Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

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Aww, that picture is just so cute. Cloti is implied so much in Advent Children and I don't understand when some Cleriths think that it's all about their favourite pairing. Aerith only gets a bit of time onscreen, whereas Tifa gets much, much, much more!

Most of them think that the scene in the picture is really about Aerith, and the empty space between Cloud and Tifa, IS Aerith.

Bizarre, I know.
They think that, because Aerith is said to be healing them in this scene, that it's all about Aerith and says nothing about Cloud and Tifa, as if a scene can only depict one thing. Do they think Cloud and Tifa fell into that position without any thought from the animator? For one thing, from the position they were in when he was holding her, it would've been damn near impossible to fall into this position.
So I do think I have officially fallen in love with this FFJason.

So uh... what were we talking about again? Oh right, crazies. They suck :P

As for the scene in question: I did find it kind of awkward that they somehow just fell into that position, because Cloud drops Tifa and seems to have fallen beside her. That would've seemed a bit more realistic, but no, the animators chose to put them in a unified circular position - ying yang, perhaps. Blatant symbolism? I think so.

w00t I only have one more hard exam to go, I can almost taste freedom.
Definitely ying yang. I'm sure someone mentioned that earlier in the thread and it became a heated discussion.
Right. And if it were all about Aerith, why would Cloud and Tifa be so focused on in many different views and angles? And again, how the hell would they wind up in that strangely romantic position?

BTW, why do Clerith's think that color coding their 'arguments' will help us 'see the light'?

Most of them think that the scene in the picture is really about Aerith, and the empty space between Cloud and Tifa, IS Aerith.
I laughed so hard when I read that... amazing imagination and twisting I admire that ability of the clerith seriously.. they should write fanfiction or something with that imagination

lol I've seen it. Tifa kicks ass in all of his episodes. Though I still have no idea why he made Cloud go into Aerith's room. Then again, I think he said nothing has to make sense!
But otherwise, lulz, Cloud's and Tifa's relationship is sexy and lulz in there
I love the way he portrays Tifa! she is such a bitch it make me love her(so different from the shy girl) and yeah that scene about Cloud going into Aerith room had some Clerith squeeing! luckily for us FFJason made it Cloti at the end.

Right. And if it were all about Aerith, why would Cloud and Tifa be so focused on in many different views and angles? And again, how the hell would they wind up in that strangely romantic position?
that scene was pure Cloti fanservice! they just want to insert Aerith everywhere.
Yeah she healed them but that doesn't seem to be the focus of the scene.....
I laughed so hard when I read that... amazing imagination and twisting I admire that ability of the clerith seriously.. they should write fanfiction or something with that imagination

They have. It's... unique.

'Spirit Lover.' 'nuff said.
"I think that part of the reason we decided to have Kadaj's base in the Forgotten City is because it's the one place that Cloud avoids. But at the same time, perhaps he's drawn to it. There's a sort of hidden meaning to it, with the maternal essence of Aerith that lingers there." - Nomura

lolz. I like how I pulled that out of a CloAe arguement aswell.
hahaha and the Clerith still deny Aerith maternal side.... they quote CoT again and again saying that Tifa is the one with maternal feelings and that Aerith doesn't portray them!
Aerith has actually been called a mother much more.
hahaha and the Clerith still deny Aerith maternal side.... they quote CoT again and again saying that Tifa is the one with maternal feelings and that Aerith doesn't portray them!
Aerith has actually been called a mother much more.

They don't understand that Aerith is represented as mother figure to all, to the planet. Tifa is referred to as a mother of a FAMILY. A family she happens to be in with Cloud. =D

And it sucks my favorite color is pink. Cleriths are giving it a really bad name. D;
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and pink is not even a Clerith color... it's a Zerith color! I mean Zerith screams pink he gave her a pink ribbon he asked her to wear pink and she did! please.....
the thing that make me laugh the most is that they ask us to accept Cloti is a fanon pairing! you are the fanon! you have no proof!
Well WE know it's a Zerith color, but unfortunately their Forums are pink, and they refer to themselves as 'the pink side'. And say things like 'join the pink'.

It really... disturbs me. X_X Such a lovely color being so brutally trashed. xD

All of their quotes are taken out of context, and too many of them are from the uncanon source that is Maiden. >_> They're ranting about how Clerith is destiny, when Zack and Aerith's meeting is described as destiny, and that the two have an irreplacable bond. But apparently, that was the past. :B

And if past love can't work, Aerith and Cloud are BASED on the past. Good job proving your own pairing uncanon.

Cloud:"I left my village looking for glory, but never made it in to SOLDIER... I was so ashamed of being so weak; then I heard this story from my friend Zack... And I created an illusion of myself made up of what I had seen in my life..... And I continued to play the charade as if it were true. I'm physically built like someone in SOLDIER. Hojo's plan to clone Sephiroth wasn't that different. It was just the same procedure they use when creating members of SOLDIER. You see, someone in SOLDIER isn't simply exposed to Mako energy. Their bodies are actually injected with Jenova cells...... For better or for worse, only the strong can enter SOLDIER. It has nothing to do with the Jenova Reunion. But weak people...... like me, get lost in the whole thing. The combination of Jenova cells, Sephiroth's strong will, and my own weaknesses are what created me. Everyone knew that. I'm...... Cloud, the master of my own illusionist world. But I can't remain trapped in an illusion any more...... I'm going to live my life without pretending."
Tifa: "You're sure messed up, Cloud!"

I like Tifa and all, but she's so mean and manipulative. Look at what she says to poor Cloud! :sad:

I kid, I kid - that was my favourite speach by Cloud in the whole game (followed by the one where he tells everyone to find what they're fighting for). CloTi is not always srs bzns, they do joke around aswell :)

I also like the "Am I late?" line in DoC. Of course only Tifa would get it.
Haha, I like what Barret says after Tifa's:
"Gee, you sure are messed up Cloud!"

I believe it was,
"Then nothing's different than before!"


I really like Tifa's "Is it a memory, or us?" quote. ;O
I liked it when Tifa called Barret a retard. :wacky: Though that's not a very CloTi moment. But she did laughed at Cloud: "heh heh heh" and then Cloud responds "what's that suppose to mean, Tifa?" ;P
I love the exchange that Tifa has with Barret inmediatly after she exited the lifestream with Cloud

Barret: Yo! You alright!? Tifa!?

Tifa: U... unn......? Barret... You came back. I...... Cloud... Where is he?

Barret: Don't worry about him. He's a tough one.

Tifa: Barret...... I ...... When I was in the Lifestream I saw the real Cloud.
I mean, I didn't really find him. Cloud found himself on his own...

Barret: Awright, I know... I shouldn't have doubted him. But I can't win
against you. You're some kinda lady.

Tifa: People have many things pent up inside of themselves. So many things they can never forget. Strange, isn't it?

Barret is right! Tifa is so determined you can't win against her.
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Where did the term of fanon come from?

And Zerith is pink and Cloti is ... blue?

I think Nomura would like blue, he hates pink. :cassy:

As for fanon. I'm just gonna guess. So here's my BS: fan + canon = not so canon = fanon.

I notice some of you guys are already in the Zerith club. We should go annoy Cleriths and continue shoving pink Zeriths quotes in them! :D *evil laughs*

I kid. Not today at least!
count me in I love to annoy some clerith*is evil*
I don't know what color could Cloti be.... but they do have their symbols
I think a starry night is a perfect Cloti symbol with shooting stars and all.
I notice some of you guys are already in the Zerith club. We should go annoy Cleriths and continue shoving pink Zeriths quotes in them! *evil laughs*

I kid. Not today at least!

I love Zerith! <3 It's such a sweet and heart-wrenching story. And, I couldn't have the club being so dead and bare like that, so I threw in some quotations. Haha, let's make sure they actually are pink too. xD

Oh, I've been tempted many times. Simply, because I'd love to see what they'd make up to counter it. They believe that that commercial proves Clerith canon, but there are a lot of things wrong with it. Aside from the fact that they know nothing about marketing, the quote next to Cloud and Aerith is: "A love that could never be". Never meaning... it's not happening. So even if there was a *true* attraction, it's never meant to be anyways, according to this commercial that they worship. Also, I believe they said that if Cloti had a similar commercial, then they'd consider it canon. Well, if they believe a commercial over an official game like Crisis Core, and the CC Ultimania (since they believe CC the game, is fanon), I'm sure they'll have plenty of things to say about any quote we throw at them being fanon. :eek:uttahere:

count me in I love to annoy some clerith*is evil*
I don't know what color could Cloti be.... but they do have their symbols
I think a starry night is a perfect Cloti symbol with shooting stars and all.

It's not hard to annoy the Clerith. Just prove them wrong! Whether it be on what Cloud's wolf represents >D, to whether Barret is a part of Cloud and Tifa's family.

I always thought of Cloud and Tifa as dark blue/purple. ^^;
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