Le Coco Shop

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Double post, sorreh. :gasp:





Any changes, you let me know. I still have the PSD file. :monster:
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:gasp: It looks really awesome. Thanks a billion for the set Coco I'll put it on now. I love it.
Can I have something like your current sig? It's total secks! :gasp:
I'm not really fussed about what image so I'll let you decide but if you need me to find you one I will. :)
Can I have something like your current sig? It's total secks! :gasp:
I'm not really fussed about what image so I'll let you decide but if you need me to find you one I will. :)

Thank youu. <3

If you could provide the image, that would be so much better as I have no idea what you'd like. :gasp:
I request a signature featuring this please


If it's not possible to get both in, could you try to put just the closest one in?
Hello there Coco. I hope you're not too overwhelmed with graphic-making, but if you are just let me know and you don't have to do my request. I'd really love a matching sig and avatar of Shiva. I'm quite attached to this image of her: http://www.quizilla.com/user_images/G/Grond13/1037373756_CQuizShiva.jpg

However if that image doesn't work out for you, just let me know and maybe we can find something else of her. Anyway, thanks for your time and I appreciate it if you'll be able to do this for me! ^^



Spartan: I've given your image a few tries, but I just can't work with it. :( I'm finding it hard to work with the plane.

Aerith: HELLO MANDI! :-) Mm, could you please provide one with a higher quality? It's quite small and pixelated. But I'd be glad to make one ferr you! :monster:
Mandi: That's good. I'll get to work. :gmonster:

Zhakiri: Mm, any chance of giving me another with higher quality? It's quite small. D:

Spartan: Sure, I could give a different image a shot.
May I please request a small signature from you again?

I'm lovin' Yuna and Tidus at the moment >_<

Type: Signature Only please.
Stock: Yuna and Tidus.
Size: The size you made Zhakiri's at please.
Text: Sweet Euphoria.
Other: Could you please make this sig as pretty/girly as possible. =P

Thank you so much in advance! =D

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Ah it's gorgeous. Thank you so much, Coco! I'm going to upload and use it right away ^_^
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