Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

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new here.. all i have to say
my fav pairing from a game
Tifa was the only person who knew the "true cloud" and even in the most recent material after ff7 you can see how she understands him very well..
I just hope there are more post ff7 stuff coming out soon.. and show a little more of these two .. sigh

and what up with the wiki site for ff7?
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Hi there :monster: Welcome new person.

I've come to notice that everyone loves to claim that CloTi is the cutest

I disagree with those everyonez. CloTi is HAWTNESS. I can not think of any other FF pairing, fanon or canon, hotter than CloTi. ;))
This morning I saw a scan for a new FFXIII character, but on the same page there was a little image from ACC that I decided to crop out and uploaded to show off :


Of course it just a very small thing, but to me it totally reaffirms Tifa being someone that supports Cloud in the present and probably throughout the rest of their lives. The fact that such an intimate looking image is being advertised rather than something more generic as a new scene in the movies speaks volumes to me ^_^

I'm still trying to figure out if she's sitting on the bike with him and is just holding on to him, or if they're standing and she's resting her handon his shoulder though :huh:
I wish somebody could also translate the jap text,maybe it says something importand for them.
Thank you for providing the pic.
I love the pic! Tifa looks beautiful as always.
I don't remeber that image from the movie..The look on Tifa's face.. she is so in love.
@Oerba: I don't the text is about them; just general info about ACC :P

I love the pic! Tifa looks beautiful as always.
I don't remeber that image from the movie..The look on Tifa's face.. she is so in love.

Like I said, it's probably just one of the minor new scenes added in ACC *shrugs*

But yeah, that's one of the good things about the new high res CGI; emotions are a lot more easily conveyed ^^

Ah, must stay on topic!

Cloti ftw =D
Hi there :monster: Welcome new person.

I disagree with those everyonez. CloTi is HAWTNESS. I can not think of any other FF pairing, fanon or canon, hotter than CloTi. ;))

Cecil/ Rosa. Also Rikku/ Tifa, but setting that aside...

This morning I saw a scan for a new FFXIII character, but on the same page there was a little image from ACC that I decided to crop out and uploaded to show off :


Of course it just a very small thing, but to me it totally reaffirms Tifa being someone that supports Cloud in the present and probably throughout the rest of their lives. The fact that such an intimate looking image is being advertised rather than something more generic as a new scene in the movies speaks volumes to me ^_^

I'm still trying to figure out if she's sitting on the bike with him and is just holding on to him, or if they're standing and she's resting her handon his shoulder though :huh:

Note the hair. They seem to be moving, though I can't tell much more than that.

I love the pic! Tifa looks beautiful as always.
I don't remeber that image from the movie..The look on Tifa's face.. she is so in love.

Preview of ACC.
And of course she's in love. A mother's love.[/sarcasm, snark, derision, etc.]
LOL. Now we're becoming a religion as well, eh? xD

The Cloti are fierce.
Oh yes, we definitely are. Old members can be excused from saying this since they've joined before the time I edited the terms and conditions, also taking into account the fact that they've done their fair amount of worshipping.

New members. That includes cat123. You must proclaim The Word of CloTi! It is located on the first post - this proves your dedication to our cult. :wacky:
thanks for the welcomes.
lol @ the passage... fine ill do it
I hereby declare myself a CloTi
I shall worship CloTi for as long as I live
Cloud is the protector of Tifa
Tifa is the angel of Cloud
I will praise their beautiful romance
And proclaim The Word of CloTi
it reminds me of something.. lols

anyways I have a quick question for those who read CoT (case of Tifa)
could it be implied in that one scene that she slept next to Cloud? you know the scene where she makes sure hes asleep? asks him do you love me? then plays it off and asks do you love Marlene? she also sees him close his eyes again... I dunno I think it would be odd if she was standing over him or just watching him, I mean he doesn't even question her "why are you here?" or a "what are you doing?" it seems it would only make sense if she was sleeping next to him... Right?? lols

anyways cool new scene from the movie.. I am sure there will be another new scene between the two.. and that scene looks like the bike scene.
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thanks for the welcomes.
lol @ the passage... fine ill do it
I hereby declare myself a CloTi
I shall worship CloTi for as long as I live
Cloud is the protector of Tifa
Tifa is the angel of Cloud
I will praise their beautiful romance
And proclaim The Word of CloTi
it reminds me of something.. lols

anyways I have a quick question for those who read CoT (case of Tifa)
could it be implied in that one scene that she slept next to Cloud? you know the scene where she makes sure hes asleep? asks him do you love me? then plays it off and asks do you love Marlene? she also sees him close his eyes again... I dunno I think it would be odd if she was standing over him or just watching him, I mean he doesn't even question her "why are you here?" or a "what are you doing?" it seems it would only make sense if she was sleeping next to him... Right?? lols

In short, yes. She either shares the room or sleeps there as often as to not even be worth a raised eyebrow.

anyways cool new scene from the movie.. I am sure there will be another new scene between the two.. and that scene looks like the bike scene.

Either that or a clever screenwipe. I'm suspicious about the general whiteness but the little but of gray in the lower right corner.
I love the pic! Tifa looks beautiful as always.
I don't remeber that image from the movie..The look on Tifa's face.. she is so in love.

tbqh, as someone mentioned from tsl, I thought Tifa's expression was...kinda freaky. But that's just me and I can't put my fingers on why I see it that way. But then again, after looking at the scan again some 5-6 times, I'm less freaked out. :wacky: Must be a familiarity thingy. :monster:

Though I do agree it's a totally in love kinda look. >:d

Cecil/ Rosa. Also Rikku/ Tifa, but setting that aside...

It must be my rabid CloTi biases and preferences that blinded me. :cassy: Though I should have mentioned only canon pairings, but then you'll probably argue for Cecil/Rosa. :P

But, CloTi ftw!

Oh yes, we definitely are. Old members can be excused from saying this since they've joined before the time I edited the terms and conditions, also taking into account the fact that they've done their fair amount of worshipping.
(!)!! :wacky:

anyways I have a quick question for those who read CoT (case of Tifa)
could it be implied in that one scene that she slept next to Cloud? you know the scene where she makes sure hes asleep? asks him do you love me? then plays it off and asks do you love Marlene? she also sees him close his eyes again... I dunno I think it would be odd if she was standing over him or just watching him, I mean he doesn't even question her "why are you here?" or a "what are you doing?" it seems it would only make sense if she was sleeping next to him... Right?? lols

I really would like to see this scene animated. The logical assumption is that these two people are sharing the same room. I'm sure anyone with common sense and adequate reading comprehension would agree if these two people were not..well.

Also, squee?
I really would like to see this scene animated. The logical assumption is that these two people are sharing the same room. I'm sure anyone with common sense and adequate reading comprehension would agree if these two people were not..well.

Also, squee?

ahh me too!! to see it animated would be awesome!!
yeah, I think that sometimes they probably did share a room
because somewhere in the story it said that Tifa slept with Marlene usually (well when Denzel wasn't there yet either).. ehh I know some couples who do that.. you don't have to be with them every night :P
It only said she shared a room with Marlene while Barret was there. We see in AC that Marlene gets her own room (before Denzel shows up, at which point he starts to share with her). The way I see it, there are 3 rooms: The kids' room, Cloud's office w/a cot (not really conducive to sleeping in every night), and a 3rd room we never see that Tifa sleeps in (and possibly Cloud).
I always thought it was odd that Rude and Reno just happened to place the two in the children's room...

ehh I know some couples who do that.. you don't have to be with them every night :P

Nope you don't have to be with them every night. For it to be true wub, you hafta be with them every freagin minute!!! :D I kid.
They are ment to be together forever they have nobody else they are cute together imagine a case. They are married and mad at each other imagine the fight jaja. They are the perfect pair.
It must be my rabid CloTi biases and preferences that blinded me. :cassy: Though I should have mentioned only canon pairings, but then you'll probably argue for Cecil/Rosa. :P

My good madame, are you somehow trying to insinuate that Cecil/Rosa is not canon? Those are fighting words! En guarde!

Besides, Rosa's just as hot as Tifa.

To prove this, I give you this image

Though it has been pointed out, scarily enough, that Edward/ Gilbart is the most feminine person in this picture.

I really would like to see this scene animated. The logical assumption is that these two people are sharing the same room. I'm sure anyone with common sense and adequate reading comprehension would agree if these two people were not..well.

And lacking the pink glasses and prophylactic.

It only said she shared a room with Marlene while Barret was there. We see in AC that Marlene gets her own room (before Denzel shows up, at which point he starts to share with her).

More specifically, it said that Marlene kept sleeping with Tifa up until they completed the 7th heaven. It's entirely possible, and likely, that they were sleeping in tents or a hotel at this point.

The way I see it, there are 3 rooms: The kids' room, Cloud's office w/a cot (not really conducive to sleeping in every night),

It's also completely lacking in any sort of ameneties, like a dresser or closet.

and a 3rd room we never see that Tifa sleeps in (and possibly Cloud).

There's probably also at least one bathroom somewhere upstairs, in addition to the Master Bedroom

I always thought it was odd that Rude and Reno just happened to place the two in the children's room...

I can explain this in five words. "Damn these guys are heavy"

Nope you don't have to be with them every night. For it to be true wub, you hafta be with them every freagin minute!!! :D I kid.

Though you're joking, this is a double standard that the pinks keep applying as I've seen. Then again, it seems like almost everything that tries to 'prove' that pairing is just a double standard at times.
It's also completely lacking in any sort of ameneties, like a dresser or closet.
Well, he does only own one outfit. :P

There's probably also at least one bathroom somewhere upstairs, in addition to the Master Bedroom
Forgive me, I should have specified three bedrooms. LOL. Though if Cloud's office doesn't have a closet, it's not technically a bedroom and couldn't be marketed as such. Makes resale a little tougher.
My good madame, are you somehow trying to insinuate that Cecil/Rosa is not canon? Those are fighting words! En guarde!

No, of course not, good sir. I was just beginning to see the light :wacky: and realized that the Tifa/Rikku pairing might just outshine the Cloud/Tifa pairing in terms of sexiness, and in order to avoid such a defeat of the CloTi hawtness in my mind, I thought I should’ve excluded the non-canons. :wacky: But even then you’d still be able to argue that the canon pairing of Cecil-Rosa is just as smexy, if not smexier than Cloud/Tifa. And alas--You did! :monster: Sorta, kinda. But in terms of this and not the canon issue, it’s all subjective.

Besides, Rosa's just as hot as Tifa.

To prove this, I give you this image

Though it has been pointed out, scarily enough, that Edward/ Gilbart is the most feminine person in this picture.

*Nods* to both and definitely. Though, I hate to say this more than once, but I haven’t played IV yet. :monster: So I can’t further comment on thee hotness of Rosa as I’m not familiar with her character and story and also since my definition of the term hawtness does not refer exclusively to the lady’s physical appearance but her attitude as well. And I’m starting to take notice that you like bringing Cecil/Rosa up, am I missing out on something awesome? :monster:…. LOL. But I guess I’ll see, I’m actually buying my brother another DS for his birthday, so I might just add this title to the birthday gift since some of the FF titles he don’t own include IV.
Though you're joking, this is a double standard that the pinks keep applying as I've seen. Then again, it seems like almost everything that tries to 'prove' that pairing is just a double standard at times.

Actually, that’s why I said it. :monster: Suppressed sarcasm and all.
Well, he does only own one outfit. :P

No, just racks and racks and racks of the same outfit.

Forgive me, I should have specified three bedrooms. LOL. Though if Cloud's office doesn't have a closet, it's not technically a bedroom and couldn't be marketed as such. Makes resale a little tougher.
Well, ever since it turned out that there were no bathrooms on the Enterprise, I always make sure to include at least one bathroom if I ever contemplate a layout.
And thanks to the Brady Bunch, a toilet, too.

No, of course not, good sir. I was just beginning to see the light :wacky: and realized that the Tifa/Rikku pairing might just outshine the Cloud/Tifa pairing in terms of sexiness, and in order to avoid such a defeat of the CloTi hawtness in my mind, I thought I should’ve excluded the non-canons. :wacky: But even then you’d still be able to argue that the canon pairing of Cecil-Rosa is just as smexy, if not smexier than Cloud/Tifa. And alas--You did! :monster: Sorta, kinda. But in terms of this and not the canon issue, it’s all subjective.

I shall show mercy, then. :: Puts Onion sword back on shelf::

*Nods* to both and definitely. Though, I hate to say this more than once, but I haven’t played IV yet. :monster: So I can’t further comment on thee hotness of Rosa as I’m not familiar with her character and story and also since my definition of the term hawtness does not refer exclusively to the lady’s physical appearance but her attitude as well. And I’m starting to take notice that you like bringing Cecil/Rosa up, am I missing out on something awesome? :monster:…. LOL. But I guess I’ll see, I’m actually buying my brother another DS for his birthday, so I might just add this title to the birthday gift since some of the FF titles he don’t own include IV.
You are missing the archetypal couple of Final Fantasy. Two childhood friends who become lovers, who shag before the game ends (though we didn't know this until the sequel came out), and fight together against evil. They're also part of the first Love Triangle, and the first LTDs of FF, though they were both mercifully short loved.
Actually, that’s why I said it. :monster: Suppressed sarcasm and all.
I know, but I had to point it out.
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