KH RP Signup and Discussion.

Way to dawn, why don't you copy and paste your Bio to this page so it is easier for Shadow to read,
here is my bio

Name: Light Achuro

Gender: Male

Age: Looks 23 real age unknown
Race:Human, the basic race of a human

Side: Light sides on the well light side

-White Hair
-Athletic Body Build
-At a height of 5'9
-Weighs at 190lbs
- complexion is a light tan
Weapon: Dual Weild: Road To The Night Keyblade&Energy Keyblade


Clothes: Light wears Grey pants with a white dragon design throughout the pants legs. He has a Blue shirt that he wears a lot and he also comes with a chain that he wears all the time, its silver chain with a crown pendent.His shoes are Grey nothing special about his shoes they are just regular wearing shoes.

Magic(optional): light has control of everything Light so if there is anything that can be made up of light he can bring that to himself and use it to his advantage.

Light Manipulation:this ability allows Light to control the purest of the worlds light energy and he can even produce mini stars and fire them at enemy.

Light Serge:This move allows Light to gather the light energy from the trees and living organisms around him and transfer it to weapons and allow thenm to glow and fire White projectiles.

Cosmos: This move allows Light to call upon the universes light and is able to bring it down in a meteor shower form and it does damage throughout the whole area.

Limit (optional): Excalibur Redemption: This moves requires Light to go into his Light Dragon Paladin form and he starts to glow white and he gathers all of the light energy in the surrounding area and all of that energy gets gathered into a star like figure and comes down and shoots down its target and thus causing a massive explosion

Form(s) (optional): light Dragon Paladin: this form is a form that Light developed himself by channeling his power into his soul and its released into a light dragon warrior form in which he has white wings, light Grey twin tails. He is able to produce lots of Light Energy spheres and control them in any way he wants to.

Quick History: When light was 11 years old he was an orphan and brought into a wealthy family who taught him to always do the right thing. He was a bit of a troublemaker only because he had a lot of excess energy and he was always kept safe from danger. About 3 years later he was put in charge of the family's business, and he soon was offered the president position, but he declined instead he told his family that he rather roam around the world. So now he roams the world always in his dragon paladin searching for his quest in life
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For the record way to dawn the road to night's name is actually the ancient but it's ur Keyblade call it what you will
welcome to the RP and try not to get into trouble, i already have to save everyone's asses and kill Luka so i kinda have a full todo list
Lol! Took me a while, but welcome to the RP! Both of you ^^ Meh, Kai sure looks busy xD Well, after all this is done he'll be able to take it easy.... or not:P
yea, considering Kai is King Mickey's personal guard he has to be busy, and fairly good.

but seriously guys, after this he is soooo going on vacation to agrabah or someplace hot, hopefully heartless free aswell lol
Lol, I sure bet he needs them! Seriously, he has had no break ever since the RP started xD. All work and no rest is no fun ^_^
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your telling me. so once Luka is dead you guys think you could ummm. stop throwing Heartless and nobodies at me for a while?
myself and lightleonheart are in a realm of darkness with Luka, Fayd and whoever else are in the RP are currently in Disney Castle
Shadow's bio! prepare for darkness's turn to play hehehe.

Name: Shadow

Gender: male

Age: 16

Race: human

Side: Dark

Appearance:pretty much, he is a human colored like a shadow.

Weapon: shadow scythe, scythe. strength modifier:5, magic modifier:5, Ability: finishing touch, final blow in combo attack unleashes beams of shadow out of Shadow, dealing damage to surrounding foes and massive damage to target.

Clothes: black robe with a heartless symbol on the back

Magic: Firaga: deals massive fire damage to an enemy.
Blizzaga: deals massive ice damage to an enemy.
Demi: cuts opponent's strength in half

Abilities: umbra orb: launches orb of shadow at a foe
dark flare: beam of darkness strikes down a nearby enemy, blinding it.
shadow recuperation: heals allies with the power of shadows.
Shadow steal: Shadow assumes the form of his opponent's shadow, allowing him to use his opponent's abilities with half strength.

limit: Hell's fury: Shadow becomes enraged, gathering darkness around him, he changes his scythe into twin Deathbringer blades and strikes down those of light. Then he reforms his scythe and launches orbs of shadow in wide area, causing those who are caught to be afflicted with a small posion. Finally, he strikes the ground, opening a rift between Hell and the world, causing fire to engulf the place.

Form(s): frenzy form:Shadow turns into an devil and unleashes his power over darkness. during this time, he wields a deathbringer blade. and is twice as powerful. lasts for an hour.

History: Shadow was once completely whole and had a different name. however he was attacked by heartless at age 10 and he split in two, his nobody form and his heartless form. Shadow now wields the power of darkness in his fury so as to condemn all to his fate.

now i am on the evil side, so be prepared for a fight!
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