Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

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I can take that actually. Kissing doesn't require words to express what you think or feel. And I guess it can be considered risque.

I was wondering why no one answered my question(s) >_>.

But I'll take that. Thank you, that's a better answer Dragon Mage. :wacky:

Oh wait, except for Tifa's embarassment. I honestly do not think merely making out would cause one to drop down in embarassment.

Oh and uhh, about 'who would get freaky-deaky with your junk in the wind', I don't want to sound perverted, but it's possible and it's only a matter of preference.

But whatever rocks your boat beautiful people.
I think there'd be the embarrassment because of the awkwardness between them. They are childhood friends after all and some people may feel embarrassed at first. I know I would be if it was my childhood friend I was making out with. :wacky:
Also remember, it's the end of the world tomorrow, and you're spending what is possibley your last night with the person you've just expressed mutual romantic love for. I mean, you might as well "make the most of it" so to speak :monster:
Haha, so true LooneyMoon. Though, I am still on the fence (kinda. More like about to fall off of it onto the 'omg smex' side) about this one, there's so much implying that Cloud and Tifa did the deed. I think the thing that's really stopping me, is I can't picture Cloud and Tifa going that far in that location. ^^; As hawt as it would be. . .
Though, that makes me think of another thing. Ryu pointed it out awhile ago that Cloud says nothing has changed since he was a kid, meaning he still has his 'crush' on Tifa. After Tifa meets the real Cloud again, it's obvious that she still loves him. Now, it's obvious that Cloud loves her too. After confirming your true love, why not take it to the next step? =D
yeah, i think it's pretty obivous that Cloud and Tifa belong to eachother. :3 but some people don't get their facts straight, they are NOT married or engaged. because the wolf is a symbol of Cloud's angst..? Barret have the ring too, and Cloud has a BIG wolf on his shoulder XD and Denzel wears it like some kind of necklace. but what do you guys think about it? ^-^ LOL my big CloTi wish would be that they would have a baby!! that would mean that they had SMEXY TIME. eeeeeh :D
And that goes back to what we mentioned before. Who would get hurt? I could imagine Tifa being bruised, but now I visualise Cloud getting hurt as well. I could see him saying, "Next time, go easy on me." :wacky:
lol xD

Tifa could by high on testosterone and be like "suck it up like a man -_-" and after be all concerned 'cause it's her nature to worry about others :3

Even after sex :wacky:

I suppose when I first saw the Highwind scene, I was a little younger and didn't really notice the more subtle dialog for what it meant. It's just now does it makes me go "Ooohhh O.O"
I know! I'm the same. This scene has to be our main analysis in the club from now on. We should just knock on SE's door and demand to know what the heck's going on. :wacky:
I'm not sure why people seem weirded out by the idea of sex. It happens so often in fiction that it's cliche: A man and a woman confirm their unspoken feelings, then consummate them on the night before the end of the world. Yes, it would be out of character for them under normal circumstances (which Tifa demonstrates by her mortification the next day), but these aren't normal circumstances. It's their last chance (they think) to act on their feelings. I find it very plausible that they made love, and the cinematics of the scene all point to it. I mean, my god, how many times have I seen a scene in a movie with suggestive dialogue, followed by a fade to black, followed by a fade-in to them snuggled up next to each other? No one doubts in those movies that the two characters had sex. Is it just because they look like lego people that makes it hard to believe?

As for the rest of the crew watching them, I don't believe they actually did. I don't think they returned until that morning, so at most they saw them sleeping against each other. Tifa's embarrassment at being seen says more about her own self-consciousness (over doing something she normally wouldn't do) then it says about what they actually saw.
I almost forgot about the last night before the end of the world cliche thing. That's one of the reasons that baffled me when people aren't able to see the sexual implications of that scene. But then I totally forgot. Thanks for the reminder, looneymoon and Serene. :wacky:

Which makes me wonder, for those who did not see the implications, was it because you got the 'low' version of the HW scene?

Hawt topic is hot.

my big CloTi wish would be that they would have a baby!! that would mean that they had SMEXY TIME. eeeeeh :D

My big CloTi wish is to see how Cloud gave Tifa the ring. I'm positive it means something a little more special than the rings he gave Denzel and Barret/Marlene(?). I want answers.
Having a baby would be nice, but is a tad unrealistic for Square to give them a kid, but you never know I suppose ^_^

Seriously, I'll settle on the two just holding hands at some point in a video game or in ACC (and not because Tifa's tossing Cloud up to Bahamut, or some other fighting maneuver xD).
My big CloTi wish is to see how Cloud gave Tifa the ring. I'm positive it means something a little more special than the rings he gave Denzel and Barret/Marlene(?). I want answers.[/quote]

i don't think Marlene have some wolf thingy? o.0 isn't she wearing Aerith's ribbon instead? aaaanyway~ yeah, SE could give Cloud some kind of flashback when he gives it to Tifa :P ohh, and a baby wouldn't be unrealistic? ._. Lulu was pregnant, Lucrecia was pregnant. but Cloud and Tifa were playable characters in a game were you FIGHT. and they fight pretty much in AC too, so Tifa being pregnant wouldn't work.. maybe..? but that would still be cute :3 hmmmm, i can't wait any longer for ACC. i'm so sure they will put some CloTi in there :ohshit: atleast i hope so.. o_o and i don't get this about CloTi not being canon?
BLARGH. stupid quote! >.<

"My big CloTi wish is to see how Cloud gave Tifa the ring. I'm positive it means something a little more special than the rings he gave Denzel and Barret/Marlene(?). I want answers."
Try not to double post next time, paochan. I'll let you off because you're still fairly new to the whole site, but next time, just press "Edit", ok? You can add on what you were going to say there.

I'd love to know what the ring symbolises to be honest. Does it mean his friendship for her? Love? Theories, anyone?
I'm not just saying this because I'm a Cloud/Tifa fan, but she's wearing it on right hand on the ring finger; doesn't that mean lover? If it was the left hand, it would be marriage though :P

It could mean family though, since Denzel has one on a thread around his neck, right? Although Marlene doesn't have one, and supposedly Barret has one, so then I dunno then >_>
I think the wolf spirit we see a few times in the movie is the guilt representation (and I was hoping it was suppose to mean Zack *pouts*), not the actual accessories. I was thinking they were Fenrir since that his bike's name, like how Squall has his Griever accessories in FFVIII.

lol, how unromantic if that was the case with the accessories (I don't wanna call it jewellery) "Tifa, I, I feel so bad, so I wanna give you a ring that shows how I feel T.T" xD
Try not to double post next time, paochan. I'll let you off because you're still fairly new to the whole site, but next time, just press "Edit", ok? You can add on what you were going to say there.

I'd love to know what the ring symbolises to be honest. Does it mean his friendship for her? Love? Theories, anyone?

I read a quote (I forgot in which official work) saying that the Cloudy-Wolf was an accessory that could be bought anywhere. So now I have even more reason to believe it doesn't mean as much as I'd like. T^T Though, only Cloud-Denzel-Marlene-Tifa-and Barret wear one... Family outing or something? XD
Maybe then meant in real life xD

Well, even if that was the case, I'm sure it still holds some significance to Tifa in more than familial sense.

Although, the idea of the five them on a family outing is kind of cute xD
Hmm, family outing ... nice. Could you imagine if they all went out to go to a theme park or just a simple diner? Lol, it'd be funny.
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