Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

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excuse me, but I don't think I have trash-talked about Clerith, I only said they didn't have arguments(which for me it's true) saying that the pairing they ship makes no sense to me(based on the arguments and proof our side presented at the debate) is not flaming, I am just expressing my honest opinion.
I'm sorry, what? I never once said your name, did I Cloti? I was referring to everyone in this thread, not only you. I never once singled you out. You need to learn to calm down and stop jumping to conclusions. Also us mods asked that any LTD discussion be stopped and if we found it out on the boards we'd delete the posts. It's as simple as that.
I am very calm really, but as I was the only one who expressed discontent regarding the closing of the LTD debate thread, I thought you were talking about me, is that was not the case I apologize.
Well, whatever. If not here, then people will find somewhere else to debate about LTD, 'cause like I said, FFVII (and other games too) will always be new for someone out there *shrugs*

I wonder if Tifa would give a ring to Cloud? He gave her a Fenrir ring already, so what could she give to him? A simple band? Something being depicted? I just love accessories xD
I wonder about the moment that Cloud gave her that ring... It must have been so special to her! I imagine Cloud as a dork with words, so I bet he just putted the ring on and blushed!
I think Tifa is the kind of girl that love to give gifts! so I think she must have giving something to him already.Hairspray seems like a Good gift to Cloud, he must keep that hair spiky.
Just to make it clear, not on this forum they won't. If they want to debate the LTD, then they should go join an actual LTD forum, which I know there is one out there somewhere. We're not allowing anymore arguments of the LTD here in general, because the mods agreed it's just senseless arguing over pixels that does nothing but go around in circles and cause bad blood on our forums, that which we would prefer to avoid as much as possible.
Aiya, Cloti I was just gonna warn you about not discussing the LTD because I was sure we would get a so called 'scold'. However, something was wrong with my internet connection for the longest time and well...waffz... too late. IT HAPPENED. O_O.

But Aerith, for sure. I disagree with you COMPLETELY. However, I know your response. Too bad, right? Rules are rules.

Now, can someone with POWERS please change my membership name from aerismoon to ariesmoon?
It wasn't just my decision. It was a decision made amongst the majority of the staff. Unfortunately I'm the messenger. As for the so-called 'scold' would you like I infract you for trying to start even more ridiculous drama?

And your name has been fixed. Apologies for the confusion.
And your name has been fixed. Apologies for the confusion.

Umm..thank you. I would give you the cookie monster face, but I realized you're taking my comments way too seriously.

It wasn't just my decision. It was a decision made amongst the majority of the staff. Unfortunately I'm the messenger.

I understand that and if you realized, I abided by that.

As for the so-called 'scold' would you like I infract you for trying to start even more ridiculous drama?

YES, I would, if that's what you trully believe I deserve.
lol, yeah, I'm sure Cloud would appreciate the hair spray very much xD

I can just imagine them both in the bathroom brushing their teeth in their pyjamas, side by side and other stuff and Cloudy-boy would take his sweet time making sure each strand is perfectly pointy and straight xD

And I love that idea of how Cloud gives Tifa the ring! He probably would be shy about, maybe dorky enough to say "look over there!" and slip it on her and run off or something :P
Umm..thank you. I would give you the cookie monster face, but I realized you're taking my comments way too seriously.
I'm not taking anything too seriously, I'm just doing my job, and part of that is to shut people up about the LTD.

YES, I would, if that's what you trully believe I deserve.
I'm getting close to that point. One thing you'll learn with me is that I don't go handing out infractions so easily, ariesmoon. However if you continue to provoke me, I won't hesitate to give you one for drama.
LTD closed? Eh whatever. I lurked but mainly skimmed the posts, 90% were way too tl;dr.

And I disagree with one of the final mod posts, I'm pretty sure Cid has a much bigger package than Cloud.

...Package of cigarettes, that is.
LTD closed? Eh whatever. I lurked but mainly skimmed the posts, 90% were way too tl;dr.

And I disagree with one of the final mod posts, I'm pretty sure Cid has a much bigger package than Cloud.

...Package of cigarettes, that is.

Oh gawd that made me LAWL :lol:

Ask Busta though. He's the one that said it. I'm SURE he'd know. You know Busta secretly has the hots for both Cloud and Cid. Just don't tell him I told you that. ^_~
Whoa a lot has happened since yesterday! o_O I feel like I've been outta the loop for quite awhile...

Anyways, happy late b-day to Cloti!!! I hope you had a good one! *hugs*

Er, on topic...cute Cloti pic?

EDIT: @ Aerith, I absolutely love your avi and sig!!! Please, Please, Please open a sig shop! You're stuff is great ^_^
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Awww, that's a nice SIM pic. But that's an interesting idea; the two make another promise after all those years since they were teenagers ^^
*blushes* I would Stella, but right now I just don't have a lot of time to make sigs and stuff. I'm hoping later on I will!

These are probably two of my favorite Cloti images. Albeit the 2nd one is more sad, I just love the portrayal.


I applaud myself for my brief moments of brilliance :P
Busta shouldn't worry though. I'm sure most FF7 fans have secret hardons for Cloud. IMO Cid is pretty attractive as well.

and yes, your icons/sigs are pretty kickass. The R+J ones = <33333

the second picture is dead-fricken-on. That's pretty much how I imagined COT, right there. Except, in COT it's Cloud hand on Tifa's shoulder :monster:
Yes, they do, but of course they won't let on. Tsk tsk tsk.

Me too! I seriously imagined CoT just like that as well. Yeah, Cloud's hand was on Tifa's shoulder and Tifa was crying. Hmmm, maybe I'll just have to recreate that image from the story. :gasp:
Are the novel pieces really worth reading? I'm lazy, so I get my info and perspectives from playing the games, aside from watching Advent Children and Last Order :P

I know it's a sad scene, but mmmm...Those two look good all drippy and wet xD
Wow! I missed a lot! Tell me, what happened here? Did we have another LTD upsurge?

Btw: Work on 2nd installment is coming along well!
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