a few inches which is then followed by a powerful downward slash which slams his opponent against the ground. This technique causes medium damage to the target.

·Dragon Hammer Strike: Zack plunges his Keyblade into the ground and performs a quick movement as he unleashes a large amount of energy which causes a small shockwave of energy and earth to cause medium damage to the opponent.

·Rave: Zack is able to throw his Keyblade towards an opponent and, once said weapon hits (or misses its target); the boy is able to summon it back to his hand. This technique causes medium damage and is able to hit far-away targets.

·Eightfold Slash: Zack uses his Keyblade to unleash a series of quick and yet strong slashes which causes medium damage to the target. This technique can be used with two Keyblades at the same time, hitting one single target eight times each. The Eightfold Slash can be used against multiple enemies.

·Crying Wolf: Zack raises his Keyblade above his head, stores a large amount of energy in it and then quickly brings it down with a downward slash. Just as the Keyblade is sent downwards, a large energy wave is fired of the weapon, causing medium to heavy damage to everything the energy wave hits. A variant of this attack can be performed using two Keyblades to increase the damage dealt.

Hand-to-hand combat abilities:

·Palm trust: The user attack the opponent with his open palm, trusting it into his body, aiming mostly for the head or any other vital spot. This attack causes light to medium damage, depending on where it lands.

·Somersault: An attack that causes light to medium damage to the opponent.

·Tornado Kick: The user performs a 360° spin, raising one leg as he spins. Using the momentum of the spin, the user jumps a bit, raising himself no more than an inch or two from the ground and then uses the opposite leg (the one that wasn't raised) to deliver a powerful kick to the sides or head of the enemy. This attack causes medium damage.

·Flying Knee: The user thrust his whole body into the air and uses his knee to hit the jaw of the opponent, causing medium damage. Another variant of the attack is using both legs to trust both fists upwards, hitting the jaw of the opponent and, just as the latter one staggers, thrust the whole body upwards, hitting the jaw again with the knee, causing heavy damage.

It's to be noted that these skills aren't that effective for defeating heartless, especially the ones wearing armor or the giant ones!

Limit: Unlimited Blade Works (Reality Marble)

A Reality Marble, also known as an Innate Bounded Field, is an extremely rare high-class sorcery that expands an enclosed alternate reality that is a physical representation of a user's soul. Within a Reality Marble, users are able to violate the laws of nature, the creation of an ideal battlefield.

Zack’s Reality Marble is called Unlimited Blade Works which manifests as an open, barren field that is littered with countless different Keyblades anchored to the ground like grave markers. (Think of the Secret Video found at KH2:FM+ and you’ll get what I mean).

Inside Unlimited Blade Works, Zack is able to reconstruct any bladed weapon just by seeing it. However, due to the limitation of the human mind, Zack is not able to fully comprehend the weapon he is trying to create and thus the copy will never be the same as the original. It’s for this reason that the copy’s stats are reduced by 2 (Say, the original keyblade has strength= 10, then the copy will have strength =8) and the durability of such is reduced as well (this means that a copy might break after during battle)

Inside the Reality Marble, the user is able to levitate the weapons inside, which allows him to make them hover into the sky and then rain them down on his opponents. Due to the fact that all the weapons inside UBW were created using his magic, only Zack is able to use actually pull them out of the ground and use them against his enemies. If anyone else tries to use them (without Zack’s consent) they will not be able to wield them and the weapon will self-destruct, releasing a huge amount of magical energy that will damage whoever is in range of the explosion. Zack is also able to release the magical energy used to create the keyblade copies by his own will.

Because a Reality Marble is something that bends the laws of nature, a huge amount of magic is needed to maintain it, since the world is trying to crush it. As such, Unlimited Blade Works consumes all of Zack’s magic (meaning that inside UBW he won’t be able to use magic at all), and this spell can only be maintained by a maximum of 15 minutes (around 7 posts) before the world crushes it. After casting this spell, Zack won’t be able to use it again during that day and he’ll enter into a state of great fatigue.

Forms: Dark Knight mode: Zack’s whole body is swallowed whole by darkness which suddenly materializes around the boy’s body, taking the form and consistence of a material similar to black metal, but it’s much harder and lighter than metal.

Inside this form, Zack’s strength and endurance is doubled and is able to manipulate darkness at will. This form is required to be able to use Unlimited Blade Works.


Zack grew up in a normal family in Hollow Bastion. When he was 6, his mother passed away during a strange accident. Even though Zack has asked his father several times about how his mother died, he always got the same response: “She died in an accident. Forget about it.” After the accident his father insisted on getting him trained in the combat arts, martial arts and swordsmanship specifically, at which he excelled.

On the day of his fifteenth birthday Zack came home from training and found that his house was ablaze and his dad was lying in a pool of blood just in front of the door. Several black figures stood nearby, each of which had a red heart somewhere on their bodies. This is where his story begins.
Impressive bio, Lightleonheart, I have plans for taking your character on, it involves your hand-to-hand combat vs. my own.
Impressive bio Lightleonheart.

i have added into my bio a Keyblade in which i want to reserve it's called the Nobody Keyblade and im sure you have all seen it but here is the link to the image in case you haven't. or you could check my Bio . i might re-post it and add some stuff to it soon, not sure though
Thaaanks! I figured that if Zack truly was a great warrior then his profile just had to be updated (especially after having gone bad:P) Wait till I use my reality marble! That's so gonna be fun! Shadow or another dark warrior should be there at that time, to make things more interesting xD
yea, i do hate when people become baddies, means more PVP's which in an RP like this one could get really repetitive, small posts too
Sorry it's taking me so long to answer! Just yesterday I came back from a trasatlantic flight and well, I'm tired as hell >_< Will post something later today but for now.... I'm off to buy food xD
*laughs as he is the most frequently ignored player*
i hate pvp fights, but for spice they can be necessary, if the participants are here posting more often. but i would prefer to carry on with the mission at hand
can i bring out my heartless? i created him quite a while ago and i want to test him out

Name: chaku

Gender: n/a

Age: just created

Race: heartless

Side: dark

Appearance: i made him up so until my scanner stops being retarded i cant have a picture but...

basically he is a 2.5ft floating red ball covered with wrappings. he has spots uncovered in the wrappings for his eyes and horns.

Weapon: gore horns and wrappings

Clothes: wrappings with blood stains here and there. sometimes seen with shikurama's old trench coat

Magic(optional): firaga and cure

death wrappings: unravels some of his wrappings and wraps them around the opponent and squeezes may cause broken bones and/or suffocation.

septagram saw(septagram is a 7 pointed star): creates a circle with a 7 pointed star inside. the circle and star are green but it has a red glow around it. obviously it cuts things.

Limit (optional): n/a

Form(s) (optional): corruption:
horns grow longer and sharper. chaku lights on fire(does not damage chaku)
during this time all of chaku's resistances go up 50% and strength doubles. lasts up to 15 minutes.

originally was of holy intent. but after a failed spell, intense hopelessness and unfulfillment filled the young man's mind. after passing out darkness took over his body, disentigrating it and in it's place leaving the malicious creature dubbed chaku.

using ms paint i made a simplified version of chaku but it is nowhere near as good as the actual drawing.

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Looks like Ozma, after coming back from the injuries caused by the FF9 group.

Nice drawing on MS paint kikinak
Sweet char dud,but with the High he might get mistaken for a Football (soccer) ball and get kicked off a roof or summit,
lol. he is a bit big for somebody to mistake for one of those. and while the pic i made on paint is good, the actual drawing of him is like, 50x better.
Whoever i am battling with ATM kill me, but make sure i go down one hit kills or anything
*blink blink* You should have said that sooner! (or at least before Zack disappeared >_<) Oh well...:P
*reads Spartan's post*

:holyshit: ZOMG! *gives Spartan a bear hug* Lol, I love ya! Love the plot twist ^_^ Will send you a PM, ok? :)
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PLot twist you say??? *contemplates whats going on*
i can't take it anymore *travels back to the Rp to read what happened*