KH RP Signup and Discussion.

Tipsynaruto, that is a good Bio, Shadow isn't around ATM so if you start posting I'm sure he wont mind as that is a good bio and i am aware how good an RPer you are from other RP's you are in... there shouldn't be a problem with you joining so just begin posting and Shadow shouldn't mind
Tipsynaruto, that is a good Bio, Shadow isn't around ATM so if you start posting I'm sure he wont mind as that is a good bio and i am aware how good an RPer you are from other RP's you are in... there shouldn't be a problem with you joining so just begin posting and Shadow shouldn't mind

*Totally agrees with what Kira just said* Yeah, knowing Shadow he wouldn't have anything against your bio, so just start posting:P
Indeed, shadow will approve your Bio as i am an experienced RPer, he knows that so he tends to like Bio's if he knows i have read them...

If this was My RP then i would have accepted that Bio so he should do
okay, thanks. All i need to do is read through the rp so i know whats going on. (300 posts!)
haha, just read the last i dunno...3-5 pages of Posts, that should make you perfectly caught up
well i only recenty came back, but since my return we have cleared Tron's world of heartless, and Radient Garden has come under attack from a large creature/spell/Ship that Destroys planets, Meaning most of us are fighting heartless, evacuating civillians or Helping Cid prepare the Gummi Evacuation ships
okay, gotcha, ill probably come in while you are running, killing some heartless.

Btw, YOU killed Sora?! (only read the last few pages)
NOOOOOOOOOO Sora is my cousin, i killed Kai who was my nobody, and kinda a cousin to Sira aswell considering he had all of my memories.
New guy, your accepted. i am trusting Kai's judgment again, both as a fellow rper and the fact that he is my senior in our little guild.
Lol, I too thought you had killed Sora! Had planned a little something to surprise you all but I guess it won't work.... Oh well, back to thinking! -_-
You hate him, don't you?:P Meh, my bad, totally misunderstood! So forget it ^^; BTW, hope you're liking the whole turn of events ^_^
Oh my, Radiant Gardens are messed up and i haven't done a thing. Those Heartless will pay for that. I planned to put something like that (not the Crusher but, k). Even so, can the nobodies delay the attack or is that agaisnt your line of thoughts?
Yea , it is under attack but we are evacuating eople from the planet so it should be alright.

also my character has History with Aerith so could Y'all not steal her...thanks
Well, dunno if Nobodies can survive in the outer space :gasp: The only thing I think you'd be able to delay the attack is by infiltrating their ship ^^; so I dunno... You can delay it if you want:P That'll give the rest of us enough time to get out before RG disappears :P