Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

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Sorry, but what's this about "Tifa apologizing to Cloud" thing :huh:
Naw, couples in fantasy games can have conflict, so long as the conflict is over the top and doesn't mirror real-life too closely :P

Marlene and imaginarygirlchild pestering Denzel over Mooglegirl would actually be very cute. Hey, maybe Mooglegirl will get a name in ACC! :monster:

As for Tifa apologizing to Cloud... apparently in the original AC, they wanted to include a scene after Tifa's lecture about saving the children where she apologizes to Cloud for being to hard on him. They might just include this scene in ACC :)
Ah, okay; well, since it's happening during such a tense time, especially with the kiddos in danger, I don't know if Cloud would really be relieved that she's not really mad at him *shrugs*

Although if they want to make that a Cloud/Tifa moment beyond what it already is, they could probably have Tifa say that and then Cloud replying like "I don't like it when we fight" and blush or something cute like that xD
I actually favor Denzel/Moogle girl too. But Moogle girl must have a name. :monster: And personality.

Lulu. Come on people. Obvious answer.

My impression on Cid’s reaction was that he wanted to avoid the inevitable truth that thee FEMALE rules all relationships. HAR;;; Anywaise, everytime I read this passage, I can’t help but think of a traditional saying in some Asian cultures. The saying goes something along the lines about men who fear their wives are usually guaranteed success. Don’t ask me about it. :monster:

It's actually to deflect from telling Barrett that Sierra has Geostigma, as is revealed shortly thereafter.
It's actually to deflect from telling Barrett that Sierra has Geostigma, as is revealed shortly thereafter.

I didn't say 'first' (impression), but that's what I meant. And my HAR was suppose to suggets I'm being silly i.e.
...har, I kid

You tend to correct people/information, which is actually a good thing though.

You know, I think I've bumped into a number of people who want to see Tifa apolgize to Cloud for being too harsh, which would be cute I can imagine, but tbh, I really don't think she was THAT harsh on him. GAhh.............I'm just a mean Cloti. :monster:

@Fusionist: That deserves a xDD. Anyways, I think I'm just be a pessimist today, but I feel like all the fluffy/sqee-y things we want to see between Cloud and Tifa is just wishful thinking. Most of the moments revealed between Cloud and Tifa are just...things like Cloud watching Tifa as she sleeps, bathed in the sunlight. Yeah, subtle things that a certain fandom can easily twist.
I don't think she should apologize because I think she said what needed to be said. You can only indulge people in Cloud's state for so long, which she had been doing, for weeks. Sometimes they need to be snapped back to reality. Though I can see Tifa apologizing anyway, even if it isn't necessary, just because it's out of character for her to be so blunt with him. I can see her feeling uncomfortable about speaking that way.
Me, too. I think she shouldn't apologise. She's had to endure so much time without him around and his mysterious deliveries don't make things better. Cloud should apologise to her.
Agreed. And I'd love to see a scene at the end of ACC where he does apologize to her. Even though his intentions toward her and the kids were noble, he went about things wrong. I'd love to see him saying something about not putting her through this again.
Yes, it would be out of character for Tifa NOT to apologize. Sometimes I wonder how there are some people who are even capable of basing Tifa. I may be biased, but I think she's the sweetest character in FF7.

And yes, Cloud should apologize. End. Edit: I have a habit of saying "End(!)". It's something I often use in the Thai language. :monster:
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I'm also considering a new fanfic, where Cloud and Tifa have this one night stand after the events of DoC, sleep together and it ends up with Tifa getting pregnant. She takes a test a few weeks later, shares the news with Yuffie when Cloud is away on one of his deliveries and Hojo somehow returns, wanting to steal the unborn child because it has Jenova cells as it did with its father.

You see where this is going?

The situation could be similar to Lucrecia's, except from the fact that I'm going to have Cloud actually admit he had a thing for Tifa - a childhood crush that never stopped and he was only sidetracked because of his desire to be in SOLDIER and the events that happened from Nibelheim.

And as well as this, I'm thinking of Tifa having this really big fear that she could be carrying the next Sephiroth.

Anyone like this? I'm going to get to work on this starting next week when I finally finish my exams.
I actually don't read many fanfics... But the concept sounds epic and unique, as it relates to Sephiroth and Hojo and stuff. One of the reasons I don't read fan-fics is because most of them seem to render the characters OOC and most of them are just too *fluffy* for my taste. Though one fanfic that I'm reading and still waiting for completion doesn't even have an interesting plot compared to yours, but I'm hooked because she's capable of making me feel what the characters are feeling (i.e. irritation :wacky:).

Anyways, okay, I like the idea. :wacky:
But how is it a "one-night stand" when they've been living together for years? Other than that, intriguing plot.
Yeah, it puts me off reading fanfics as well with the same reason you stated above. But no, I always ensure that I try to remain as loyal and true to the original characterisations of the characters as possible. Before I start a fanfic under a new section I've never done before, I study the characters - personality, history, etc.

Edit: Ninja'd by Serene. :wacky:

Yes, they've been living together. But assume Denzel and Marlene went away to see Cid and Shera to give them both a break. Things lead on from another ... it's a one night stand because they aren't a couple at this point and only act on their drunkenness.
I think we are assuming Cloud rejected Tifa in the HW scene. :wacky: Which is...*shrug*

Edit: Okay, then we can forward to the smexy one nite stand :suki: and a cloti baby. Though really you know, hot sex don't always happen on like a first night sorta nite...:wacky:
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Yeah, it puts me off reading fanfics as well with the same reason you stated above. But no, I always ensure that I try to remain as loyal and true to the original characterisations of the characters as possible. Before I start a fanfic under a new section I've never done before, I study the characters - personality, history, etc.

Edit: Ninja'd by Serene. :wacky:

Yes, they've been living together. But assume Denzel and Marlene went away to see Cid and Shera to give them both a break. Things lead on from another ... it's a one night stand because they aren't a couple at this point and only act on their drunkenness.

But they are a couple by that point... I believe a better phrase would be 'A night of drunken passion sans protection', which can happen to couples as well as not-quite-couples.

Question, though- How's Hojo coming back this time?
I haven't figured out the whole Hojo thing. Maybe like there were Sephiroth clones, there could be Hojo clones? We've never fully learned the full extent of his experimentations, anyway. And hawt secks is what those two need. Even now, I could imagine Cloud bursting out with something like, "Why didn't we use protection?!"
I haven't figured out the whole Hojo thing. Maybe like there were Sephiroth clones, there could be Hojo clones? We've never fully learned the full extent of his experimentations, anyway. And hawt secks is what those two need. Even now, I could imagine Cloud bursting out with something like, "Why didn't we use protection?!"

No no, the response to learning your honey is pregnant after a drunken night of sex is "But we used protection! ... Didn't we?"

If Hojo Clones existed and were actual clones of him (Spehy's were simply people who had been exposed to treatment to test the reunion.) I would've expected them to appear before. More likely he's pulled another Weiss and wants to examine Cloud, but expecting him to whup his ass, decides to go after his offspring.
Of course, that'd work better if Tifa was near term or after it had been born, so Hojo can 'train it in the proper fashion' or some such nonsense.
Better response, meh.

The Weiss thing ... that's a good idea, that. The ending of Crisis Core and of DoC
when we clearly see Genesis rising again
has also give me ideas. Genesis might play a role in this. I've yet to decide.
"Why didn't we use protection?!"

Haha, I got a really funny image in my head from that. I can see Cloud and Tifa coming home from something like... a party, and just throwing caution to the wind. 8D I would too if I had someone as irresistable as Tifa....


Or Cloud. :D
Personally I think the two are too mature to just start going at it in a mundane scenario. If it was like the end of disc 2 in FFVII, then yeah, it makes sense they slept together. But to just randomly to start tearing their clothes off, I don't think so.

In fact, even if there was something due to alcohol, I can imagine them both just laughing their asses off and randomly blurting out "I wuv you" or something silly like that :P

I had one story idea myself a while back, but it takes place after DoC. However, Cloud and Tifa STILL aren't a couple despite all the recent info saying they are at least by then, so the story is obviously AU in that sense.

Anyways, the basic idea is that while Cloud has once again closed himself off from others, something happens to Tifa. Cliche? Hell yeah, but I'd like to think the circumstances aren't very mainstream ;)

The concept was suppose to include sex, but the story kind of made the act rather desperate and hurried. Not slow tender lovin'. Also involves Sephiroth in the background; no I'm not bringing him back to life; I'll leave that to Square in the next FFVII installment xD

I'm really interested in what that short movie(?) coming along with ACC will include. A year after DoC, a lot should've happened by then. Unless the next installment of FFVII that deals with what happened due to the secret ending doesn't take place timeline wise until at least a year later o_O
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