Last Movie You've Seen



I was thinking the other day how much I am surprised that I have left it this long to see this movie. I began watching it (only saw the opening sequence) when I was a child, but I was on holiday in Florida at the time and I had to turn it off to go to a theme park. I decided that I would finally watch it today.

It's classic Tim Burton, and I really enjoyed it. Dark and quirky, and great performances from the actors involved. Danny Elfman's music once again compliments and goes really well with Tim Burton's work.
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^^ Haha I haven't seen that movie in ages! But I remember it was good. XD


Movie: InkHeart

Rating: PG

Comments: This was such an awesome movie!

I loved every moment of it! It was so magical and fun every step of the way and I especially love the flame thrower guy. :wacky: He was pretty hot. Haha get it. XD /lame.

The indian guy who came out of one of the books was funny too. XD I love the part where everyone was being sent back into their books and he goes, "I don't want to go back to my stinking book." XD

Score: 5/5 stars or 10/10 points.

Meh, it's not bad but not great. It probably wasn't worth seeing at the cinema, but it's ok though. It reminded me of I, Robot a lot for some reason. I guess it is stylistically similar and there are a lot of similarities in the stories too. Basically if you are into the 'glossy' kind of Sci-fi film then you will probably enjoy this movie, otherwise you aren't missing anything special.

17 Again

I thought for sure this would be a horrible because Zac Efron was SUCH a disney boy. UGH. However, I misjudged him. He was actually a pretty good actor. And the movie was very funny. Though somewhat predictable, it was a charming movie everyone could enjoy. (Except Horror Lovers)
Movie: Three

Rating: M

Comments: Dude there was some raunchy sex scenes in this! =0

I like the older movies. They seem to have more depth.

I also like the whole getting shipwrecked on an island type of movies. XD

Pretty much a boat sinks that a rich old guy and his young wife were hiring.

Then the sexy young maintenance guy and the girl find their way to an island and start to get close until her husband rocks up.

But yeah the young chick and the sexy guy DO IT! It is so hot. XD

Score: 5/5 stars or 10/10 points.
Wacko's Wish

Very nostalgic. I remember watching it with my older brother. We've always been a fan of Animaniacs. The Warner brothers (and sister of course) were hilarious, and I miss them. The movie, was completely adorable. I want to watch it again.

10/10 <3


I really enjoy this film. It is set towards the end of the Mayan civilisation, and is filmed in Maya language with actors that look convincing enough (and none of them are really big names, with many of them only having this on their filmography). I really felt the expressions through these people and the begining set in the village really set up the characters / how that village in the movie lived really well.

When it moved on to show sacrificing scenes in the capital city they were horrific, but quite well done (and not over the top). The way the whole movie was filmed felt fantastic to me and the balance was hit just about right.

Probably one of my favourite foreign language films.
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Star Trek (2009)

*One thing Spoiler alert here*

i have to admit i was amazed by the VFX even more so with
Vulcan is destroyed by a black hole and the red matter
. I think Kirk and Spock characters were similar to the originals but had there own flairs on the characters. For the story was excellent
plus a bonus for Alternate reality the writers can do pretty much anything with the story and not interfere with the original story of Star Trek
. One thing i didn't like was that the story kinda really centred around Kirk and Spock even tough the other members are there but in saying they did become the Crew we know at the end.

9/10 (10/10 for VFX)


One of the best Zombie flicks I've seen in a long time. Great story, lots of comedy, unexpected and expected still uncomfortable moments. Some of it was shot right by my house. The scene with a tank in the background is the Marietta Square a city that is North West of Atlanta. And the scene right after that with the Hummer is at a fourway stop within walking distance of my house in Acworth, GA. Really neat stuff.
The last movie I have seen was Monsters VS Aliens. Hmmm it was ok I guess. Some parts were extremely weird but I like that Susan the giant girl bellieved she can stop the universe from destruction. I give it a 7 out of 10. Not the best but ok.
Movie: The Boy In The Striped Pajamas

Rating: M

Comments: This was like the saddest movie ever. It was really twisted on the Germans behalf. They really had the most fucked up ideas. Calling the Jews evil as if they were a disease.

It was sickening to watch really and the ending was just tragic. v_v

Score: 5/5 stars or 10/10 points.
The last movie I have seen was Tomb Raider The Cradle Of Life. Ummm I liked it. It was a good movie but some parts were just downright weird. Killing people for random reasons. Lara was good I guess but the first one was better. The bad guy was an asshole! 7 out of 10.
Movie: Pineapple Express

Rating: M

Comments: This was so funny to watch.

Pretty much it's about Weed and a certain dealer gets his hands on the Pineapple Express (Weed from Hawaii) from his dealer etc.

Then Seth Rogan comes along and buys it, then witnesses a murder which had to do with the Pineapple Express etc.

It's all very complex but funny at the same time. XD

Score: 5/5 stars or 10/10 points.
District 9.

It was quite good. I wasn't really sure what to expect really, and I was a bit surprised by the documentary style of the begining and bits of the film all the way through. However I can understand why they did that and how it came to be beneficial to the whole feel of the movie. We got to see what the world, the humans and the news felt about the events through the documentary and news footage, and how the aliens (and eventually the main character) felt through the movie-style quality scenes.

It was put together quite well I think. It's interesting to see how the humans reacted and how badly they treated the aliens. Judging from how people have / continue to act it probably would happen like that if aliens were to land here.

Movie: Ghost of Girlfriends Past

Rating: M

Comments: I though that this would be funnier, but it was still alright.

It was good to lighten up the mood and what not.

I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, or watch it again though.

It was pretty much about this guy who gets women to fall in love with him and then he pisses off with another woman every few weeks or so.

And then he's taken back to his past, then back to his present and then finally he sees what his future will be like and changes etc.

Score: 3/5 stars or 5/10 points.
Film: Zombieland.
Rating 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000/10

Lol, I REALLY loved this film, it was so comical. Kinda American Shaun of the Dead, very, very funny film. Woody Harrleson is amazing, I usually dont like him, but this was an awesome character he played. One to own on DVD when its out!
Movie: Treasure Planet

Rating: PG

Comments: I've always loved this movie! The soundtrack is awesome!

Simply lovely artwork on the characters and MORPH is just so cuuuuute! <3

I want one. <3

It's really such a heartwarming story at some times. It's so funny and just a wonderful kids movie.

Score: 5/5 stars or 10/10 points.
Movie: Up
Rating: 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000/10

Yes! Its become another top film of mine. You laugh and cry at the same time. Such a wonderful film. People need to see this film and just beam at the end. It does actually lift you up at the end :-)
Movie: Blindness

Rating: M

Comments: This was a pretty strange movie.

The trailers were decieving, in that they made it look like the movie was going to be awesome. <_< They did the same thing with 'The Village.' v_v

Anyway it's pretty much about the entire city of New York (I think it's New York) going blind.

The main two characters are married and the guy was actually an eye doctor before he went blind.

His wife is the only one who doesn't lose her sight and goes with her husband and are shipped off to an isolated prison where they are mistreated. They have to fend for themselves and such.

When they finally break free from the prison she finds that the entire city is now helpless as they raid supermarkets for food and the like.

She is able to find food quickly in a stock room and is able to feed her small group of friends etc.

It pretty much goes on like this for a while.

It's a bit dragged out.

Score: 2/5 stars or 4/10 points.
High School Musical 3: Senior Year

I don't watch a lot of musical films nowadays, but this one stands out for me. It was being premiered on Sky Movies, so I thought I'd relive it and found it even better the second time around! The dancing, singing and acting are superb. It's so much better than the first two films combined! I'm definitely going to watch it again sometime soon to get me into a musical mood.
