Kingdom Hearts

OOC: I will post as soon as Faith Crest can catch us. Ohh and I will also use the character of Sephiroth and Aiden Silverlake, Siegfried's long lost brother.

Sieg and Yuna arrived at the Halloween Town. At the town's entrance, they were welcomed by a strange man, well he was more like an skeleton. The man's name was Jack Skelington, and he was known as the Pumpkin King.

"Hello strangers! Welcome to Halloween Town the spokiest Town in the whole universe! My name is Jack Skellington, a.k.a the Pumpkin King! May I know the name of our guests of honor?"

Sieg replies with a smile "My name is Siegfried and they are Yuna, Donald ,and Goofy. We are searching for our friend here. Our friend's name is Faith Crest, have you seen her?"
OCC: Pic of Gate Guardians I'm the middle, Suijin is the on the left, and Kazejin is the one on the right.

Kuja walks out of the dark portal and appears in Halloween Town's main square and says "This world belongs to the heartless now." as Kuaj says that bunch of wight knights and shadows appear and start to destroy everything.
Sieg then noticed a man in a black armour giving orders to the heartless. Sieg drew his weapon the Soul Keyblade and then he went slashing through his enemies, running towards the mysterious man who was summoning these monsters. Siegfried stood in front of the man pointing hios keyblade at him. "You! You must be the one behind all this! Tell me where is Faith Crest!
OOC: Remember, guys, only about two posts per day. D:

Yuna stood watching as Sieg yelled at the man. She really was getting tired of all this fighting. She knew she was going to have to deal with it anyway, but that didn't change anything. Another thing was this world. it was just too strange. Seriously, they were greeted by a skeleton! She was getting quite annoyed by her "disguise," too. It was extremely long, and she kept thinking she was going to trip over the hem. She had even tripped on the way out of the Gummi Ship.

Sighing, she raised her staff, prepared to fight, if need be. She hated the fighting, but if she had to, she'd fight.
OOC: My last post for today.
Siegfried replies with a confident laugh at Kuja's words. "You are the one who should stay out of my way if you don't want to get hurt! I will never let you take Sis away you miserable monster!" After that, another keyblade appeared in Sieg's left hand with a Keychain similar to Kuja's Heartless Emblem.
"Let me see what you are made of....En garde!"
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OOC: This is also my last post today.

IC: What does he want me for? Yuna thought. She had been wondering a lot lately, why all the Heartless seemed to be attacking her, too. Back in Traverse Town, especially. And now Kuja had gone evil again, and whatever he was planning...had something to do with her. I guess that spell I did failed...
OCC: Mine to

Kuja laughs and says "Another time maybe right now I have job to do." Kuja
vanishes and appears behind Yuna and grabs her and vanishes into dark portal while saying "She not your to protect anymore Sieg."
The huge Heartless rose behind Faith. She turned to see it rise and saw that many force fields had appeared that would not allow her to leave. "Crap ..." she muttered under her breath. There was no way to escape. The more smaller Heartless began to appear with that huge Heartless. What could she do? Faith was tough in her martial arts, but would she last? The answer would soon be revealed.

She glanced at her gloves and kissed her right hand. I'm not going to let them get me. Your sacrifice won't be in vain, father. With a loud scream, she charged at the Heartless. She began to punch, kick and duck. It was all that she could do. Faith had little power, but it didn't mean that she would just give up like that. I need help. Where was that man with that sword? He could help me, but ... The Armour Heartless smacked in the ground and narrowly missed her. Faith gulped. "I am so doomed," she said to herself.
"She not your to protect anymore Sieg."
Sieg saw as Kuja disappeared taking Yuna with him. He was there, almost in shock, witnessing how he failed to protect his family once more. Sieg fell to his knees, staring at the ground while the heartless where surrounding him. "I failed, I failed once again.....Sis I'm sorry......" Suddenly a deep hatred towards Kuja and the heartless was born deep inside of him. Wielding both keyblades he rushed towards the heartless slashing and sending his oponents flying miles away from left to right. After a few moments he was able to destroy every heartless that was attacking Halloween Town. "May your darkness be released by the mercy of my blade....." Then, his keyblades disappeared and then he ran towards the Gummy Ship with Donald and Goofy following him. "We are heading back to Traverse Town" Sieg says while taking the ship's controls. Flying at top speed he went towards the woorld in which he first saw Kuja after the disaster at Destiny Islands.

After flying through the attacking heartless ships for a few minutes he was able to arrive at Traverse Town. When he arrived, he saw a huge armored heartless attacking Faith Crest. "Faith!" Without losing a single second, he lands the ship and then he rush towards Faith in order to help her.
Then Sieg draws his keyblade "It's been a long time Faith....".
Yuna screamed as Kuja grabbed her from behind.

"Let go of me!" she yelled.

She then began kicking him as best as she could from her current position. He was her friend...but that wasn't going to stop her from protecting herself whenever she needed to.

As she saw the dark portal form around her feet, she immediately knew that Kuja definitely wasn't' himself anymore. He truly had gone to the darkness. Yuna hung her head. She had failed to save him. If only she had been better with her white magic...maybe the spell would have been strong enough to keep the darkness out of his heart.
OOC: Sieg returned to Traverse Town in order to search for some clues about Yuna's disappearance. In there he saw Faith Crests who was surrounded by a group of heartless. He ran towards her in order to help her.
As Kuja emerged from dark portal he looks at Yuna and says "I know what your thinking you failed. But you didn't I joined them again for a reason. But now you are needed for more pressing matter Princess."

As Kuja put Yuna on the floor group of neo-shadows grab Yuna.

Kuja looks at Yuna and turns and says "Sorry Yuna." As he vanishes into another dark portal.
Princess? Yuna thought.

But she didn't have time to think about that. When she turned around, she saw the Neo-Shadows appearing around her. She immediately took her staff and began smacking them away, casting Thunder spells whenever she had the chance. She just hoped she would be able to hold them off long enough for someone to come and find her...
Yai awoke, he had hit his head and blacked out, the last thing he remembered was a white flash and then...nothing. "Ouch, where is everyone?" his clothes were torn, his hair was a mess, and he was alone. "Hello?!"
"Hey! Sieg!" said Faith. "And I thought that I was so doomed as well. I got myself into a little SITUATION." She glanced at the Heartless all around her. "They were trying to take my heart, I think. These creatures, I've encountered them before. They're called Heartless." She lowered her head and remembered the time when she and her father were here in Traverse Town trying to fight them off. But only Faith had survived.

She bashed her knuckles together. No! I'm not afraid! I can't be afraid anymore. "I have to fight them," she said to Sieg. "Are you in? Or out?" But then her eye caught the attention of the Keyblade in his hand. Can it truly be? The Keyblade?
"Well it seems that you are in a real bad sitiuation." He ran through the heartlesss slashing through them from left to righ. After that he made a sudden stop only to witness that more heartless were appearing from the darkness. "Shit, this will never end, unless...."He stared at Faith for a few moments. "Ohh well, I don't know if you can wield this but..." Sieg drew yet again another keyblade, this one with the emblem of Griever (FFVIII).Then he tossed one of his keyblades to Faith hoping she could use the power of the keyblade. "Catch!"
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As Kuja walks thorugh the dark portal Kazejin appears in front of him and says "Way to go Sanga you caught princess now get the other one while I send friend to get her heart."

Kuja walks past Kazejin and says "So be it I'll get her and then report back." Kuja walks through dark portal to TT.
As the Heartless kept appearing, Yuna started to lose hope. This had been going on for at least an hour already...and no one had come yet. But she still continued to fight. She had decided..even if there was no hope...she'd keep fighting. Until the end.

But she still couldn't stop thinking about what Kuja had said. What did he mean by 'Princess?' But it was too hard to think while attacking the Heartless with her spells.

Frustrated, Yuna screamed, whacking her staff at the Heartless, trying to keep them away. A bright light came out of the staff. When it was gone, it seemed like something was holding the Heartless back.

"What the...?"

Whatever she had wouldn't work for long. At least...that was her guess. She sat down on the ground. It was then she noticed she was still in the same stupid outfit she had to wear in Halloween Town...minus the hat.

Yuna looked back over at the Heartless. They were already starting to break through whatever barrier she had managed to create in front of them. She stood up, raising her staff. It looked like she was going to have to matter what...
Kuja walks into district 1 of TT as he does he hears people scream and run away as heartless appear and start to take their hearts Kuja walks towards District 3 uncaring about the incident.