
I thought Larsa was a girl as well, (and what the hell was wiv' Bankoutsu from Inuyasha, I mean, confusing or what?) but girly-boy or not, that Larsa sure comes in handy, wot' wiv' his unlimited supply of high-potions that he never hesitates to share.
XD Was close to calling him a girl, BUT the minute I saw him, I go, "...You know what? You're gonna tell me first before I jump to conclusions."
I didn't think he was a girl either. His voice doesn't sound that girly. Also i was expecting him to appear because my brother told me that Vayne had a little brother so that's probably why I wasn't confused.
When I saw a Japanese scan I thought he was a girl. Its because he looks very feminie. Some animes have feminie male characters and it can be mistaken easily.
i thought larsa was a guy from the start but the ending fmv confused me into thinking he was a girl and i was thinking wtf hes a she!
This is so embarrassing:

From when I first heard and saw Larsa, I thought he was a very butch 40-year-old woman ... but I knew he was a boy as soon as you exit the mines with him, and you see the cutscene with Penelo.
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i kept thinking hes a girl, no hes a boy. then they called him a he and i was pretty shocked. i think he has to be one of the girliest male characters yet.
I'm going to be honest and say I actually did think that Larsa was a's rediculous how SE could have not noticed this and they still let him look like that, maybe it's their aim to put a female-looking-male character in every FF game?
Larsa's a little girly, but come on...he's a little kid. =]
He's one of my favorite NPCs in the game. ^__^
He could pass for one, but he proved himself as a man when trying to get hooked up with Penelo. :p.

He's a really smart kid. They could've made him more manly though.
I still don't know how people confused Larsa for a girl, by the voice alone I could tell it was a guy... guess after watching too much anime's you can tell them apart >.>

But to not realize that Larsa is a guy till the end of the game... you guys should be ashamed of yourselves :P


Its the Japanese... they like pretty and cute and despise ugly, can't be helped. :P
lol. Well, I knew he was a guy from the start. His hair and the way he presented himself at times made him seem alittle Femenine.

He was a kid, I cut him some slack. =p. Plus...him and Penelo did the naughty in the back while no one was looking.
i thought larsa was a chick untill the part when you find out he is a prince. he could pass of as a girl but they should have made him a bit more guyish.