◖LEADING . R U S E◗ Cali's GFX Shop


Hard stock is hard :mokken:


I do hope you like it. I tried on it and I can totally redo if you no likey.:gasp:

Oh, yeah, I updated the front page.
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I just noticed your post count. You need to have 100 posts. Sorry :(
Can I has an avvi please?

Avatar Pic: Tifa. (Fan art, any you think works nicely) =) I'm not picky. xD Surprise me.
Size of Avatar: 100x100
Avatar Text: None.
Other: If you feel the need to make a few if you can't decide, that's fine. :ohoho: I like picking.

Thank you. ^^

That's good you like picking because I suck at icons and avis. :mokken:


I found them at random. If you'd like one of the fanarts just ask :3
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Reactions: Six
...Don't be ridiculous, I was looking at your LiveJournal and your icons are gorgeous! (I'd also like all of those pics please O.O cept for the last, I have that... :wacky:)

Omg.... so many nice colours to choose from... *picks the 4th.... for now*

Thanks loads, Cali. :D + rep.
Cali, you got a request coming right at cha'! I'd like a full set from the same picture.

Set picture: http://zerochan.net/full/127993
Avy Size: 100x100
Text: none

Sig Size: 432x250
Sig Text: ''Living Universe'' with ''Wish Upon A Star'' under it.
Other: Take your time. I'm in no rush. :3
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Size of Avatar:
150 x 150 pixels, I think I can have that size as long as it's under 50kb I'm not totals a 100% on that though, if not 100 x 100 pixels

Avatar Text:

Signature Pic: http://i54.tinypic.com/2nqrt6g.jpg

Size of Sig:
400 x 190 pixels

Sig Text:
My Devil makes me dream...

Other: I know there was no space for this, but I have one or two vague wonderings, well two really.

Vague Wondering One: Would it be possible to make it look like this type of picture
If not that's cool I'm not too worried at all, like I said that was just a vague wondering

Vague Wondering Two: This one isn't really a vague wondering but oh well, in regards to the text only put it in if it looks good, basically it's not that big a thing and if it doesn't go anywhere with the overall design just abandoneer it

It'd be super swell if you could do this, thanks in advance either way!

Oh, my! I had no idea I had any requests! I'm so sorry! I'll have your requests done A.S.A.P.! My apologies again!
Oh, my! I had no idea I had any requests! I'm so sorry! I'll have your requests done A.S.A.P.! My apologies again!

Aww, that's okay. Take all the time you need, i'm in no rush either. :3
Cali, you got a request coming right at cha'! I'd like a full set from the same picture.

Set picture: http://zerochan.net/full/127993
Avy Size: 100x100
Text: none

Sig Size: 432x250
Sig Text: ''Living Universe'' with ''Wish Upon A Star'' under it.
Other: Take your time. I'm in no rush. :3
I am so so so so so SORRY for how long this took.


Zzyzx, I can try and do that but I can't do that artsy look. :/

Riyoku, the pictures gone, man. :/
I am so so so so so SORRY for how long this took.


It's no biggie Cali! Thank you for making this anyway. :hug:
And I love it! I'll use it after the set Colours made me. :3
Thanks again!~
No problem. I'm sorry about the wait, though. >.<

I won't be taking any requests for a while...
GRRR, ARGGG,:ahmed:


I'm open again <3
Please read the first page for the updates
But please, if you want to request, read the rules on the front page!
They're fun to read anyhoot
-I don't ask much :ahmed:
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Yaaay!! You're open again! :D

Here's my request. Thanks in advance! :3

Signature Pic: Clicky
(Let me know if the picture is LQ)
Size of Sig: 407 x 224 or whatever you feel that works.
Sig Text: Morning Glow