Kingdom Hearts

OCC:good because most of the stuff he has posted is like this "FF7 sucks make games about 8 and 9 and Cloud is blond so Squall is better and games about ff7 i have never even played suck".I normally like people to explain why they hated it so i normally call that spam.
Qouth kairi12:
How about this, we keep going. If she gets mad and closes it, one of us can start something similar to this?

ok I guess you are right uh so who else agrees
OOC: Alright, the RP will continue, Galoko told me once that we can go on with the RP because he is busy and he won't be able to post for some time. Ohh, and Ximruccilim, you are in. You can begin posting now. As you may know, everyone has agreed with continuing the RP and you are more than welcome to join us.

Siegfried and Yuna began their search for Yai. Yai, however, was nowhere to be seen and our heroes began to lose hope. Yuna and Siegfried walked all the way until they reached the Second District. Siegfried says: "Hey Sis, it seems that finding Yai will be harder than I thought. So Sis, what are we going to do now?" Suddenly, shadows began to appear from the ground. Before our friends could even notice what was happening, they were surrounded by a group of heartless. "Heartless?! Again?! What do they want now?! Begone phantoms and leave us alone! Siegfried armed himself with the keyblade and then he began to protect Yuna from all of the heartless' attacks. At the rooftop, we see a mysterious man watching at the battle.
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OCC:yes finally!!!.

Iro pulled out his pocket watch and flipped it open and looked at the clock and spoke to himself "ah its time for me too see how strong these weaklings really are".He put his poket watch back in his pocket and then he looked down at Seigfried and Yuna and began to walk down too them through the air like he was walking down a flight of stairs .Once he reached the ground he smiled at them while they were fighting the heartless.

Meanwhile Sago enterd the cafe and sat down on a stool next to a lady who had a long black dress on and had jet black coulerd hair and turned to her and asked "you didnt forget about me did you".
OCC: Xim says he might not post for while and will catch up.

As Kuja ran down the alley trying to find Faith he decided to go into a cafe adn get some food thinking "Maybe she thought the same thing." as he walks in he see Sago talking to girl and he hides in the shadows of the corner watching him.
The lady turned around and replied "how can you expect me too forget the love we once had , Sago I still love you".She grabed Sago hand and spoke to him"Cant we just go back to the way it was".Sago then leaned over at her and whisperd in her ear "Ive got a mission for you but I cant tell you hear because we have someone spying on us".Sago and the lady left the cafe.
Kuja didn't fully trust Sago but he know he was doing this for some reason so he put his black robe back on as becomes one with the shadows and follows Sago and the woman.
OOC: Yes!! Finally we can continue the RP!

Siegfried fought the heartless with all his strenght. He protected Yuna as if he were protecting his onw life. Then a mysterious man in a black robe appeared from nowhere and he began to aproach Siegfried. The man says:"This world has been conected....tied to the darkness....soon to be completly eclipsed....there is so very much to understand so little......a meaningless effort.....the door to the darkness has been opened and its evil has been unleashed...." Siegfried turned around and he saw the man. Then he replayed to the man's words: "What are you talking about?! Why are this monsters after my sister?! Answer me!!" The man says: "You do not know what is the true purpose of her destiny.....she is one of the seven....." Siegfried began to get angry and he asked the man: "She is one of the seven what?! If you ever dare to touch her I swear..." and then the mysterious man disappears and Siegfried is left fighting the heartless. After fighting for a few minutes, the remaining heartless began to disappear and our heroes could get a chance to rest.
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OCC:Iro is just someone who works for sago

meanwhile Sago was walking with the lady through a crowed of people and when they stopped he told her "your mission is to kill target 13 ".Then he left the crowed leaving her behined because he knew that kuja wiould have too choose who too follow.
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"I swear, the next person who doesn't give a clear answer on something...." Yuna muttered, casting a small thunder spell and sitting down.

"Well, at least the Heartless have gone away for a little while. What now?" she asked Sieg.
OOC: Kentaro, your character's name is Sago or Iro?

Siegfried sensed the strange evil presence of the man that was aproaching. "Him!!! Sis, the battle is not over, prepare yourself!! Then, pointing his keyblade at the man, Siegfried says: "Don't tell me you are after Sis too...I'm tired of hearing that...if you are after her, you will have to get pass.......arghhhhhhhh!!!!! ......OVER MY DEAD BODY!!!! After that, Siegfried ran towards the man and the battle began.
OOC:eek:ops he is jusy someone who works for sago(basically a enemy) for yous too fight yous can control him too but i am going to edit my post just a sec and sorry for confusing anyone:sad:
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