GFX Shop Mitsuki's Graphic Shop

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Text:Stand in the rain.
Colour Scheme:pink, please.
I'll get to it soon, Renga. =]

And thank you, Laro. I try.

Ginga Girl, is that for a signature or avatar...?
Mitsuki how do I use my avatar and sig and I can not see the words love in my sig. VEry nice sig
Ack, sorry My Love For Yuna, I completely forgot about the text. o.o And you can just upload it via your UserCP. Right-click on the image, copy image location and paste it in your signature box. Same with the icon.

Renga: (This was kinda hard. >.>)


Ginga Girl:



Ack, sorry My Love For Yuna, I completely forgot about the text. o.o And you can just upload it via your UserCP. Right-click on the image, copy image location and paste it in your signature box. Same with the icon.

Renga: (This was kinda hard. >.>)


Ginga Girl:



Hey Mitsuki! I'm in the need of a new avi/sig set, so I'd thought I'd come to you since you're fabulous ^^ Hopefully you can work with this awesome picture of Garnet I found!

If so, it would be greatly apreciated. Avi size would be 100 x 100, and I don't care what size you do on the sig. Thanks!
Will do. ^^ A question though - did you want me to include that chocobo in the sig?
No, not really :monster:

If you can cut him out, then by all means do. Thanks again!
Wow, they look awesome Mitsuki! Thanks a bunch :hug:
Nice one, I really like the lighting on the sig, also the colours are nice and warm ^^
Why thank you. =]

And here's my try:


Tried to make it a little less monotone. Hope you like it! ^^
Hi, I'd like to request a signature and avatar combo if you've got the time to. I already made a thread about it at the Request section but I thought I'd give it a try here as well, seeing as you've got real skills. I'll just link to the thread if you don't mind, otherwise I can make a whole new request in this thread if needed.

Request Thread

Thanks in advance! :monster:
Ah, just one little thing though...I haven't exactly tried my hands at animation yet. I tried to a couple days ago but I'm still at a loss there. =[ So I'm afraid I can't do the animations yet.

And for the signature pictures...they look rather small and not so clear...would you mind providing a bigger and clearer picture?
The animation thingie isn't so important so we can skip that. Here's a few other pictures I was able to dig up, there's not alot of Trance Kuja pictures. :gasp:

Picture 1

Picture 2
Picture 3
Picture 4

*EDIT* Feel free to use any of those pictures. Don't have to use all of them. :P
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Here you go. Sorry I couldn't do the animated flames. =[ That's something that's next on my "to-know-list".


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