
Soul Saver

Perfectly sane
Jan 21, 2008
Staffordshire, England
How many marks have y'all defeated?

Best levels to defeat different ranked marks, etc?

I'm trying to beat a rank III mark, the Ring Wyrm, with a mostly level 24 party, bad idea? It just keeps using immobilise and fira, damn hard.
I have about 10 marks left I think. I'm around level 66 with all my characters and am finding mark VII thus far easy.
I did about 10 - then I realised how painfully dull the whole thing will be and stopped before I wasted to much time XD.

True story...
I thought them boring at first but after I continued to do them I started to really enjoy them.
I thought they were just a mini-game at first, but then I realised that the hunting quests were fully developed. This time round I'm doing them.
Its well worth it, especially the later hunts which lead to rare armour and weapons.
I have gotten all the marks cept for Yiazmat. I know that much and to defeat a mark, is best to be at least....10 lvls higher then it is, to make it easier, either that or 5. Also, it's not all about lvl, think about your armor and such. that will help ^_^
I use the best armour available at the time. I got through the Henne Mines without a scratch, also, and managed to defeat the boss in one go. So I know my party's good enough to take on that mark now, which is also a Wyrm and uses almost the same spells.(Disable/Immobilise) Like optional boss battles, without the music.
Lol just wait till you get to the higher ranked marks, ya gonna have lotta fun ^^
Some of them are tricky and some of them are plain female dogs xD
Yah, but be careful sometimes the mark is not the problem but the enemies around it, specially f you need to get the mark at a high lvld place >>;;
Well, I just defeated both the Ring Wyrm and Elder Wyrm easily, thank God and alot of levelling up. The RW was harder though. It has something like 120,000 HP. O_O

Yiazmat is the toughest Wyrm in this game i would say, and he has about 50 million HP =P He also likes to cast instant death from time to time >.> He aint so bad tho, cause you can zone out to save whenever. He just got a lot of HP to take down
Tiamat? No worries, ya can do it ^^ Dun be scare of him ight the power! xD
And I don't remmber there being anything to protect against Death so yeah....