Lulu's Boobs

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Well, make her wear tight jeans! How old IS Lulu?? The way she acts makes her seem prettyyy old.

IF she's old she has nice boobs for an old lady. xD.
All I can say is that Wakka is one lucky man. I reckon she is mid to late 20's but acts mature for her age.
Well...Lulu's hot for all I care. And that bow she makes when she kills the last enemy....well that's SE way of saying...."droll people...she's just virtual!"
Well, make her wear tight jeans! How old IS Lulu?? The way she acts makes her seem prettyyy old.

IF she's old she has nice boobs for an old lady. xD.

The way she acts is a counterbalance to Wakka's carefree nature in the group, until Auron shows up. She's been through more than Wakka (the loss of Chappu, which granted, was a big one for both, but also her failure as a Guardian for Lady Ginnem), and has in turn become much more serious in nature.

As for her look, tight jeans, skinnier and more emo? :sick: No, no, no, no. She's not fat by any means, jeans...good that wouldn't fit, and having a character fit a (rather sad and stupid) current trend would only make the game all the more dated 5 years down the road when emo is long gone.
emo ???? why emo skinny i think it her big suit she wears. kinda does make her look fat as for age i think she in her mid 30s it looks that way to me i can find some pics buuuuuuut i wouldnt be allowed to post them here can i put a link with a warning before it

it really kinda grossed me out that she had a baby with wakka. just the thought of wakka getting it on with her makes me SICK!!!
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Lulu and Wakka are both 24/25 (Can't remember) which makes them 26/27 in X-2.

They're complete opposites, and opposites attract.

As for her boobs - fanservice. Most games have a sex symbol. Lulu is FFXs.

And knock off the spam guys -_____- next spam post is getting a warning.
Tifa had large boobs and people didnt seem to have a problem. I dont mind LuLu showing her boobs, shes a great character design IMO.
no one really has a problem with it... its just a buch of people talkin about her "gifts". yeah tufa had "gifts" also but rember the graphics final fantasy 7 had. i think that describes it all
Ya know...i cant really believe that some of the MALE population of FFF are sorta complaining about this whole thing about Lulu's boobs...personally i dont think theres anything wrong with them...but thats just my preferences. I did however notice that she did A LOT of bending down after battles...lawlzy
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Tifa had large boobs and people didnt seem to have a problem. I dont mind LuLu showing her boobs, shes a great character design IMO.

I agree with her statement, so why is that another character has such large tits in another game and you see people throwing the "slut" card at her or complaining about her? You don't see people bitching about Tifa's but you sure see it about Lulu, so what's the difference? Just because Lulu's not Tifa.? Besides, the boobs are purely fanservice for the fanboys. Personally I see nothing wrong with her and I think she's sexy and gorgeous, prettier than Tifa in my opinion.
Haha. All true.

I just thought her outfit made her look fat at the bottom. =O!!!

she was bottom heavy? so? whats alil junk in the trunk or some hips... gives her some curves... women do have curves you know... I mean they arent all toothpicks... >.>
I think they could have been smaller and a little better covered up, I really didn't like Lulu for that reason. And yes the guys who drw up these characters must be pervs :P
well i guarantee its guys that made up the design for her and the rest of the girls, and the girls are pretty flat chested if i remember correctly, so why not give lulu some knockers.

oh and about the tifa thing, to be honest i didnt even notice her boobs in the game because the graphics werent good enough to make boobs anything but little blocks (or big in her case). but in FFX the graphics are good enough to the point where you could see them bouncing, and theyre blatantly hanging out.
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I have something to add on account of her thin physique and her smoker voice. After countless (2 or 3) seconds of thought, I've determined that Lulu is in fact bulimic. Thin women are not born with D-cup boobies. To have breasts that big, she would have to have encountered a point in life where she was drastically overweight, and/or...she was born as a butterball. I have concluded that Lulu maintains a thin figure NOT by working out, but by vomiting incessantly. putting out no physical effort to stay in shape, her boobs remain unaffected and at large while the rest of her body whithers, and her vocal cords turn into hash browns.
I have something to add on account of her thin physique and her smoker voice. After countless (2 or 3) seconds of thought, I've determined that Lulu is in fact bulimic. Thin women are not born with D-cup boobies. To have breasts that big, she would have to have encountered a point in life where she was drastically overweight, and/or...she was born as a butterball. I have concluded that Lulu maintains a thin figure NOT by working out, but by vomiting incessantly. putting out no physical effort to stay in shape, her boobs remain unaffected and at large while the rest of her body whithers, and her vocal cords turn into hash browns.

Wow. I'm going to pretend that the 2 - 3 seconds of thought was indicative that this reply is a joke:blink:...otherwise, yikes. True, thin women are not born with D-cup breasts, but they do eventually develop them, and quite often too. Breast size, for the most part, has nothing to do with overall body fat. There are plenty of overweight people with very little in the boob department, while many thin women can naturally grow very busty.

Just thought I'd throw that in there, since the "thin women are not born with D-cup boobies" line seemed to be the only part that sounded like a statement of fact, rather than a joke. Otherwise kinda funny.:cool:
I agree with Valiant. In FFVII you can't notice Tifa's boobs.

As for Lulu, I just thought that the people who made her were horny. -_-. Her boobs really need to be that big? Sheesh.
I agree with Valiant. In FFVII you can't notice Tifa's boobs.

As for Lulu, I just thought that the people who made her were horny. -_-. Her boobs really need to be that big? Sheesh.

Well duh you can't notice her boobs, everyone is a mass of blocks stacked on top of each other with Popeye arms.

Lulu's boobs....are just too big. I'm going to guess she used her black magic to increase their size. And I'm not touching Rhea's post on bulimia and boobs with a 10 foot stick.
I do agree on the fact that were making a big deal about Lulu's large breasts. Tifa had large breasts.....and so what? Lulu breasts were just more exposing. I still think her top was about to fall but hey, it is a Japanese game after all.

And ummm....-_- not all women who have C or D size chest tend to be fat. Some women were lucky with the gene lottery, thin body and large breasts. As Onceman said, there are fat women who have a small chests.
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