Kingdom Hearts

Siegfried watched as Sago walked towards them. He felt something strange on Sago, as if he were the one behind all this. "Sago what are you doing? Don't tell me you are behind all this!! You traitor" Pointing his keyblade at Sago he said: "Kuja! Sago must be somehow behind all this, I'm certain of that. Come on! We must save our land from the evil that threatens to destroy us. It is our duty, as Masters of the Keyblades, to stop the forces of darkness." Then, Siegfried ran towards Sago weilding his Soul Keyblade. When he reached Sago, he stood in front of him and he challanged Sago to a battle: "Sago, what are you doing?! That purple energy ball...arghh...SAGO! Are you the one behind all this?! Tell me now!" Siegfried knew somehow that Sago was behind the hearless' attacks, so he decided to stop Sago from destroying this world. This will surelly be the beginning of a fierce battle between Good and Evil.
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Sago smiled at Siegfried's questions and then replied " ah only faith truly knows who is the true enemy ". Then Sago pointed the tip of his katana at Siegfried and then said in a cocky tone "anyway why would she tell a weakling like you ".
Kuja start to glow black as he says "No your Sago wrong and now I'll show you why." as Kuja rushes at Sago he yells "Shadow magic transformation: Anti-Form." and Kuja becomes with the darkness as Kuja vanishes into the darkness.
Sago reappeared and Siegfried smiled at Sago's last answer and then he replied: "Well, I don't trust her either. Ok, time to quit this pointless conversation...." Suddenly, a powerful holy aura began to emanate from Siegfried's body and then, pointing his Soul Keyblade at Sago, he said: "Show me what you are made of!! I'm going to teach you who is the true weakling around here! I will stop you!! Then Siegfried asked Kuja: "Hey Kuja...let's see if he has what it takes to face the awsome power of the Masters of the Keyblade!" And so, the battle between these great warriors was about to begin.

PS: Kentaro, if you agree, the battle could end in a draw.
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Sago smiled at Siegfried's answer and then responded "we will see who is the weakling wont we ".

P.S Ok i agree S.Leonhart
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Siegfried rushed towards Sago at an amazing high speed. Both blades clashed in the air and a fierce battle began. Sago fought Siegfried with all his strenght and Siegfried did the same. Thunders and lightnings filled the air and a black sky ruled the heavens. Siegfried attacked Kentaro with quick, strong attacks and Sago blocked every attack with his sword. Both fighters were giving it thier all in order to win this battle, but Siegfried and Sago's strenght were equal. The battle seemed to be endless as Sago and Siegfried fought through the whole area. Suddenly both fighters stopped and stood at different sides of the area, looking at each other. Siegfried began to speak at Sago: "Not bad. So, it seems that our powers are even. I feel that this fight will be endless somehow. But, it doesn't matter, we are having fun. aren't we? Shall we continue?"

PS:The theme Song of this battle is the same that is played at the Battle of Virgil and Dante in DMC3. I don't remember that song's name.
I think that the theme song of Kuja's most powerful transformation should be Sephiroth's "One Winged Angel" song from AC. What do you think about this Xehanort's Nobody?
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Kuja appears behind Sago and says "My turn to have fun." As he grabs Sago and yells at Sieg "Get him now Sieg it your only chance." As Kuja struggles to keep Sago held.
Sago smiled and replied "Yes this is fun ".Sago then pointed his sword at Seigfried and spoke too him " you will always be weak because of the sorrow in your heart".

Then he felt kuja who was holding him and shouting too Seigfried.
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Siegfried then saw this as his only chance. "Kuja, at the count of three we shall use our most powerful attack. Let him go and attack when I finish counting.! two! thr... " Before Siegfried could finish counting, there was a big explosion in the island and Sago was able to escape. The land began to shake, thunders and lightnings filled the fierce dark heavens, and a huge heartless crawled out from the dark energy ball. Siegfried reacts surprised as Sago stood beside the huge heartless. Siegfried began to speak: "Well, that's really a big heartless. Let's get them!! The bigger they are the harder they fall!! Kuja! It's time for our finishing move! Dark Session!"

PS: Theme song of this battle:
Haunted, from Evanences.
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Both fighters power began to increase. Kuja and Siegfried began to attack the huge heartless at the same time, fighting it at an amazing high speed. They dealt random powerful blows, one after another. At one point, Siegfried hurled his keyblade at the huge heartless, attacking it with a powerful blow and Kuja catched Sieg's Keyblade, then Kuja did the same and hurled his keyblade, attacking the same huge heartless again, and Siegfried catched Kuja's keyblade. Then they repeated that very same movement again, with a force stronger than the last time. Siegfried and Kuja stood at both sides of the huge monster. Siegfried yelled at Kuja: "Here we come! Kuja it's time for our grand finale, the twilight swords!! Both Kuja and Siegfried rushed through their enemy at the speed of light, leaving a trail of fire behind them as the huge heartless disappeared in the darkness. Siegfried said this with a big smile on his face: "We did it haha! Now Sago, where were we?"

PS:The them song of the next battle is :
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After defeating the giant heartless Kuja is paralyzed as he start to float the giant orb of darkness as he floats he yells "You can't have me I no longer yours now leave me alone." As Kuja asrobed into it.
Sago again with a smile on his face after what Seigfried said so he replied "ah well i was kicking your butt but you and that ill leave that for him too tell you are both going too lose".He the pointed his katana at both of them untill kuja got asorbed and just pointed his katana at Seigfried
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Siegfried watched as the huge ball of darkness absorved Kuja. "Not this time!! You won't take my friend away!! Here it is!! Soul Charge!! Siegfried charged his power and then he hurled his shining keyblade at the dark energy ball, but it was too late, Kuja is gone. The storm began to get violent. Thunders and lightnings began to fill the black sky even more fiercely than before. "Damn you Sago!! I shall make you pay!" And so Siegfried began to attack Sago and their battle started all over again.
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As Kuja falls he start to change into heartless what he originally was before he broke off.

As Kuja hits the ground he gets up and says in dark voice "Give up you weaklings before you are part of the darkness." As he pulls out 2 keyblades the heartless one and the oblivion.
Once Sago saw kuja transform he spoke to kuja "ah finally you show your true form Kuja im sure you will show them what a true heartless is ".
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Siegfried saw as Kuja escaped from the clutches of darkness. He noticed some changes on Kuja, but he knew it was him. "You can't fool me Kuja, I know you are here! Well it's good to see you are back!! Come on let's send this monsters back to hell!!" Siegfried began to unleash the true power of his keyblade. His eyes glowed white, his keyblade shined with a holy aura and it began to leave a trail of fire as Siegfried attacked Sago.
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Yuna stood there, staring at the door. She wasn't exactly sure what to do. Kuja had told her to stay put, Sieg had told her it didn't matter whether she came or not.

Then she heard the noise coming from outside. She was sure that something bad was going on. Immediately, she rushed out and saw Sago, Sieg, and Kuja fighting.
Kuja turns to sago and says "It true I'm back but I'm ordered to get rid of both of you." Kuja walks to the middle and says "Now will fight or surrender?"
Sago began to laugh at what Kuja said and then replied to him "same old kuja well kuja why dont you kill him and then we can fight".

Sago began walking away from Siegfried and kuja and towards Yuna.
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