Most Dissapointing Game.

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles. Without a doubt.

I was so eager to play it, and on the day of release made sure I had free time so I could go and buy it. I got home and played it, and was so disappointed with it. The only cool thing was the character cusomisation, and everything else was so... bland.

The worst and most disappointing Final Fantasy game and game in general, that I have ever played.
Try FF: Mystic Quest; it makes look Crystal Chronicles as one of the best RPG of all time! Seriously!! That game is by far one of the worst games i've ever played in my life (and i know it! and i still played!! shame on me! xD) Well... now re-thinking again what i said. Don't try it xD! Forget i said that!

Anyway; the most disappointing game should be "Red Steel"; although is true i wasn't expecting the next Half Life; the game is so boring and generic; the swords fights are slow, dumb and boring. I was expecting a little more of the game.
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GoldenEye: Rogue Agent.

Is it too much to expect a highly customisable shooter with good quality gun physics? Apparently it is. The gameplay got boring, there was NO perceivable storyline, the music mostly sucked, and, worst of all, it totally failed to meet my expectations. F**K YOU EA.
Tales of Legendia, all hands down, no argument. It was a huge fucking disappointment if you're a fan of the past series.

It's like a fucking button masher game that's stuck inside a linear battle system. But you know, the battle system isn't all that's linear. The entire fucking game is. It was horribly boring having the goal set out right in front of you for the entire game.

But for me, the climax gauge was a major joke. Not just because it sounds like a dirty joke, but because all it does is stop time around you for a (probably) a short amount of time. I never bothered with it because tutorial was never offered on how to use it.

But seriously, that battle system pissed me off pretty bad. As soon as you decide to stop smashing X and O until they fall out of the controller to strategize, you die. There is absolutely no need for any other strategy than mashing X and O.

The artes (eres) irritated the shit out of me, too. Compared to past Tales' character's artes, everything learned in ToL was shit, really. there were very few advanced skills that weren't compound skills. If I recall correctly, there were only three or four. It was a huge let down for me, because I was expecting Senel's character to be so much more diverse, being that he's the first main character ever created in the Tales of series that uses fists as his primary weapon.

Then... there was Norma and Jay. Possibly the worst aspects of the entire game, since you have to listen to the bollocks they spew from their mouth for leik, evar.

Jay was a stupid punk that acted like a five year old who's having a fit because he just had a nice creamy shit in his briefs.

Norma was very similar to Yuffie, but probably 10 times more annoying than Yuffie could ever be.

Ugh. the game disgusts me.
I have 3 that stick out.

FFVII: Don't get me wrong, It's a great game, but I went in expecting the greatest thing ever. It was good, but a let down.

Bioshock: Well, concidering it got so many great reviews for it's excellent plot, I was hoping for... A plot. Never again will I play a shooter because it's plot is supposed to be good.

Zelda II: Massive fail. That is all.
Metal Gear Solid PO for me...

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The Sims2 Castaway.
Very short, easy, annoying. Once you send an SOS you're back home and it's game over... I expected much more from that game -__-
Magna Carta: Tears of Blood.

NO ONE can contest me on this. That game looked so nice, but that was all it had going for it. The loading times were horrible, and the battle system was laughable.

Anyone else have a run-in with that game? D=
The Sims2 Castaway.
Very short, easy, annoying. Once you send an SOS you're back home and it's game over... I expected much more from that game -__-
Exact same for me. The ads made it out to be so full of adventures and really unique but... ugh. The best part about it imo was getting to name monkeys, but even THEN you can't teach them tricks or anything, they just follow you around and steal your bananas. -_-

The ads all implied that you would get to design your shelters and clothes but you had to 'make your own clothes' by just choosing the design you wanted... no opportunity to be creative at all. =/

Could have done with some more challenges aswell, it seemed that keeping yourself alive and happy was the main challenge. o_O
Ahh on the Sims note: The Urbz

Lord knows what I was expecting but it wasn't what I got, it was absolutely crap. What a waste of 30 quid. I have played it once and now it sits gathering dust. What a naff game....:ffs:
Most disappointing game to me was Narnia I loved the movie but the game was horrible and boring. There was nothing to do on the game.
Most disappointing game to me was Narnia I loved the movie but the game was horrible and boring. There was nothing to do on the game.
Meh, I wouldn't expect it to be any different to be honest, I fall into the trap of buying games based on movies even though I know fine well they'll all be rubbish...they just never seem to represent the movie =/

Haze...its crap, talk about the most overhyped game in the world :grumpy:
But still, I sold it for the same price I bought it for.
Well, I had been looking forward to playing Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus, but when I rented it, I was a bit disappointed with it, even though I played through it until I got through the end of it, it was pretty much just going around places fighting soldiers saying "Hail Weiss!".

Needs more Red XIII. :P And a lot less Cait Sith. :O
Breath of Fire: Dragon's Quarter

I'm glad I only rented this cause I wouldn't pay to buy it. The whole concept of it was bad. The battle system broke away from the previous BoF titles, which was a BAAAAD move. Also Ryu (the main character) lost his coolness with his new design. It was like, sure he can change into a dragon but :whogives:
Shadow Hearts 3. Alright, So I am a big fan of the series and loved the first and second game. When I first heard the news about a third one I was pretty hyped about it. And when I first played it I noticed how cute, and sweet they made everything. A little irritating brat as a main character, instead of Yuri?

Everything that was good from the previous two games was gone. The history, the cool characters, the dark part of the game, etc. Instead I got an extremly childish game, with awful surroundings, and annoying characters.
At the moment the most dissapointing game is Doom 3 Resurrection of Evil. There are 3 reasons:
1. Story: Hell broke loose(for real) on Mars a few years ago. And now the damn UAC decides to start doing the same research all over again. It so stupid I mean what is their problem?
2. New features: almost none. There's a new weapon...a stupid joke actually, a gravity gun like in Half life 2(also useless), a new enemy: an imp with tail that throws blue energy balls intead of normal flaming ones...very original.
3. It's not scary: Doom 3 is a scary game. This one is just...childish. All scary scenes(if you can call them like that) look like this: you open a door and some creature jumps on you. There is no way to avoid damage in this case. Just ....blah
Valkeyrie Profile: Lenneth was the most dissapointing game for me it just got boring after the first scene.
of all the games i played eternal senota was the most dissipointing because it looked li a good game but when i got it i realized that i wasted sixty four dollors and sixty four cents. that oney could of went to something important like buying a coupleof good games insted i was foolishto buy eternal senota
Lets see here

Super mario galaxy and super smash brothers brawl.

I mean i liked melee better than brawl and they took out my favorite character Roy out which made me more mad =]

Lets not forget COD4 I mean its a good game just that the online play for it is horrible.