
nope i dont^
he sounded like a girl as well
i was wondering why everyone called him he lol
Go ahead then. That's like me stating that I refuse to believe The sun is in the sky and not in the ocean somewhere. It's just stupid and more of an attention getter than anything. Larsa is a boy/male/guy, etc. It says it in the game on numerous occasions, he's referred to as the "Brother" of Vayne, and he is the Emporor's "Son". How much more proof do you need to know that he is a boy.
I think it was meant as more of a "look at me, I'm posing. Post cout +1" thing... and yea, there's no doubt that Larsa is a guy. He's just not a very manly looking man. Although he does have a very cool character. I just wish he didn't look so girly.
Go ahead then. That's like me stating that I refuse to believe The sun is in the sky and not in the ocean somewhere. It's just stupid and more of an attention getter than anything. Larsa is a boy/male/guy, etc. It says it in the game on numerous occasions, he's referred to as the "Brother" of Vayne, and he is the Emporor's "Son". How much more proof do you need to know that he is a boy.
Everyone knows that Larsa is a boy and there ir technical proof, we're just supposing things which is pretty fun that's all.
vaan is a whimp but larsa isnt
That has nothing to do with the topic at-hand?!

There's not even any evidence or reasons to back up your post. Come on guys, let's see a little bit more effort put into posts instead of just one-liners...:dry:
That has nothing to do with the topic at-hand?!

There's not even any evidence or reasons to back up your post. Come on guys, let's see a little bit more effort put into posts instead of just one-liners...:dry:

i already gave my reasons in the older posts

larsa charater design has got major problems but his character devolopment clearly shows how mature he is even more mature than vaan even though vaan is way older than him

vaan on the other hand has no problems with his character design but his character devolopment shows that he is a kid who is not mature although he is a orphaned kid and thats why he must be a bit immature but still this alone point cant defend him
Larsa is too naïve, and that's unmature, even so.. it's a good way of being inmature.
Larsa is too naïve, and that's unmature, even so.. it's a good way of being inmature.

i dont think that larsa is naive he helped the main characters of the game during many parts of the game and the way he spoke and reacted in the cutscenes showed him to be kind mature and brave like in the cutscene with penolo after he brought her from the mines. but if you still think that larsa is naive please give reasons and clearly justify what you are trying to say.
I could say the same for you when you say his character design has major flaws and you don't back it up ;)
On the contrary, Larsa is the one when the story starts to get deeper, who suspects the troublemakers. He knows his Borther is no saint, and he knows that even his dad is making detrimental choices. He's not really naíve at all. He's probably one of the smartest characters in the game along with Balthier and Basch; which speaks wonders for his young age.

he is sitting there explaining all the uses of Nethocite, what the Senate wants to do, who's scheming who, and the rest of the people listening to him talk are picking up their jaws because this kid knows so much and has the first hand experience of being around the governing body. He deserves much more credit than he's given at times.
I don't know, Larsa reminds me Ramza from fft , but I like that kind of character. I'd never said that it was bad at all
On the contrary, Larsa is the one when the story starts to get deeper, who suspects the troublemakers. He knows his Borther is no saint, and he knows that even his dad is making detrimental choices. He's not really naíve at all. He's probably one of the smartest characters in the game along with Balthier and Basch; which speaks wonders for his young age.

Yea, there's multiple times in the story where one character or a group of characters comment on how the senate plans to control him but they'll never be able to because he's much smarter than they think. It's all before you get to Mt. Bur-Omnisace because something happens there that changes the senate's plans for Vayne Solidor.
Yea, there's multiple times in the story where one character or a group of characters comment on how the senate plans to control him but they'll never be able to because he's much smarter than they think. It's all before you get to Mt. Bur-Omnisace because something happens there that changes the senate's plans for Vayne Solidor.

precisely in mt. but omisace you have to analize the reaction of him when he knews that his father was killed, and the pretentions of his brother vayne.

in the other hand, I see a good thing in that, because it shows that he really IS just a kid, because he can`t handle in the moment that situation, which is really realistic... not like in other games when kids like cloud are like.. soulless o_O or something.
I to thought Larsa was a girl, I thought his voice was just that of a hoarse voiced english(as in Britian) accented women. Even the name is quite feminen. Personally I see Larsa as more in the vein of becoming like Basch when he gets older. To be honest though he sure did help out a lot with his infinite supply of hi-potions and X-potions.
eveyone seems to agree that larsa is mature and he is the certainly not a whimp but the character design has got major flaws which give him a deceptive appearence. SE cant even come up with good character designs and this clearly shows
Ok, so he does look like a girl, but did you honestly think he was a girl?
Didn't you hear him speak? sounded kinda male to me :P