KOTR - Knights of the Round

I was wondering if my character, Vesmor, can join as a Dragoon.

I see that you dont have a dragoon at all.

Shenorai has already said he is good to go, just click the siggy to see him.
Sure Loki can join! ^.^

~*hopes to revive this place*~ XD
XD I kind of want to get back into roleplaying (again).
I did start working an a roleplay, but I never finished it! XD
Well, shall we discuss ideas, then?

I've been wanting to do a subterranean RP. If anyone has played Breath of Fire V, they'll know what I'm talking about.

Environment; Underground, so expect all the goodies that come from there. Rock, dirt, gemstones, precious metals, slimy shtuff, etc. No one has seen the light of day in generations.

Technology; Although they are rather advanced, guns have been banned to prevent potential cave-ins from the blasts. Dynamite is only allowed during excavation. Due to the population, they have a labratory where creatures are genetically created to serve as food (and other things as well...).

Society: Of course, with technology comes pollution. Those in the deeper levels are most affected by the pollution. The higher rank a person is, the closer to the surface they live, with Regents (or whoever's in charge of the government) the highest up.

That's what I have so far, at least. I've yet to complete the pair of bios for this RP (though, I suppose it should be a URPG...BoF based and all).

However, what should be the goal?
^ Seems a bit cliché, really.

On a more point-relating note: I reserve the right to apply here once I submit my RP character for approval. Do-do approve. :monster:

... when I get around to finalizing an older one. ;p
Mkay, Kaos helped me with some of the story ideas...at least now, I have a reason for everyone to be online.
MSN said:
Kaos says (4:51 PM):
K. Picture this.
Kaos says (4:52 PM):
300 light years away, a supernova occurs.
The gamma ray blast is aimed straight at earth, and it bombards the atmosphere for 11 seconds.
Kaos says (4:53 PM):
Half of the ozone layer or more is utterly destroyed, and most water is vaporised or set off into the atmosphere. The whole planet heats up, becoming inhospitable. 95% of all above ground life ENDS. Dead. Gone.
Kaos says (4:54 PM):
For 10 years, the ozone layer begins to heal itself, and the remaining water comes back down to earth in massive rain storms.
Kaos says (4:55 PM):
During that 10 years, human survivors who were either mining (if this is before the year 2070) survive, and two go out to see what happens. They die, so those still working start making colonies underground till this all fixes itself.
If you wanna put it around 2100, there could be an underground country or two that survive.
Lady Shenorai Eterna says (4:56 PM):
Eh, I don't really care what year it takes place in They never specified in the game anyway
Lady Shenorai Eterna says (4:56 PM):
(And I'm encouraging non-humans too, so maybe not on Earth, either)
Sound good?
Even though it took me an entire month to reply (I do neglect my thread so), I think that's an amazing idea for an underground RP! ^.^
( I might be a bit rusty....oh well just trying to bring back some old ghosts)

After the sound of the divine chorus anounced the arrival of a young man carrying a middle lenght sword on inside a red sheath attached to the left side of his belt, the sword's sheat was decorated with golden inscriptions. His hair was combed to the back, still part of his hair fell over his forehead, covering partially his greenish grey eyes, his hair before his eyes waving from left to right. He was clad in a bluish silver full body armor, he had a red cape that waved accordingly with the elegant winds carresing it. The sounds of his steel plated boots echoed through a stone hall decorated with marble and many other stones, the sounds making a melodious rhythim, similar to a battle chorus chanted before the great encounter. As a background song, one could imagine one of Bethoveen's many symphonies, or even Mozart's, but inside Julius' heart echoed a song that goes by the name of "Breath no more" (evanescence). In the castle he remained for a few hours, and was caught by sunset and forced by fate to stay.

As he moved further towards one of the greatest turns of his destiny, Julius felt himself inexplicably drawn towards the farthest chamber of the Castle that held the mythical order of the Knights of the Round. He found himself before a small wooden door that lead to one of the many chambers, he knew it was Shenorai's room. After gathering enough courage, Julius dared to reach the door's surface with his right hand and knock the door with his knuckles. Three blunt sounds echoed through the hall, then silence enshrouded a night of mystery, magic, and who knows, even memories of lost loves. One could never tell, if the memory of Lucius disappeared completely, but there was something inside Julius' eyes that kept that memory alive. Lucius wherebouts were unknown, he couldn't live with the fears of risking Shenorai's life, and so Lucius left, alone and swallowed by sorrow. Julius remained, because duty kept him here, but he wanted to disappear without a trace too.

"Shenorai, are you there?"
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"Actually, milord, I'm right here."

The slight footsteps of one of the female Knights of the Round were finally heard, soon halted a mere meter away from the young lord. Judging from the lack of her usual coat, she had only left her quarters for a quick errand elsewhere in the castle. Despite the chilled weather and the drafts that had circulated around the castle, she still kept her usual black attire involving a short-sleeved turtleneck and long shorts. Her long, raven locks were cascaded down to her lower back, the few strands in front of her ivory face barely obscuring her sullen eyes and weak smile.

The violet-eyed woman wasn't upset at Julius' arrival. In fact, it was good to see him alive and well. However, there was something that had been preying upon her mind and heart for quite some time now and it was beginning to show upon her vacant expression, despite her efforts to
obscure it. Of all the people who would know what had been troubling her, though, Julius was one to know for certain what was wrong.

"What brings you here?" she asked, her voice attempting to mask her troubles. "Haven't seen you in a long while."
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