Moogle, Tonberry, Cactaur or Chocobo ?

What's your favourite FF mascot, Moogle, Tonberry, Cactaur or Chocobo ?

It's a hard choice for me, but I would say Chocobo. What can't you love about a giant yellow chicken/ostrich.
i agree chocobos are the best mascots because they are big giant yellow birds that i think everybody who owns final fantasy should love
As far as the best mascot goes, I'd go with the moogle.

As for my favorite, I'm going with Tonberry.
Moogle and Chocobo are the most famous, but overall, I like the Moogles the best ^_^

I think it's the fact that they speak, and have their own distinguishable personalities.
Well, for me, Cactuar's have fallen out of this race due to their annoyingness. Seriously, no one wants to do AP training, and have them run off all the time, right? :P

As a mascot, its between Moogle and Chocobo. Personally, I gotta go with Chocobo. They had the best music and minigames in the FF series out of the lot :D

My favourite though is Tonberries. It's not a mascot, but the doinking did it for me :P
I'm torn between Chocobos & Moogles. They are both so cute :wacky:

I'd probably have to saychocobo's though because I fell in love with them in FFVII & my first ever experience with moogles was in that damn mog house in the Gold Saucer so....
I am the resident chocobo lover. :chocobo:

But I think moogles are good too. As Mark said, the fact that they have personalities and all that is cool. Plus, 'kupo' is a good catchphrase. They were especially awesome in FF9.
Tonberry, my favorite and worst enemy.. considering they can be neat to beat but they are also really mean
I'm with SS, I like moombas! but since that isnt a choice, I'd have to say chocobos, definitely!

chocobos have been around since FFII and get better as more come. plus, I love the different theme songs in each game, Techno de Chocobo and Ukelele de Chocobo being my faves.
I like moogles the most out of all those! :) They are soooo cute!
Chocobo's probably fit the bill more as they have been in the seires long (since FFII!), have lots of spin-off games and are generally cooler.
I agree, Chocobos Would be the best choice as Square's mascot, my favorite chocobo has to be the golden chocobo of FFIX. Oh, and all of the chocobo music is great, including that from FFIII and the FFIII for the DS.
Chocobo for sure gold red black it doesnt matter my friends that dont play FF still know wat a chocobo is so thats saying something
I think Chocobos represent the series the best, but my personal favorite's always been Tonberry. That little bastard will cut you up.
Although Chocobo is the most well known from the series, how else can we get monsters known to outsiders if we don't make them known?
I'd say Tonberry should be Square's mascot. It's been there a while, even if not as long as Chocobo (or Bomb or Imp), but it's distinctive and those who know of it love it.
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