Last Movie You've Seen

GET SMART with steve carell is one of the most funny movies in history. It is just so funny you will not stop laughing alright I give it 10 on 10.

I'll have to agree with that one.

Last movie I saw was "What's Eating Gilbert Grape" at work earlier today. I have to say that is a fantastic movie and Leo Dicaprio's finest role yet.
Just seen two disney movies in one day. rofl.

Bolt - 7.5/10

It had its funny moments. Cute and really for little kids. Overall a cute and cool movie.

High School Musical 3 - 8.5/10

I loved this movieeeee! lol. Only thing was that it had aloott of ballads. =/. Not cool. I wanted more up-tempo songs like in HSM2. =(. Oh well, i still loved it overall.
pulp fiction 10 oot a 10

Ive honestly seen it a bazillion times, but cmon you just cant tire of it, the conversations that vincent vega and jules have are brilliant. ' royale with cheese '
I just introduced this film to my mate a few weeks back, hed never ever seen it before now hes seen it like 13 times lol

must watch
Made of Honor

I got bored after about 15 minutes of this movie actually. The whole thing screamed My Best Friend's Wedding, only with a guy as the maid of honor :monster: The adults decided to sit at the table and talk instead of watch it, so I could hardly hear anything that was going on. Just judging by what I saw though, I wouldn't like it all that much even if I could've understood more of the dialogue.

Patrick Dempsey was cute though, as always xD
Well the last movie I saw was street fighter the anime one. Yeah it was pretty good but confusing like hell. I really do not know whats happening throughout it so I give 5 out of 10.
X-Men 3: The Last Stand.


It was actually on FX last night and today. This is one of my favorite movie series. After seeing it in the theater when it was released, I just wanted to see it again because I thought it was great. The characters, storyline, and action was well put together.
Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason

Saw this last was coming on television last night, so I stayed up and watched it. I thought it was a great movie, it had lots of funny parts as well as some really sweet and romantic ones. Renee Zellweger did an aboslutely fantastic job as did Colin Firth and Hugh Grant. This movie just may be one of my new favorites!
The last movie Is saw was star wars the clone wars. It sucked llke hell and even anakins voice was changed like wow this movie sucked. The worst star wars ever!!!
I just saw Sex drive at the cinema and I must say that it is the funniest movie I've seen in a long time. I'm usually a little hesitant to watch a comedy at the cinema, I'd much rather rent it or download it. But I think this movie was worth every cent to be quite honest.
Time Machine


It's a documentary created by BBC. The movie is about how time flies and how it affects us and our planet. It shows how moutains, volcanoes, rivere etc. formed. I reccomend people to watch it.
The 40 year old virgin.

Ugh i heard this film was funny. How is it funny? its just creepy. I didnt even think it was remotely funny. The part where the lassy drives home and practically wrecks the whole city was just stupid but she still offers to shag him and hes like ' no thanks '

The last film I watched was Quantum Of Solace, it's really good. I watched it yesterday at the cinema. I think the movie before that though was Advent Children which is my greatest film of all time. Definitley 10/10 fr Advent Children.
Quantum Of Solace? 9/10.
The last movie I have seen is V for Vendetta in ethics class. It is actually a pretty complicated movie to understand and it turns out V just wants to destroy the whole gonverment of England. Overall I think it sucked so 5 out of 10.
"stranger than fiction" i just watched it again a few days ago and its a great film! will ferrell stars in it but plays a straight role. Hes surprisingly good, kind of like when you see Jim Carey in eternal sunshine for the first time. Anyways I'd give it a 9/10

For the record i think V for vendeta was a good film, never read it but hear the graphic novel is better. He doesnt want to destroy the current government, but the corrupt one that takes away basic human rights in the film. (Oh plus stephen fry is always good)

(also i agree about the 40 year old virgin. I hated that film)
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I'm sorry you had to sit through that. :(
It never appealed to me anyway so I steered clear.

'Stranger Than Fiction' I think i've seen that i'm not sure...
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Evan Almighty


I personaly loved the movie. The script is wonderful and funny but, the flood was a bit strange. The lake flooded but why would lions, monkeys, bears and other wild animals come over to Evan's ark? They couldn't just escaped the zoo it would be surely reported through the Tv (in the movie). Plus they're continents away , they wouldn't be touched by the flood. Because of that I give it a 9. I though that the flood will be caused by Global Warming (lots and lots and lots of rain).
Moby Dick

I had to watch this movie in English class, and despite my reservations, I actually enjoyed it a whole lot. The storyline was very interesting, and I found myself becoming attatched to a lot of the characters, Starbuck and Ishmael in particular. The ending of the movie was kind of a downer, but overall, I really liked it. I may even consider reading the book now!
The last movie I've seen was Eragon. It was about some boy named Eragon who had a dragon and had to stop the king from ruling the village. In the end Eragon and his dragon
end up killing the evil kings henchmen and kills his sidekick
. I think that there's going to be another movie because the king
was never killed in the end
Madagascar - Escape 2 Africa


It was a really hilarious movie! I LOVED it! Much better than the first one. I especially thought that the Russian Nana was HILARIOUS. I was so pleased they gave her, and the Penguins, a bigger part in this film ^^
Max Payne
Great Movie! I really enjoyed watching this dark, action-packed movie. Guns, guns, guns and GUNS!^^

Stranger than Fiction???
Great Movie too! Story about a guy in a literally real life novel^^