Kingdom Hearts

(Sorry to partly break that mandate, but may I indeed yet join?

Name: Ximruccilim
Age: 16
Gender: Male
1. The Banestick, a cane of black metal forged by his own hands. Countless poisons are imbued in it, bringing pain, infection and eventual death to anyone and anything that comes in contact with the weapon, save for Ximruccilim.
2. The Baleblade, a gift crafted for him by a young sorceress he fell in love with. It is a steel hilt which, when touched, calls upon Ximruccilim's inner magical power to produce a blade of blurry blue, inducing extreme pain, though not death, in anything it cuts through.
3. The banes, various poisons he keeps at hand, some capable of corroding one's very flesh and bone.
1. Weak magical spells: fire, thunder, aero, gravity, magnet and cure. Given time, he can draw symbols to cast stronger versions of these.
2. Poison/Meltdown/Pain - Throws banes that infect/weaken/kill an enemy.
3. Esuna - Applies weals to cure ailments and infections.
Personality: Even before he lost his heart, the youth that is now Ximruccilim was naturally cold and unemotive. Those characteristics have come to be even more evident in the Nobody that has arisen. Retained from his old life is a masterful and perplexing grip on rhetoric, a timidity in combat and consequent preference of strategy, and, to supplement all this, a wary and ponderous cunning that has helped him many times when force did not suffice.

Bio: All of Ximruccilim's old life, save for his name, remains in memory. He was raised in the Klade, a prospering fortress of sorcerors and sorceresses, educated in magic and lore to one day take his place among them as a prestigious Klader. Not favouring life there, however, he rebelled, first deigning to secretly study the forbidden alchemic art of banelore, then deserting the Klade altogether with the coming of his fifteenth year, running away to a distant land. His adventures there are too numerous to be recounted. But eventually he found himself living as a hermit in one of the deep forests, where, day by day, he experimented on magic and banelore, constantly hoping to attain more power thus. One day, he managed to tap on something promising - something he would only learn later to be the power of darkness, warded away by his world's natural boundaries. Unknowing, he effected a rip through these boundaries, creating a portal of darkness into which he immediately was swallowed.

When he woke up from the relentless black, he knew much had changed about him. A disquieting stillness, a dreadful echoing emptiness, lay where his heart should have been. Along with it he found his name torn away from memory, only the scattered letters of it coming back to him - I-M-R-U-C-C-I-L-I-M.

Yet he felt an inexplicable sureness that somewhere, out there, his original body still lay, the heart beating strongly within it. Though part of him had been torn away from them by the darkness to create the consciousness that resided in the new realm of nothingness now, the intermediate centre of all that he was had not been conquered.

And now he seeks to find it. He intends to rejoin with his old self, and become whole. Taking up the name Ximruccilim, he ventured out of nothing, and floated forth into the myriad worlds of light, altogether unsuspecting of whatever he would find.

Theme Song: Ozar Midrashim - Information Society

If not, disregard this post entirely, and I will remove it when I can.)
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To Ximruccilim:
Well you are in, but we must wait for Angel Of Destiny's approval. I suggest you to send her a private message. Right now, the characters are in Traverse Town so that means we can add more characters. Wow, your character is really cool. If everyone agrees with this, then let me welcome you to "Kingdom Hearts".

To the current members of this RP:
Does anyone knows where is Galoko?
OOC: Then that's a problem, if we continue the RP, she gets mad, and if we don't, the story will be stuck forever on Traverse Town. Let's send Galoko a PM requesting his presence at the RP Kingdom Hearts. Also, knowing the problem that AOD won't be here in time to approve the new character, I suggest us to take a democratic decision.

Who agrees with adding Ximruccilim as a new character to Kingdom Hearts?

Well, on my part, I would gladly let him. So I want to know if everyone agrees with allowing him to join us. Read his character and tell me your opinion.
OOC:yeah i would like him to join but it is AOD's rp meaning if we do something which causes her to get angry she can close it
OOC:i may seem rude but I really want too continue so does anyone know if AOD's intreasted in this rp anymore