Most Dissapointing Game.

The most dissapointing game I played would have to be Dino Crisis 3 for the original xbox because it was the suckiest one in the dino crisis series. Dino Crisis and dino Crisis 2 were amazing but 3 sucked.
The most didapointing game I ever had was the Sims2 Castaway. I hoped that it would be way longer and with more details. I was looking for something much more interesting. I completed the game and
the sims got back to their normal lives -__-
Anyway I'm going to try and get the Sims2 Castaway Stories. There could be a difference, or at least I hope so.
Anyway I'm going to try and get the Sims2 Castaway Stories. There could be a difference, or at least I hope so.

It's way worse. It doesn't matter whether you choose the guy, girl, or a custom sim, they all have the same lines and the storyline is exactly the same. If you want to know the basic plotline, here it is:
You wash ashore on an island, as you were just on a cruise ship for singles. You meet a monkey, then you find more survivors with an idiot leader of their group. After exploring a bit, you meet an islander girl is about to get owned by a hyena but you save her. Then she takes you to her tribe, where you meet your true love and yada yada yada. There's also a mad scientist who wants to live forever or something.
It's just an overall boring game. Don't try the game for the DS, either. It sucks too.
The most dissapointing game I've played is Eternal Sonata. The storyline, for the most part, is allright, but the gameplay is absolutely horrible. The creators for some stupid reason decided to combine roam play and turn-based play, and it just doesn't work well in my opinion. I absolutely hate the voice actors in the game as well. All of them sound a whole lot older than the 13-15 year old kids their supposed to be portraying. All in all, I'm just not happy with what this game has to offer -_-
A bit more content in your posts would be desirable, Kweh. Thanks.

Most of the Dragonball Z games are somewhat disappointing. I've bought numerous titles, expectant of a phenomenally unique battle system or range of characters and, with each purchase, I've seldom been impressed. The repetitive entirety of the games have led me to decide that no further purchases will occur.
Spore, fable 2, FF Crystal Chronicles

Mod Edit: Please add a bit more effort to your post. Thanks. =]
tony hawk skate boarding game on ps1 the graphics were so bad and you couldn't do any great 'tricks' at all just a lame game
Suikoden V. It's just so damn boring, all they do is walk & talk. Usually I'm always interested in the plot, but the creators have put too much conversations in the game and the characters don't appeal to me. I lasted 8-9 hours and then quit playing, because I felt like falling asleep every time I played it.

Maybe some day I will give it a shot again and see if I was wrong, but that's gonna be like in the distant future :P
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The best disappointment that I can remember is Xenosaga Episode Two. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE the Xenosaga series, and this is what produced the disappointment for me. The gameplay was just so different...and not in a good way, in my opinion. The story (which was still great) got me through this game, but it was a miserable experience.