Last Movie You've Seen

Once Upon A Time In China


I'm a huge fan of martial arts / kung fu films, especially the ones with Jet Li as he does some really good ones.

I bought the Once Upon a Time in China trilogy and watched the first movie today.

The first half of this movie was ok, but nothing brilliant. It was just setting the scene and the characters I guess more than anything. There wasn't much kung fu, and when it happened it wasn't in large amounts.

However the second half of the film I felt was quite good. Not just because the kung fu picked up a lot (it did, with an awesome scene on ladders) but because the story seemed to come together at that point too.

There were some funny bits in it, such as a fat guy called Porky who later appeared dressed as a woman and beat people up dressed like that. He was a really clumsy character.

Jet Li's performance was great.

Overall though I'd say it wasn't the best Jet Li movie I have seen, in that I prefer some of the others I have seen, but I really did enjoy watching it. I do prefer the more culturally chinese movies (like this one) to the Americanised ones, though there are some good Americanised movies with Jet Li in too. It is one for the collection.
The Hills have Eyes (2006)


Great Horror movie takes a while to get going but it is well worth the wait some off the mutants are just crazy the guy which freaked me out the most was the one in the house in the wheel chair with the massive head just randomly singing the american national anthem

my favourite actress "emilie de ravin" is it in ( plays claire from lost ) thought she was amazing in it she is a great actress she suited her role very well
Inglourious Basterds

I saw it the other night with some friends, I had no idea what the movie was going to be like. I only knew it existed when I saw a poster for it at a bus stop earlier that day. But goddam it was a good movie. Very stylish (as expected from a Tarantino film) and I thought the acting was really good too, special props go to Christoph Waltz.
The Last of the Mohicans.


I should have wacked myself for not having watched this film in my entire life until now, despite my parents mentioning it a lot as one of their favourite movies.

Anyway, I watched it last night for the first time and I really enjoyed it. It was exciting, sad, harsh and really well played out I felt. That's not to mention the awesome kick-ass soundtrack for the movie which complimented the film brilliantly.

A part of me really enjoys movies like this.
Movie: Hot Rod

Rating: M

Comments: I didn't really like this movie at first.

However, it grew on me. It certainly has it's funny moments, while at others they are just plain stupid. XD

Overall this was a hilarious movie to watch and Isla Fisher always seems to take weird roles I've come to realise.

Cool Beans.

Score: 5/5 stars or 10/10 points.
Lara Croft Tomb Raider. I have seen this before and I don't really like Angelina Jolies role as Lara Croft. The facial expressions were really good and she knew how to act like Lara Croft. Still someone can do better. 7 out of 10
Movie: Pretty Persuasion

Rating: M

Comments: I love Evan Rachel Wood!

I can't believe she's dating Marilyn Manson though! =0

This is one of my favourite movies with her.

She plays the role so well and she looks so comfortable and relaxed with her character that it's kinda scary. :gasp: Because her character is one evil, psychotic bitch! XD

Pretty much about a girl that really wants to be an actress and therefore will do 'anything' and hurt anyone without a care in the world, in order to get what she wants.

Score: 5/5 stars or 10/10 points.
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A nightmare on Elm street

The very first of the series, and I actually haven't seen it before yesterday. It was an amazing movie, one of the best from the 80s, I'm sure. It has a lot of supernatural unthinkable effects and happenings that directors don't use anymore in today's horror films, which I believe is the reason, it is one of the best horror movies out there.


i think the script can be better
but so far a very good movie to me

isabelle will be the next big thing

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Movie: He's Just Not That Into You

Rating: M

Comments: I didn't actually get to see the whole thing. =/

The movie glitched halfway through and then I only got to see the end.

But other than that it was pretty funny.

Especially that girl who actually narrates the story and the guy she ends up with. XD

Score: 5/5 stars or 10/10 points.
The last movie I have seen was Fast and the furious Tokyo Drift. I quite liked it. Its a fun movie even though its mostly drifting. Omg so many hot Japanese babes *drools* Also the Australian girl was really hot also. So 7 out of 10
I saw two very recently, Inglorious Basterds and District 9. District 9 was really good actually, everything I wanted from a summer 'blockbuster'. Mindless, full of cool action and some pretty CG.
But Inglorious Basterds... what a film. It's pretty long but the time flew by. One of my favourite films now! I strongly recommend it :monster:
I just finished watching StarDust. At first, I thought it would be too long, and rather boring. But I loved it! The only bad part about it was that it WAS too long. But it's a great movie for anyone. (Except Scary-movie goers)
Movie: Role Models

Rating: M

Comments: Haha anything with Sean William Scott is funny. XD

I love his movies. They always crack me up. XD

Pretty much two guys get in some trouble and they can either spend 30 days in jail or buddy up with kids who need a friend etc.

They get two of the weirdest kids ever and the whole movie is just awesomeness!!! XD

Score: 5/5 stars or 10/10 points.
Long post is long. <_<

Dragonball: Evolution


I guess there are three ways you could look at this movie: as a fan of Dragonball/Dragonball Z, as a fan of martial arts movies, and as a general movie goer. For DB/DBZ fans, I think this movie only served to anger them or at least had them noting all the differences between the originals and this movie. The movie keeps some of the common themes like Goku and Bulma journeying to find the Dragonballs with the help of the Dragon Radar, and meeting Yamcha on the way (though their intentions were different than in the original). Roshi being a perverted (though less than the original) master of the martial arts.

The characters themselves were also changed. Goku was no longer a strong, but naive and pure-hearted boy, but a strong but modern teenage boy. Bulma was no longer a spoiled girl looking for the dragonballs for silly and selfish reasons, but somewhat of a weapons expert looking for the dragonballs to harvest their energy. Yamcha was still a bandit/thief, but he couldn't fight very well and spoke like a surfer for some reason. Piccolo was evil, but didn't get very many lines and looked like Freddy Krueger.

I've heard people say that the movie would be more enjoyable if you thought of it as something separate from the original, but as someone who knows the story so well, it's hard to do so.

Looking at this movie from the prospective of a martial arts movie fan I would still say the movie is lack luster. The movie is presented in sort of the same way as Jet Li and Jackie Chan's Forbidden Kingdom, which had an average story, but good fight scenes. Dragonball: Evolution is the same way, except it has an average story and very forgettable fight scenes. DB:E used much more SFX and slow motion during the fight scenes than in Forbidden Kingdom, but they didn't really add to the experience. The extra SFX was mainly used for energy attacks, and the slow motion sequences were very unnecessary, in my opinion, as they always used slow motion in the strangest times. All-in-all, you won't be amazed by the fight scenes.

As a general movie goer, there's not much for you. As I said before, the story is average, and it can be very confusing for those unfamiliar with DB and DBZ. They try to explain everything throughout the movie, but you'll for get the names and reasons for things as the movie goes on. The SFX won't blow you away, and the fight scenes are forgettable.
Movie: American Pie 2

Rating: M

Comments: This is my favourite of the American Pie Series. It's because they're not kids anymore, and they're also not adults.

Stifler is so effing funny! XD

I love the part we're they're in the lesbians house and have to touch each other. XD

Also it has Sean William Scott so. <3
Score: 5/5 stars or 10/10 points.
The Final Destination.

I'm not even going to dignify this movie with a rating.

Biggest waste of money this year, by far. Sure, some it was funny, although it was poorly acted, the 3D stuff was baaaad and the special effects were very very lame. Natalie spent the entire movie with a coat over her head, and I couldn't watch much of it myself. Shitty plot, and too much gore for the sake of it.
Movie: Thirteen.

Rating: M

Comments: For some unknown reason, this movie has always appealed to me. I like watching movies that document the live of real people even if this story didn't have to do with anyone in particular.

It's basically about an innocent little girl Tracy who wants to be with the in crowd. She meets Evie who then gets her into stealing, drugs, piercings etc.

I think the only thing that annoyed me was the filming of the movie. It was always like someone was holding onto a hand held video recorder and was always running around after everyone! XD

Score: 5/5 stars or 10/10 points.
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Dorian Gray

Went to see it today and I was pleasantly surprised by how brilliant it was. I definitely agree with the review that Rebecca Hall was underused because I thought she could've been quite the interesting character, provided that she be given more screen time. Ben Barnes proves to be the best choice as Dorian Gray, able to show us his dramatic transformation from innocent orphan to heartless lord. I'd recommend this to anyone, regardless of whether or not they've read the original book.

This is my review from Digital Spy that can be located here. Scroll down to the bottom and it's the one that's under Ami, Manchester.

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Movie: Superbad

Rating: M

Comments: This has got to be the funniest movie I have ever seen. XD

I love the part how Seth is in the middle of the soccer field and says something like, how when girls wake up in the morning after being drunk the night before and wake up to find that they did some guy they wish they hadn't. They could be that mistake. XD

The cops are effing funny too!

I love how they're shooting the street signs and then they hear the some other cops sirens in the distance and scream, "THE COPS!" and run away. XD

Score: 5/5 stars or 10/10 points.
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