Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

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No, just racks and racks and racks of the same outfit.

I shall show mercy, then. :: Puts Onion sword back on shelf::

H-hey, for mercy to be shown, I must be punishable first.

You are missing the archetypal couple of Final Fantasy. Two childhood friends who become lovers, who shag before the game ends (though we didn't know this until the sequel came out), and fight together against evil. They're also part of the first Love Triangle, and the first LTDs of FF, though they were both mercifully short loved.
And had a child? I think you mentioned this on TLS.
I guess that's why they brought in Denzel for Cloud-Tifa. :monster:

But I wonder, since there is more to the compilation, would Cloud-Tifa eventually have a real child of their own? Thoughts anyone? And should the child be a boy or gal? :P
I think they would, but unsure of when to because of all the problems they keep having in the world. I think it'd be a boy for some reason bearing Cloud's hair and Tifa's eyes.
H-hey, for mercy to be shown, I must be punishable first.

To whit "Though, I hate to say this more than once, but I haven’t played IV yet. "

And had a child? I think you mentioned this on TLS.
Yes. Theodore (currently romanized as Ceodore, but as he was named after someone whose name is Romanized Theodore... Natch). He is 17 years of age, in a game that takes place 17 years after the events of FFIV. Yang also has a daughter, who I believe is of similar age.
I guess that's why they brought in Denzel for Cloud-Tifa. :monster:
Hilarious totally asinine observation- Denzel is 8 years of age in Advent Children. The Water tower scene was 9 years prior to Advent Children. Secret Water Tower Lovechild FTW! Or not, but the idea is too hilarious not to bring up every so often.
And it's certainly a lot more plausible than Sora, Zell, or Lightning.
Then again, Kain Highwind is apparently the son of the Dragon Knight from FFII, though that's more an in joke than anything.
Now we just need to learn Cid's dad was named Kain.

But I wonder, since there is more to the compilation, would Cloud-Tifa eventually have a real child of their own? Thoughts anyone? And should the child be a boy or gal? :P
It's entirely possible. They are only in their young 20s, and if Yang can have a child at 35, and Laguna at 27 (sadly, I do not know the ages of the women in either relationship), Cloud and Tifa can wait a few years for their own.
I mean, hell, Wakka and Lulu (the pairing most like that of C and T after FF7, especially since the guys are both utter dorks, though Steiner/ Beatrix has sort of the same dynamics) waited for two years to have any kids, and they weren't even dealing with things in the interim.
Though it has been pointed out, scarily enough, that Edward/ Gilbart is the most feminine person in this picture.

I think he looks a lot like Anna in that picture, rofl.

the canon pairing of Cecil-Rosa is just as smexy, if not smexier than Cloud/Tifa.

Smexier. Just because Cecil is a million times better than Cloud. Though Rosa and Tifa are a tie for me. I could never choose who I like more between those two. ><

They're also part of the first Love Triangle, and the first LTDs of FF, though they were both mercifully short loved.

Kain's angst fests. :D

would Cloud-Tifa eventually have a real child of their own? Thoughts anyone? And should the child be a boy or gal?

I'd love to see them having a girl, tbh. Not that there's anything wrong with a cute Cloud clone running around, haha. I just have a perfect image of what their child would look like as a girl (and in the future) and she looks a lot cooler than what I imagine their son would look and act like.

Now we just need to learn Cid's dad was named Kain.

:gasp: I think I would die of laughter.
H-hey, for mercy to be shown, I must be punishable first.

And had a child? I think you mentioned this on TLS.
I guess that's why they brought in Denzel for Cloud-Tifa. :monster:

But I wonder, since there is more to the compilation, would Cloud-Tifa eventually have a real child of their own? Thoughts anyone? And should the child be a boy or gal? :P

A boy with Cloud's spiky hair, but Tifa's hair color

they said there was going to be more to the compilation??oh my when and where? I Am so behind O_O ohhh.. how cool... if so,
I think that somewhere they may imply a child that is probably theirs, like have a little black haired boy with clouds signature spiky hair going around doing something.. :P

ahh when is ACC coming? I hope they add more scences between the two.. like some actual new diaglouge too
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I thought Denzel was 12 years old? How the heck do you get that tall for 8?

How'd you get 12? He's 10 four years after FF7, and turned 7 right before Sec7 fell, putting his birthday in December. This works out perfectly with AC taking place in November, and him being 8 in the movie (as his second birthday after FF7 has not yet occurred).

I think he looks a lot like Anna in that picture, rofl.

So it's narcissism, you're saying?

Smexier. Just because Cecil is a million times better than Cloud. Though Rosa and Tifa are a tie for me. I could never choose who I like more between those two. ><

Well, you don't particularly have to. They are largely cut from the same cloth, after all. I imagine if Cloud had had a slightly better Childhood, he would have wound up a lot more like Cecil.
Which begs the question- would Johnny have been their Kain?

Kain's angst fests. :D

Yeah, people call Cloud angsty, but he has nothing on Cloud.
Speaking of Agnst, Cecil's english VA also voiced non other than the crown prince of angst, Sasuke. Also Ben 10.

I'd love to see them having a girl, tbh. Not that there's anything wrong with a cute Cloud clone running around, haha. I just have a perfect image of what their child would look like as a girl (and in the future) and she looks a lot cooler than what I imagine their son would look and act like.

I'd wager good money she'd be named, at least in part after Aerith. Tiffany Aerith Lockhart-Strife? Or should it not be hyphenated? It doesn't seem complete without the Lockhart in there, though Tiffany Strife sounds good on its own.

:gasp: I think I would die of laughter.

Indeed. But oh so worth it.
Much like it turning out that all the human main characters in FF10 are the ancestors of FF7 characters, such as a line of descent, through Rikku, from Cid to Cid (with Kain accidentally jumping continuities and fathering the Cid we all know and love), or Wakka/ Lulu eventually resulting in Tifa, Tidus and Yuna eventually arriving at Cloud, etc.
The lulz would be epic indeed.
If Square decides to give Cloud and Tifa a child I wouldn't know what it would look like to be honest. I can imagine that if it was actually show in an compilation, that it would just be a small sleeping baby wrapped in a blanket with either blond or brown hair xD

To be honest, one thing I often thought about was the two of them finding two orphans that happen to be Zack and Aerith's reincarnation or something, but given that the two are still spiritually alive in AC, they'd have to be really young then, probably babies themselves by the time Cloud would find them >__<

Off-topic, but could Denzel and Marlene ever get together? I admit that I automatically pair them up since they're together so often, but they're both technically be raised by the same parental figures, so wouldn't they develop a sibling connection then?
I'd actually want a boy for Cloud-Tifa, though a little girl would be fine too. However, if it'd be a boy, I'd want him to have amber eyes and his hair burnette like his mother. Should the child be a girl, I'd want blue eyes and blonde hair for her, but should we see the child grown up a bit, I don't want her to be/look like Lightning. Not that I have anything against her looks, because I do like her manly look :monster: srsly. But yeah, I'd just want the potential daughter to have a feminine look...although now it's reminding me of Stella if I want her to look like Tifa...yeah...jibberish

I can imagine that if it was actually show in an compilation, that it would just be a small sleeping baby wrapped in a blanket with either blond or brown hair xD

xDD You know, it'd be easier for them that way. And while I would love to see Tifa acting all motherly and stuff, I think adding a child later would allow her to have more action for whatever they're planning to do with the compilation now. I dunno. :monster: Babies are commitments. xD And well, Denzel and Marlene should suffice for some time.

they said there was going to be more to the compilation??oh my when and where? I Am so behind O_O ohhh.. how cool... if so,

I forget where I read this, but someone from SE stated that it's likely we'd get at least 10+ more years of FF7. This interview must've been a couple years past already.

And then there's that secret ending from DoC (Dirge of Cerberus). It's likely we'd see another title added to the compilation.

ahh when is ACC coming? I hope they add more scences between the two.. like some actual new diaglouge too

It should be released in Japan sometimes in March this year. ;))
So it's narcissism, you're saying?

Well, you don't particularly have to. They are largely cut from the same cloth, after all. I imagine if Cloud had had a slightly better Childhood, he would have wound up a lot more like Cecil.
Which begs the question- would Johnny have been their Kain?

Yes, mwahaha.

That is very true. I suppose Johnny would have been sort of like their Kain. Though Cloud's only friend was Tifa, while Cecil had Kain as well as Rosa.
Poor Kain. I always felt bad for him, just like Quistis. ><; Execept at least Rosa and Cecil weren't dicks to him about it like Squall was to Quistis.

non other than the crown prince of angst, Sasuke. Also Ben 10.

Oh, damn! I knew he sounded familar.... Crud. I can't stand Sasuke. The whole time I played the re-make I kept saying to myself,
"Cecil's voice is really bugging me... who else has this voice?"
Well, that explains it. xD

Tiffany Strife sounds good on its own.

Tiffany is a marvelous name. >D Since it's my name. ;))

Indeed. But oh so worth it.
Much like it turning out that all the human main characters in FF10 are the ancestors of FF7 characters, such as a line of descent, through Rikku, from Cid to Cid (with Kain accidentally jumping continuities and fathering the Cid we all know and love), or Wakka/ Lulu eventually resulting in Tifa, Tidus and Yuna eventually arriving at Cloud, etc.
The lulz would be epic indeed.

But of course. 8D
Such a disturbing thought.

I'd just want the potential daughter to have a feminine look

I'd want her to look extremely gorgeous, like a type of girl that looks like she can't fight, but can.
Denzel is 10? Good. Someone said he was 8. :wacky:

And I'd love Denzel/Marlene. So that'd be Denzene? Marlenzel?
Denzel is 10? Good. Someone said he was 8. :wacky:

And I'd love Denzel/Marlene. So that'd be Denzene? Marlenzel?


And He is 8, in Advent Children anyways. He's at least 9 as of DoC, and 10 as of the framing scenes of Case of Denzel. He is 7 when the Plate falls on Sector 7.
From all this, we know his birthday is sometime before Dec 11th, but After November 20th.
I just realized the baby discussion revolved around the physical aspects the baby would inherit from Cloud and Tifa. I guess that was my fault. If you guys don’t mind me bringing the baby discussion back up, I’d like to reframe my question a bit:

If Cloud and Tifa were to have a real child of their own, should he/she be a little Cloud or a little Tifa? Or a little CloTi? (--then he’d/she’d be the embodiment of the truez canonz!—well either ways) Personality-wise and stuff, how should the child be?

Anyways, just a note so that I don’t come off as too deluded after I will be making a to-be long comment :P, I don’t have complete confidence that the creators will give these two koibitos a baby, I think that’s why we already have Denzel (and Marlene) to solidify the bond and relationship between Cloud and Tifa as lovers and parental figures, but it’s still plausible with how the compilation is spanning now; it’s at least definitely more plausible than Cloud dying to meet dead friends for instance. Plus, it’s always interesting to read what you guys think.

To start, I’m sure everyone here appreciates Cloud and Tifa for who they are, without assassinating their true characters. We know both Cloud and Tifa are shy, insecure, lacking in verbal artistry when it comes to emotional expressions—the famous line: “Words aren’t the only thing that tells people what you think” partially explains it) and are also, rather quite timid and dull people, in comparison to other more entertaining characters like Yuffie, Barret, etc.

So, to be honest, I don’t want the child to be like them at all! …har. No I kid.

Underneath Cloud’s rather indifferent and timid demeanor, I think we can agree the guy’s got a lot of passion pent up inside. And I am not talking about his perverted passion for Tifa’s panties. Recall his first and last fights with Sephy: Cloud has this awesome ability to suddenly become powerful when he sees his loved ones in danger, i.e, Nibelheim incident, where he shouts: “My mom…Tifa…my town..give them back” and the coming up scenes in ACC where he says: “Marlene..Denzel…Tifa…it’s my turn to protect them”. <33 Something along those lines anyways. As we see from the game and in the movie, in both scenarios, Cloud suddenly has the ultimate powers to defeat the god Sephiroth! All byz himseevz! While everyone and the god go O_O(!!!)……..*cough**composes oneself**ahem*… Now, I would like the child to inherit that awesome passion as well.

And of course, I would like the child to inherit the same remarkable faith and devotion Tifa has for Cloud, such as, to name only a couple, when she said she believed in him even though he didn’t believe in himself and when she devotedly stayed by his side even when there was no guarantee the real Cloud would wake up from his vegetable state. That makes Tifa the type of koibito who will always be supportive of her man, and contrary to what the minority thinks she is a supplement to the vegetable Cloud, >.< and more. Such a trait of faith and devotion in anyone would make one a darling and a comfort for those as troubled as our chocobohead.

I shall stop before I yap about things most everyone already knows. But yes, I would like the child to inherit from:

Cloud: Passion to protect his/her beloveds, his dorky and endearing charm.
Tifa: Faith and Devotion, inner strength and compassion, the determination to stay true to her feelings.

To connect back to what I’ve initially described about Cloud and Tifa, I’d rather not what the child to be like his/her parents in terms of lacking in confidence and stuff. The child should have a vibrant personality like that of Zack or Aerith, although Fusionist, you mentioned reincarnation, that’d be interesting especially if the reincarnated child is Aerith. LOL! But no, seriously speaking, Cloud and Tifa deserve a child who’s not afraid to cause a ruckus, who can be the brightest light of their life, who can make them laugh everyday, and other interesting things.

Now adding these things up, I'd say again I think a boy would do for Cloud-Tifa. Inheriting Cloud’s passion to protect his loved ones and Tifa’s faith and devotion, plus the vibrant personality, I find it adorable to see a boy who'd be openly persistant and protective of his mother. Though now, seeing: Bahamut scene. Denzel does a good job. He loses the geostigma. End.

Also, the personality I imagined just reminds me of Zack and I <3 Zack, the way he wanted to protect Aerith from the Angeal clone and his determination to return to her, basically commiting suicide to get to her. T_T

Though finally, speaking of Cloud and Tifa laughing, I want to see either or both of them LAUGH and LAUGH and LAUGH in ACC. Laughing is good for the soul and they neeeeed it. The ending was wayyy too short in AC and they could have made time for a LOL moment.

And oh yes, no one said they can’t have more than one child. :monster:

Please discuss.
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whoa what an awesome post.. hmmmm I also wish that it is a boy, :)
and I think the kid could have both of their characteristics, especially the passion of Cloud and Tifa's devotion..and yeah a vibrant personality like Zack would be cool

Well, if they are going to add more into the compilation, I hope somewhere they at least imply they had a kid...but, I agree they don't really need to, when they already have Denzel..

Just how many added scences are going/supposed to be in ACC? Also I heard there will be a suprise with the DVD right? I wonder.
Wow, what an inspired speech, ariesmoon.

We could sit here all day and debate the perfectness of a child, but what about the flaws? The kid could either end up concealing their emotions like Cloud or pester on like Tifa.
@cat123 I'm not sure. I don't know if it's a rumor or not, but we are suppose to have a short movie 2 years after AC. I hope it may be true.

@Faith, you're right. :wacky: Silly me, I forgot about beautiful human flaws. No sarcasm here. And thank you, even though I wasn't planning to make a speech, I just tend to be random like that :monster:
Denzel/Marlene is a little incesty, I'm used to thinking of them as siblings. I think, if anything, then Denzel/Moogle girl and... Marlene/? :monster:

As for a Cloti kid... I think a girl would be more appropriate, for some reason I see Denzel being resentful towards a male child. *shrug* All siblings have sibling conflict!
Plus, speaking of sibling conflict, I enjoy the image of Marlene and sister irritating poor Denzel. It's much more humourous than two boys picking on sweet little Marlene :P

...cuz in looney's mind, kids can't simply be nice to another :monster:
@cat123 I'm not sure. I don't know if it's a rumor or not, but we are suppose to have a short movie 2 years after AC. I hope it may be true.

@Faith, you're right. :wacky: Silly me, I forgot about beautiful human flaws. No sarcasm here. And thank you, even though I wasn't planning to make a speech, I just tend to be random like that :monster:

Really?! oh man, I hope this isn't some rumor.. but if its two years then it means its after DoC as well right? hmm well I just heard that there is supposed to be some sort of surprise/announcement? if you buy the ACC DVD somewhere..

I wonder if they will add they scene that they deleted where Tifa apologizes to Cloud.. hmmm

also I JUST read Case of Barret.. it was awesome however this part between Barret and Cid

"I left Marlene with Tifa. Since she's taken to her and all."
"Good for you. Whole world's clappin' you on the back. So Cloud's with Tifa?"
"Yeah. Tifa opened a bar, just like the old days. Cloud was helpin' out, but it sounds like he's got his own business keepin' him tied up now. A delivery service."
"Cloud? Run a business?"
"You can bet it's Tifa kickin' his ass into shape."
"I see. In the end, it's the women wear the pants."
"How's Shera?"
"Meh, she's about the same," dodged Cid.

I think everyone knows Tifa wears the pants.. :P
These two see Cloud and Tifa as a couple, wonder how there is still a minority that doesnt..
Denzel/Marlene is a little incesty, I'm used to thinking of them as siblings. I think, if anything, then Denzel/Moogle girl and... Marlene/? :monster:

I actually favor Denzel/Moogle girl too. But Moogle girl must have a name. :monster: And personality.

As for a Cloti kid... I think a girl would be more appropriate, for some reason I see Denzel being resentful towards a male child. *shrug* All siblings have sibling conflict!
Plus, speaking of sibling conflict, I enjoy the image of Marlene and sister irritating poor Denzel. It's much more humourous than two boys picking on sweet little Marlene :P

And maybe Marlene and the baby girl can give Denzel a hard time about moogle girl. :monster: That would actually be cute.
...cuz in looney's mind, kids can't simply be nice to another :monster:

This is a fantasy world, having conflict in relationships means it’s not true wub. And children not being nice means EVIL. And evil is not GOOD. Because HAPPY is GOOD! ;)) That just made shit sense.

Really?! oh man, I hope this isn't some rumor.. but if its two years then it means its after DoC as well right? hmm well I just heard that there is supposed to be some sort of surprise/announcement? if you buy the ACC DVD somewhere..

Ditto. Yep. I heard the same thing, but I won't be thinking about it till it happens.

I wonder if they will add they scene that they deleted where Tifa apologizes to Cloud.. hmmm

They said they would. :D But what I really want to know is how Tifa got that ring.

LOL!! Oh, I just thought it would be so hilarious if she DID steal the ring! That’d be something I’d actually like to see even though we know Tifa would never do that. LOL

also I JUST read Case of Barret.. it was awesome however this part between Barret and Cid

"I left Marlene with Tifa. Since she's taken to her and all."
"Good for you. Whole world's clappin' you on the back. So Cloud's with Tifa?"
"Yeah. Tifa opened a bar, just like the old days. Cloud was helpin' out, but it sounds like he's got his own business keepin' him tied up now. A delivery service."
"Cloud? Run a business?"
"You can bet it's Tifa kickin' his ass into shape."
"I see. In the end, it's the women wear the pants."
"How's Shera?"
"Meh, she's about the same," dodged Cid.

I think everyone knows Tifa wears the pants.. :P
These two see Cloud and Tifa as a couple, wonder how there is still a minority that doesnt..

There will always be a minority. And diversity is good. It'd be so boring without either groups. ;))
My impression on Cid’s reaction was that he wanted to avoid the inevitable truth that thee FEMALE rules all relationships. HAR;;; Anywaise, everytime I read this passage, I can’t help but think of a traditional saying in some Asian cultures. The saying goes something along the lines about men who fear their wives are usually guaranteed success. Don’t ask me about it. :monster: Oh yeah, and in Chinese and some Asian cultures, there are some couples who call each other mommy and daddy if they’re married. Actually, my aunt calls her husband daddy and he calls her mommy, but he's nowhere near being Asian :monster:
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Good, that could definitely imply CloTi are together. I'm still failing to see why Clerith exists, however. I'm not bashing, it's just that there are huge differences between them. He's alive, she's dead ... I'd much prefer Zerith, especially after playing Crisis Core. I've nearly finished it, I think.
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