KH RP Signup and Discussion.

W-woah! Shadow looks strong! ^^; BTW..... Heaven's Wrath and Hell's Fury.... I know I've heard those names in a game before.....uhh, could it be Fable? Either way, he looks awesome :P
Question: Am i able to make some edits to my bio?

Shadow looks strong, can't wait to take on (and have a higher chance of losing & dying)
Yep Fable, it's one of my favorite games. And of course Shadow is strong, he is supposed to be the heartless side of Luka. Luka was pretty powerful, he gave in to Kai. Shadow shows no mercy, and will fight fiercer then Luka. Be prepared for the fight of your life. Course if you win, i will have to disappear for a time to come up with their unified bio, so please hold off on killing me for a time ok? And yes, you can post updated versions of your bio as, say, you learning new abilities as the story goes on.
I knew it! And yeah, Fable is awesome! Love the way in which you get a horn and flies follow you around if you're bad:P
omg title!

Name: shikurama

Gender: male

Age: 19

Race: human.

Side: light



keyblade name: heaven
atk: 4
mp: 6
ability: +2 mp when using a cure spell

Clothes: a weighted, black trench coat that he takes off in battle to improve speed. underneath is a maroon short sleeved shirt and blue jeans

Magic(optional): curaga and blizzaga

Abilities: holy blitz, similar too sephiroth's shadow flare, surrounds enemy with orbs of light, when aimed at light aligned people, will heal 20% of any health they have lost; keybeam, shoots a small but powerful laser beam from the tip of the keyblade.

Limit (optional): judgement halos, sends out three golden rings that form somewhat of an orb around a single enemy, trapping them, at which point each ring sends out a peircing laser towards the center of the orb.

Form(s) (optional): enlighten, glows with a bright golden light, atk, mp, and speed is all doubled. form lasts untill all mp is used, once form ends, 1/2 of the mp he had before he went into his form is regained(does not count for extra form time).

History: despite his dark appearence, he is a man of god who has practicaly memorized the bible. Practically the lords right hand man, he seeks out all who dare to disturb peace, and banishes them. at the age of 15 he was presented with a gift, the heaven keyblade...
pretty good Kiki, you may want to add in more abilities as you go. Nice pics to, where does everyone find these frikin pics man? Ah well, welcome in. Expect the other people to join as well.
pretty good Kiki, you may want to add in more abilities as you go. Nice pics to, where does everyone find these frikin pics man? Ah well, welcome in. Expect the other people to join as well.
not sure about everybody else but i just type in "anime character" on google and it usually gives good results.
Heya Kikinak! Nice bio you got there! Oh, and you managed to get a pic of Kamui (I think that's Kamui, right?). Well, the RP's taking place in the Editor's Section (in Sphere Theater) Here's a link to the RP:

Nice to have you with us! ^_^

*EDIT* No waaaay! Shadow, you beat me! >_<
i have no idea who the person originally was or where he was from, i just found his pic, thought it looked cool, and used it.
Well, that guy's from an anime called X or something like that. Haven't finished seing the series (am stuck at episode 6/7 out of 24 or so). It's kinda weird but interesting at teh same time. The main character (the one in your pic)'s called Kamui and he has the power to decide the fate of the earth...either save it or destroy it. Meh, you'll have to see it to understand what I'm trying to say ^^;
OMG, dammit Shadow your alter ego is threatening the worlds already, i at least thought i would have time to empty my bladder and have a pint to celebrate my success of killing your nodody

EDIT: new bio
-Name: Kai (last name isn’t used)
-Race: Human
-Gender: Male
-Side: Light
-Age: 18

Hair- short styled brown
Eyes- blue
Complexion- clear skinned
Build-Quite muscular
Tattoos- he has a tribal design on the top of his right arm and the names of his family down the back of his neck (see history)
Attire- black skin tight T-shirt and blue Denim jeans, White trainers that fasten with Velcro and a Belt with a large buckle on it, the buckle is dependant on Kai's mood as he has a variety of buckles to choose from, including an eagle, a cross and a skull and cross bones.
Armor: doesn't wear armour
-First Impression: some people believe he is a mercenary due to his build and alot of women think he is attractive

-Personality: Kind hearted and funny.

-Weapon(s): Dual Keyblades (Alpha (red) and Omega(blue))
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-Magic:master of the thunder element, curative and protective.
Cura-heals moderate damage, with slight energy drain
Protect- raises barrier to defend from physical attacks, slight energy drain
Shell- raises barrier to defend from magic attacks, slight energy drain
all thunder spells- varying amounts of thunder damage

-Skills: master swordsman and quite strong mage

-Strengths: a physically strong fighter who is quite fast.

-Weaknesses: weaknesses are extreme heat and fire magic, cannot cast black magic.

-Forms: has the ability to transform into the same forms that Sora had (including the shadow form) when it is required.

-Quick History: when he was 10 years old his village was destroyed and his family killed. Kai then went on a quest searched the world for his families killer, at 16 Kai discovered he was one of the chosen few to wield a keyblade, he then chose to use two at the same time. He discovered the Oathkeeper at 17 and the rapture at 18, Kai now travels the worlds helping those in need.

after fighting with these Keyblades he had them transformed into the Alpha and Omega when he earned the right to wield his most powerful weapon.
You really think i'm going to give you a break? HELLS NO you gotta kill my dark side before i can dust off my own Keyblade wielder to help out. Then you get a break, but not before.
dammit *downs Pint and goes for a pee* lets hop to it then shall we.

and Shadow please remember to post my updated Bio on your characters thread
It's already on there. Meanwhile, you guys get to fight two dark side warriors, myself and Koffin. Koffin you get an ally now!
ooo really *phones the British army*great, there to busy to come help, looks like we gotta do it guys...sorry
Man, I thought you knew you couldn't count with the army! They're claim they're always busy, but in reality all they do is have fun in their base, pushing those assignments on us...and then they take the credit! Can you believe it? Gosh....xD