Last Movie You've Seen

The last movie I saw was Home Alone 2 even though I watched it alot of times its just still really funny when the kid puts all the traps and the bandits fall into them. 8 out of 10.


While it was a really really good movie, the reason I've given it such a low score is because it was so different from the book. And I don't mean they cut things out, like they do in the Harry Potter movies, nonono, they CHANGED IT ENTIRELY. I wasn't impressed. The book is miles better.

And, Brendan Fraser just cannot act. I hate the man -__-
The character in that book was based on him, the author likes him, so really, no other person could have done the part ^

Anyway, Uh....

OH haha saved from going off topic

Con Air


No matter how many times I watch this film, it never gets old. I spotted it on BBC1 last night so I was like oooh Im avin that, I swear Ive seen it like a million times. Its got its cheesy hero music and and the cheesy action ad well, its just great, I love it xD

John Malkovic (or however you spell it) is just epic xD
Gran Torino

Clint Eastwood has just been great int he twilight of his career. I rate this movie up there with Million Dollar Baby and Mystic River.

Well deserving of a 8/10.

Figured it'd be very un-serious so I really didn't expect much than a few laughs and some obscene remarks throughout the movie and that's exactly what it was. It was funny, but not overly epic funny. Will Ferrill play's his usual role of popular but extremely incoherent dumb-ass, and everyone worships him.

Disaster Movie; 5/10

It was okay a bit stupid like some of the jokes like most of these types of films since Epic Movie. I did laugh myself silly at a few of the jokes though.

Before that I saw Pinapple Express 10/10 xD.
Then Futurama: Benders game; 7/10
The Invisible

I watched this last night in the hopes that it would make me fall asleep, but it did just the opposite :/ The main character was stuck in between life and death, so that had me on edge for quite awhile. He lived in the end, which was good, but a few of the other main characters weren't so lucky. I've definately seen better movies than this, and I don't plan on watching it again anytime soon.

No Country For Old Men

Watched that one last night, but these days with netflix on the 360 I am watching a movie per day. So this will be my last post to this thread unless you want to see 200 posts in 200 days.

10/10 - For always leaving that feeling of .. uneasiness at the end.
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Kill Bill vol 1 & 2

I watched both of them yesterday again just to watch something different. Still love the action scenes with all the sword fighting, the tempo changing along with both the music and going from color to black and white. Two great movies with revenge running the entire show (until the final chapter of course).

8/10 Good movies that can be seen a few times over without losing interest in them :)
Three Kingdoms: Resurrection of the Dragon.


This movie is a bit similar to the movie Red Cliff but not as much. It has more of a fictional storyline along with some of the characters they added, such as Cao Ying. I loved the action scenes with the blood and the music was nice too but it will never be as great as Red Cliff.
Prozac Nation
Fairly interesting film, it gives an interesting look at depression an such. Strangely enough the main character reminded me of one of my friends Ex's.

I enjoyed the movie but the lead character wasn't very likeable so I found myself frustrated with her at times but all in all it was a fairly good movie.

Twilight - 8/10

At first I really didn't care to see it at all. But I kept hearing about it alot and then just today my brother told me it was awesome so me and my partner decided to go tonight.

Gah it was a beautiful movie. I really felt the love between Bella and Edward but there just wasn't enough action to keep my boyfriend awake >_< lol. I would have loved to see some more action between the good and bad vampires versing each other.

But it was still a great movie.

I have just got the first book off my brother and intend to read them all because it turned out better than I initially thought.

[Isabella / Isabelle is turning into one of the most common girl names these days =0. I know at least 3 people who have just named their little girl that name >_<]
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Clue - 9/10

The film of the boardgame. :monster: It was a pretty good murder mystery film, stereotypical yet in a funny way (complete with French maid and butler called 'Wadsworth'). It kept you thinking throughout and also had it's laughs. Tim Curry was great in it too, although he was the only person I recognised...

The dvd had 3 endings though, so I'll need to watch the other two some time.
The Mummy Tomb of the Dragon Emperor

I've always been a big fan of the mummy movies, so I decided to watch this last night to see how it stacked up against the first two. I thought that it had a lot of good humor and action, but I didn't like the new girl they got to play Evy. Rachel Weisz did such a great job developing a wonderful character, only to have her destroyed by someone else. I didn't really like that the movie took place in China either, simply because when I think mummy, I think Egypt, but meh. It still was pretty good regardless.
Mean Creek
This was a pretty damn good film. It really moved me, I found it very sad. It succeeded in making me feel sympathy for
George and knowing that he will die kept me feeling sorry for him throughout the film.
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Twilight =P, at first I really didn't see the big deal in it, but my friends were like "Damn you have to read this" so i did and then I got addicted and went to see it lol, just last night xD
Last movie I saw in theaters was Milk down at the ArcLight on Sunset Blvd.

Absolutely wonderful movie. I've never cried in a film, especially one in a theatre, but I stright out bawled near the end of this. It's heart-wrenching and beautiful. No other way to describe.

The next movie I want to see is Doubt or The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.

Gah, I can't remember what movie I last saw on DVD...I want to say Sukiyaki Western Django, but I'm not sure.
Haha, well, me and my girlfriend did watch Ice Age today, but we fell asleep about ten minutes in. And with good reason.
Marley and Me

Well I didn't think any movie could match the sadness of Where The Red Fern Grows, but this one really did. I started crying at the end, and so did everyone around me. It was a really sweet and touching movie, but the ending was a real tear-jerker. I enjoyed Owen Wilson and Jennifer Aniston's performances though.