Kingdom Hearts

OOC: I have time now.

IC: Yai landed a barrage of punches and kicks on the Heartless. "Where the hell are they coming from?" He casted a few blizzard spells to cut a path and ran. A large heartless with an emblem (Guard Armor) and floating limbs "Holy crap."
Siegfried saw Yai joining the fight. "Yai! It's good to see you are fine!! Perfect timing! Now, help Yuna and me to clean this place form all this monsters!! Siegfried resumed his attacks on Iro. We can see as Siegfried's keyblade clashed with Iro's Heartless sword. They both jumped and they fought restlessly in mid air. Iro used his sword and he pushed back Siegfried. Siegfried rished back towards Iro and he unleashed countless attacks against Iro and he blocked almost every attack of Siegfried. Yuna was casting spells at the heartless and Yai was fighting with all his strenght, trying to protect Yuna from any attack. "What do you want?!" Siegfried says and then Iro answers: "I just want the girl....she is one of the seven princeses of heart and...ohhh, I wasn't supposed to tell you that...ohh well, you are going to die anyway.." After that, Siegfried and Iro battled with great skill. The seemed to be endless but, at the last moment, Siegfried jumped, avoiding Iro's attack, and then he hurled the keyblade at his enemy. "Sis, Yai....I guess it's time to finish him off.....Let's test our new special move....Trinity Limit! Before he could start the special move, Siegfried noticed the large heartless with an emblem. "Ohh..not again!! Yuna, Yai, take care of the large heartless! I'll take care of this guy!"
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Siegfried used one of his special moves in order to finish Iro onec and for all. "Take this!!! Final Rush!!! Siegfried rushed at high speed towards Iro, but his enemy was able to survive the attack. Iro opened a portal and said: " are strong....guess I'll have to take care of you later....remember, Yuna is one of the princeses of heart and I will come back for her...heheheahahahahaha...see you later.." after this, Iro left, disappearing into the darkness of the portal.
Siegfried saw as the last heartless were disappearing in the darkness. Then he aproached Yuna and he asked: "Hey Sis, do you know what are they talking about? Why do they call a the princes of heart?"
Kuja tired of following Sago vanishes onto the roofs and runs along the roof tops and spots Yuna, Sieg, and Sai all fighting he sits back and watches thinking "Let see how strong they are." and watches the whole fight.
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OCC:From now on i wont control Iro or Alisa yous can if you want them too continue in the story.

ICC: Once Sago noticed that Kuja stopped following him he began to laugh he then spoke to himself "good he dosent know target 13 is actually Seig and the lady i was talking too is actually called Alisa the famous assasin that no man can stand up too her charms".
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Siegfried then noticed a strange object on the ground. "Hey Sis, look its merging with the other fragment we found earlier...hmm strange..I guess this must be somekind of artifact or something......" Then, Siegfried heard a voice comingf from behind: "That's a Gummy Block, and it is used to build ships that can travel across the worlds...hmmmm...HUH? Goofy look, he has the keyblade! Then the other guy answered: "Gwarsh, that's right, we found him! Now we can search for the King!" Siegfried was confues and then he asked: "Woah, woah wait a minute, are you telling me that you can travel to other worlds using this thing?" The little duck answered: "Yeah you seems that you are the master of the keyblade, please would you come with us?" Siegfried replied: "Ohh, I don't know.....I'm searching for my friends.....but if you need my help then...." Goofy says: "You can come with us and look for your friends in the Gummy Ship! Come on let's go!!" Siegfried turned to look Yuna and he says: "What do you think? We need a a way to travel to other worlds and if we stay here, the heartless will keep attacking us, I guess we should go with them..." Then, Siegfried saw Kuja aproaching them...
Kuja turns to Sieg and Yuna and says "I have other means of getting there and right now I have some unfinshed business to take care of here so I'll meet you there." start to walk away and then throws rod at Yuna and says "this should help you from now on." and vanishes.

Yuna obtained the rod of dreams.
Siegfried turned around and says: "Don't worry Sis, we will see him again...So, where's the ship?" Goofy and Donald pointed at the strange ship that was descending from the sky. Donald then says: "Here is the Gummy Ship, alright let's move on to the next world!" Then Yuna, Siegfried, Donald and Goofy began to aboard the ship, they are now ready to travel to the next world.

OOC: Please select our next destination:
Olympus Colloseum
Halloween Town
Hallow Bastion
OCC:I wont post untill its the right time for S.Leonhart because my character is going to be repetitive if my character keeps fowllowing the main characters all the time.

Sago went into the bar and sat on a stool next to the bartender who gave
him his drink.After Sago finished his drink the bartender asked him "so how did it go".Sago replied "It went fine i guess ".The bartender then gave sago another glass and said "Sarago you wont win this game".Sago shouted at the bartender "Dont call me that name anymore!!".The bartender then replied "Fine but remember this when they leave its up to the peices of the board so you and me cant get invovled untill the time comes ".Sago spoke to the bartender "when that time comes your side will lose and darkness will win".
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OOC: Halloween Town! >:]

IC: "Yeah, you're right...." Yuna said, holding the staff Kuja had given her.

She began boarding the strange ship. She immediately knew this wasn't going to be the best time of her life. Yuna had seen the duck talking to the dog (or whatever it was). He didn't seem very nice. And she seriously hoped that thing didn't trip and screw anything up.
Sago noticed it was kuja and responded with a smile on his face "Im doing fine,what about you shouldnt you be helping your freinds and dont worry about me I promise you im not going to leave this bar for awhile".
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OOC:Yeah Halloween Town!
Siegfried and Yuna traveled to the next world. Donald selected their destination: "Alright! We shall start our search at Halloween Town. I hope that the Mayor in there can help us." After, travelling trough countless traps and the attacks from heartless' ships, our friends have finally reached Halloween Town. Now they are ready to land in this new world.
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