KH RP Signup and Discussion.

Oh well, can't rely on the military to do our job anyway.

Edit on my Bio:

Name: John

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Race: Hume

Side: Light

Appearance: Brown Hair, Blue Eyes, Skinny (roughly 135 lbs), Roughly Mid-Sized in Height (6')


Keyblade: Morning Star

Keychain: 8-Pointed Star (Used in Ace Combat 6 as the Emmerian AF roundel)
Description: A Katana-styled Keyblade with a 8-Pointed Star forming the key. The Handle is Diamond-shaped with a grip at the center.
Special Ability: Combo Plus
Physical: +8
Magic: +2

Clothes: Wears a Blue T-Shirt that has the Southern Cross insignia (the Constellation Crux) and grey Short Pants.

Thunder Spells (Thunder/ara/aga) (Deals Thunder Damage to the enemy, varies with power)
Reflect/ga (Reflects Ranged and Magic Spells back to the enemy)
Fire Spells (Fire/ra/aga) (Deals Massive Fire Damage to the Enemy,varies with power)
Cure Spells (Cure/ra/aga) (Heals John or his allied, varies with power)


Excalibur's Light: Fires a Blue Light from his palm, deals damage depending on how long the target is hit with it and the type of target (named enemies will take a little over 3 minutes with the beam, while shadows are wiped out in as little as 2 seconds.)

Fire Blast: John flies up and fires 5 large fireballs at the enemy each of them homing and damaging all targets. It deals moderate fire damage to all enemies.

Limit: Final Overture: John's key glows in a bright blue light, he charges at the enemy, slashing him at least 8 times before he blasts him with an energy-based attack. the Blade does .25 times normal damage per blade hit and .5 times for the energy attack.


Pheonix Form: Eyes turn red and sprouts a single red angels wing on his back, Last usually for 30 minutes, adds Fire damage to regular attacks. Is capable of using the Ability "Fire Blast"

History: He lost his family, friends and his world, Gracemeria, at age 15, however, his resolve to never give in to his darkness, allowed him to wield the Keyblade. He searches the worlds looking for a way to bring back his world.

Is this good.
i got bored so i made this diagram of shikurama's moves. they are (in order from left to right, top to bottom) holy blitz, judgment halos, and then keybeam.

im so happy about how good it all turned out, i made it all from scratch on ms paint ^_^
very nice Kikinak. Very impressive. I will try to remember how these work so as to not do anything stupid while RPing. Everyone else should do the same.
hey guys sorry i aint posted in a while, i have given you a nice big one. and also just so you know here is my new weapon

Everyone should recognize that weapon from the game. Anyways, you guys get a break from my evil plans. I really hate being evil, i really, really do. Anywho, enjoy yourselves. I shall post my attack in 2 days. Break time is over after that.
hey shadow do you mind my character turning part demon? if you want i can kill him or have his extra skills taken off him, its more a curse really though, sure he can fly but if he sleeps he gets painful nightmares XD cos im evil like that also is it ok to have a second character??
dont worry mate we have all been there at some point, the homework thing i mean and most the guys have been there for the rest too. oh and shadow, i dont think i want this guy to die, didnt know about the one character allowance my mistake :)
Sweeet! Those two days will sure be helpful! We all need a break!.....with the exception of a certain someone who just seem 'glued' to Zack, if you know what I mean :P BTW, enjoy my post! I loved how it turned out ^_^

BTW! You guys can at least wonder where Zack is! Jeeez, he came along with you aboard the ship, then suddenly disappears and nobody misses him? You guys are heartless! (lol, just kiddin' :P)
guys i might be less active around here due to a new Girlfriend who is demanding alot of my time,and college starting back up today is gunna take the rest of it i gotta cut down on actiity
Aight then Kai. Meanwhile, i got bored, so you guys should go visit Tron's realm.

EDIT: hey guys new idea i got from another RP. Why don't we select theme music for our battles and post them here? that way we can get into the RP a bit better. Here's the link to the music for battles involving myself:
you can find a better version of it if you wish. BTW i know this is from the game, you may use music from elsewhere to though!
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ok for all my battles i will be using "Disturbed- down with the sickness" and for my other morerelaxed posting events i will use "versailles - zombie" would post the link but i have got them on my computer so i dont need the link, also i cant be bothered linking them, just pointing out i will be using these songs =D there you go :D i hope you dont mind my demonic intuition guiding me in the right direction shadow, it doesnt give me too much of an advantage and at any moment you could cause my mind to corrupt, if you so wish...
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