
Well, his voice doesn't seem to help all that much. :P
But anyways, nope, nada, nein, never thought he was a girl in any way, shape, or form. =]

Only after skimming through this thread that I realized that people actually thought this. xD
Cant remember if i posted in here before or not.....

But Larsa looks like a 12 year old girl. Androgynous grown males like Kuja is one thing, but when it's prepubescent gets way to confusing.
LOL, yeah. xD

By pictures alone, I can see where most people come with this now. Never really saw much of those pictures in teh guides and all that stuff, but what with the earring (which I just looked up to see where you guys were coming from), it makes total sense why you would. xD
I actually wasn't sure. All through the Lusu Mines, I thought he was a girl but after that, I actually realised. Is Lamont a male or female name? I found it very confusing.
I knew he was a guy. My Friend told me before I got the game.
Anyways, he does look like a little girl, I feel sorry for the kid.

I think one of FF's trademarks is Characters who could pass for Male of Female.
I totally thought he was a girl at first. I didn't realize it until they started referring to him as a prince... which is hours after you first meet him.
LAWL i also thought the same thing, which is why i shot him with balthier and didnt use him for a while

LMAO, this is the funniest thing I've ever heard. xD
I only realized he had unlimited Hi-Potions and X-potions when I saw a thread outlining why Larsa was the best guest to ever come across the party.
Larsa's saving grace is his infinate X-Potions and Hi-Potions.
A word of Advice, do a crapload of hunts and sidewuests when Larsa is in your party becuase it makes the game ALOT easier.
I've done that before, PreZ. It certainly is helpful, seeing as you get an extra hand, albeit he doesn't level up at all, as with all guests, sucks up additional EXP, but all the same he's welcome in the party.

I love the system with FFXII this way.
Lol... This is an old thread, I swear I posted in here before. :huh:

Yeah, looking at the character designs before the game came out, I though he was a little girl as well… That is, until I read some detailed info on him mentioning that fact that he’s Vayne Solidor’s little brother.

Now he’s just a girly looking little boy, I guess. Either way, he was one of my favorite guest characters.
Omg he so looks like a girl, I didn't know he was a guy until he was called 'Lord Larsa'. I thought he was some lesbian who fancied Penelo at first.
Until he was referred to as "he", I thought Larsa WAS a girl. His voice, his hair, his clothes... I truly thought it was a short woman in her late 20s or early 30s. :P