Last Movie You've Seen


It premiered on Sky tonight and my dad had wanted to see it for a while, so I sat down with him and his partner to watch it. I realised how obsessive Edward was with Bella this time around, but I found myself quite amused at it. I kept being asked questions, but this was one of the few films I actually wanted to shut up and listen to. Can't wait for New Moon next week, bring it on!

Movie: Peter Pan

Rating: PG

Comments: Simply loved this movie.

It was so colourful and magical in every scene. I especially LOVED the fairy dance. <3 The theme song for that scene was simply breathtaking as well. =0

I cried at the end when Wendy had to leave Peter. =( Why couldn't he just come back home with her like the Lost Boys?

But other than that it was the best remake of Peter Pan since Hook. XD I love that movie too. <3

Score: 5/5 stars or 10/10 points.
The Duchess

This was such a good movie. I don't think many people are interested in movies like this, but I got into the genre with Pride & Prejudice. I adore how it's based on true events, and Keira Knightley just ruled as Georgiana. So sad when she had to give away Eliza :(

I'm on a roll today. Nothing much else to do but watch movies though.

Movie: Juno

Rating: M

Comments: I wasn't a real fan of the girl who played Juno in the movie. She seemed really scummy and was kinda gross in some parts.

It just made me feel icky when I saw her pregnant as well. She had a great look about her. /sarcasm.

Other than that it was an alright movie. At least it showed teenagers the option of giving their baby up for adoption should they ever get pregnant unintentionally, instead of opting for an abortion.

I felt sorry for Juno though. Poor thing was going through all those months of high school carrying around a baby while the father was never even mentioned and got to live his life without a care pretty much. No one looked at him and pointed did they! It's not fair!

Score: 5/5 stars or 10/10 points.
Star Trek

Holy cow, another top movie for moi. I didnt get to see it at the pics and I grabbed it fro £8 today :-) Im beyond happy. I truly loved this film, Pegg is fit as always lol. And Zachary Quinto ... WOW! Never thought Spock would be attractive!!! But it works :D And Karl Urban is awsome as always. I was laughing my head off, such a great film. And it was coolio to see Leonard Nimory again.

Jennifer's Body

The combination of Megan Fox and Amanda Seyfried as the leads in this film is genius! I was even impressed with the lesbian kiss and the distancing of the friendship between Jennifer and Needy, especially when Jennifer becomes the flesh-eating demon. Loved how there wasn't a lack of blood and there wasn't a scene that was boring. Even the ending with Amanda Seyfried is quite ironic, those who have watched it will know what I mean. May watch it again sometime because of its humour and fun, but this definitely gets top marks from me!

Movie: King of California

Rating: M

Comments: This was weird.

It had Evan Rachel Wood and Michael Douglas in it and it was pretty much about this girls crazy father who regularly went in and out of the mental institute.

He finally comes home one day two years later, still crazy and tells her that he's looking for some ancient treasure.

She reluctantly helps him and in the end it turns out he's not that crazy and he dies and she is left with the gold etc.

It did drag out for a bit though.

Score: 3/5 stars or 6/10 points.
28 Weeks later

I saw it at the movies when it first came out and I re-watched it for the first time last night. For those who don't know what it is, it is the sequel to the movie '28 days later' and it is essentially a zombie film. In my opinion I'd rate this movie (and the first movie) as the best zombie films I've ever seen.

I think as a whole, the movies deals more so with the breakup of society in a time of crisis. An interesting feature that I noticed in both films was that a large portion of the film was devoted to the conflict between human beings in times of crisis as opposed to just the conflict between humans and zombies.

As a whole they are both excellent films (and while I prefer the first movie, the second one isn't that bad at all). I'd definitely recommend them to anyone who hasn't seen them yet.
A Christmas Carol (the new Disney one with Jim Carey)

This was a pretty odd one I have to admit. For a computer animated Disney movie for the holidays it's very dark, sinister, and humourless and I doubt that many children would enjoy watching it. At the same time though, if you are an adult like myself, you'll probably find it a bit too insubstantial. Especially if you grew up watching some of the other adaptions of this book.

5/10 from me.
Movie: The Duchess

Rating: M

Comments: Pretty average movie.

Wasn't THAT great, though it was interesting seeing as it was based on a true story.

Very sad and disgusting to watch how women were treated back then.

The guy can go around rooting whatever he wants while the woman is called a whore if she even thinks about another guy. <_<

I can't believe how excited she was when she was told of her arranged marriage too. 0_o

Score: 4/5 stars or 8/10 points.
New Moon

The best film I've seen this year by miles! It was true to the book.
Edward leaving Bella
was very emotional,
Jacob's dramatic transformation
made me didn't recognise him anymore, Charlie was even funnier in this time around, I loved how much more Alice was there, the Volturi scenes were fantastic ...

I could go on forever, but it was a definite notch up from Twilight. The only thing I was concerned with was
Harry's heart attack because I don't recall Victoria being involved
, but I'm still pleased overall with the way Chris Weitz went about with this one. Roll on Eclipse next June!

Lord of the Rings animated movie

Yeah its from the 60s or 70s and its not bad. I like old animated film compared to the stuff that gets dished out today. I dont mind animation, but old skool cartoons are just as good. Some of the dialogue is different and the drawings are really old. Dont know any of the voice actors, but its desent and good fo kids to enjoy as its not as scary as the CGI LOTRs movies. Overall, quite good Mr Frodo :D




I ran into this on Star Movies while TV surfing last night. It's hard to put into words how beautiful this movie is.

I think it hit too close to home for myself, really. The soundtrack is heartfelt and sweet. The cinematography is genius--just perfect for such a conceptual story as this. I don't usually watch movies about love, but this one just made me...well, fall in love.

It's the first time a movie's ever done that to me--got me laughing and smiling to myself most of the time. xD
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It was so amazing; both the storyline and the GFX! I love how Russell was bothering the old man who's name I've already forgotten and was a stowaway, th dogs were funny as well XD It was quite emotional at times, which made this a superb movie.
Bleach The Diamond Dust Rebellion english version. I liked it but the japanese version was far far better. The fight scene was awesome as always :ryan: I did not like diamond dust rebellion as much as the other bleach movies but seeing mostly everyone releasing there Zanpakutos in shikai or bankai against Sojiro Kusaka was pretty cool. 7 out of 10
Movie: The Princess Bride

Rating: PG

Comments: Omg I hadn't seen this movie since high school. =0

It is the lovliest, sweetest most romantic movie ever made I swear!

I simply love the love between Buttercup and Westly. I'm so tempted to get a set made of them now. :gonk:

It's pretty much about a farm boy and a girl he works for. She doesn't like him all that much but then one day they fall in love and he goes off to find work in order to be able to afford a wedding.

Though she hears word that he's been murdered by pirates and vows to never love again.

Five years later he's back and comes to save her. <3 Awe. He didn't really die. =D

It's a fairytale and it's simply wonderful. <3

I can't wait to finally own the DVD for myself.

Score: 5/5 stars or 10/10 points.
Movie: V of Vendetta

Rating: R

Comments: This movie rocked. I was watching on my touch last block when I finished my work, and I love it. Natalie Portman is a great actress, and Hugo Weaving is amazing as V. The dialouge can be a bit silly at a time, but it's great at times too.

Rating: 9/10

It was a fun film, but I gotta say, they were so brutal in the way they killed off people, but then again it is about the end of the world.....I liked it, so much fun and you just have to see this movie to experience the awesomeness that is 2012.
@kandysugar: Princess Bride is soooooooooooooo amazing. WESLEY!!!

Ahem lol.

Film: Mansfield Park.
Rating: 12

K, my friend is trying to get me into period dramas again and its working lol! Mansfield Park is amazing. Such a wonderful story of 1 woman - Fanny Price and the struggle of love and class in her life. So beautiful and moving!!

The Ugly Truth

I gotta say- the truth is indeed ugly... But this movie was REALLY funny. All the perverts on this site would probably love it, and nod their heads as the asshole male 'tells it like it is'. ... And the females will deny everything that is said.


Not for the kiddies though, this one is rated 'R'