Lulu's overdrive

Yeah, 8 was my high as well. Ya just had to twirl that thing around like crazy non-stop and then it wasn't so bad. I had no idea what to do for the first couple times I tried it and only got 1 each time.
The highest I got was 8 but I had to freakin move that freakin analog stick so fast and my hands started hurting.
I fail at her Overdrive. >_<

Honest to God, I think the highest I've ever gotten was a four. Even then my thumb hurt like hell.

Which is sad considering that she was one of my strongest characters.
I once slowed her with slowaga and then used her limit and the timer was long as heck so I hit 12 with ease.
I just chose to never use Lulu. Even though she was effective in some forms, I just don't care for her much as a playable character.

Mod Edit

Keep on topic please, even if that just means saying younever got a single one ;))
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The most i have achieved was 8, i didn't even use my thumb to get it there, i used my palm to twirled it, the most i'd get was 6 using my thumb.
My highest was 8 for her overdrive. I accidentally broke the analog stick off my remote once just from doing her overdrive. I think it was because I had used the analog stick way too much. :S
The most i have achieved was 8, i didn't even use my thumb to get it there, i used my palm to twirled it, the most i'd get was 6 using my thumb.

Haha I used my palm too. But i remember getting 9 once. It was amazing, I was in shock, and my palm hurt XD Actually, I don't think I have ever tried it using just my thumb.
This playthrough was the first time I ever bothered with Lulu's Overdrive; my brother played the game long before I did, so I learned from his mistakes that hers isn't very useful. So the first time I used it was against Seymour Natus, and... I dunno, it seemed like too much work for just 7 rounds of 400 damage. ._.
I believe i played through the whole game first time without ever getting above 1. I didnt really pay attention to the part that said ' rotate analog stick ' But on later playthroughs i can get between 5 and 7 usually 6 though.
Her overdrive was useful against elemental feinds. Although I thought the more you build her up in the sphere grid the easier it is to rotate the analog stick? =/.

I used her overdrive pretty often. Although it's probably one of the most uselss overdrive modes in X, it's still decent and could come in handy within certain situations.
Her overdrive was useful against elemental feinds. Although I thought the more you build her up in the sphere grid the easier it is to rotate the analog stick? =/.
I don't think that it changes... you just get different spells and become stronger.
Oh, maybe I read it wrong then. Lol. I swear it said that though. >___<;;

I did manage to use Ultima as her overdrive a couple of times. It takes a awhile but I think that it's proabably one of her best ones. That and flare, possibly.
I didn't even 6! I gave up after a few tries. Thought I was going to snap my stick...
Try using your first two fingers close together to rotate the analog stick.

It can get you to about 12 or 13 on a basic spell. Its not much of an improvement, but every little bit counts i guess.
Mesmerina please put more effort into your posts. These one-liners are unacceptable.
The most I've ever gotten was 9, with Ultima. I find it hard to believe that anyone could get 16 without the use of a turbo stick x_x

At least I think 16 is the highest? Or is it 12?

16 hits of Ultima with Lulu's magic at its highest could make her do like...16x99999 O__O

I think xD