Most Dissapointing Game.

My not so small list of disappointments....:

Marvel Vs Capcom 2 - the first one remains one of my favourite beat 'em ups thanks to it's over the top gameplay, cool cast of characters and rockin' music. The sequel was lacking very much on the music front, and a lot of the characters felt un-inspiring ( oh wow! I can unlock Ken, Dan and Akuma! Well fair enough for Dan... ).

Halo - My friends had billed this up to be so much, and when I finally got to play was playable, but nothing more.

Final Fantasy X - This was the only Final Fantasy so far that I've played and didn't live up to my expectations, at the time it was crushing. It's a good game, but it's surrounded by greater quality.

Capcom Fighting Jam - Oh God! It burns!!! Why Capcom would inflict this on us is a mystery. It just feels so damn lazy.

Xenosaga: Episode 2 - After waiting so long to play one of these....I still am, sort of. I mean, I've gotten around two and half hours into the game and have been able to have about 20 battles tops. I don't mind story or linearity in the right places but this game just has no sense of balance.
MotorStorm tops my list in the biggest way. I played it for an hour trying to get the hang of it, and well, it blows hardcore to say the very least. You wreck easier than hell, while the AI is masterful. Gay.
You had high expectations for Motorstorm? I'm normally not disappointed with a game that I don't expect a lot out of.
You had high expectations for Motorstorm? I'm normally not disappointed with a game that I don't expect a lot out of.

Judging by reviews etc my expectations for Motorstorm would be high. It gets good reviews and I here people saying how it is one of the best racing games. I haven't played it and don't know if I will even when I get a PS3 but if I did then my expectations would probably be high.
Samurai legend just looked like a new cool style but had no new gameplay or good story to go with it.

The cell-shading graphics on this game was a decent touch, but not as good as it could have been. I loved the music, I loved the gameplay, but if there is one thing that disappoints me about this game...

...the voice of Musashi.

I swear, every time he speaks, I mash the X button to avoid cringing from hearing it. I don't know who voiced him, but SOMETHING's gotta be done about him!
KH:CoM - It was so unbelievably boring, I didn't even finish it. The "world's" were terrible, the card thing was okay, but I can't say I was to thrilled with it either. I traded it back in shortly after I got it.

Xenosaga - I loved Xenogears, and thought it would be vaguely similar, and boy was I wrong. I love having a good, thought provoking plot to my games but...come on, that was effing ridiculous.

DragonQuest VIII - After hearing how popular it was in Japan, I rented it, and thank god I didn't buy it. I don't know what it was, but I found everything about the game incredibly annoying. The way it looked, the characters, everything.

Final Fantasy X - I love FF to pieces, and I saw screenshots of the way FFX looked, and heard about the story and though, "wow, this looks/sounds really great!". I got Tidus instead.
I thought Guild Wars would consume my life, but it wasn't anything like I'd thought it would be. The only places you could interact with other players are in places void of monsters, like towns. When you go to a map with monsters in it, you get your own copy of the map. I was also disappointed by the fact that every character on your account is always in the same guild, if any. The developers just did so many unnecessary things, like what I've just listed, and that whole ''Names must have two or more words in it.'' thing just rubs me the wrong way as well.
Final Fantasy XII, Xenogears and Star Ocean 2/3. None of them are particularly bad games but I expected so much more from them then what I got.
Non-RPG wise, it would be SimCity4, one of the worst games ever made, it's friggin' hard and tough to manage, I guess it has it's rewards, but they're pure aesthetics, not good, in my opinion.

But, I have yet to encounter an RPG I was disappointed in really.
^ I agree about SimCity 4 however I don't think the game is horrible. It is extremely difficult though in my opinion and barely play it anymore. Lol, I have some kid at school where I work who brags to me about how good he is at Simcity 4 and it's funny because I don't believe a word he says.

Final Fantasy XII is rather disappointing in my opinion. The storyline hasn't been interesting enough for me and I keep getting bored of it. I should probably start playing it again sometime.
The game that really let me down was Neverwinter Nights 2... this game is sooooooo booooooring and repetitive.
God of War 2. It wouldnt work on my playstation and it was brand new. that was £30 down the swanny.
Other than that Just cause sucked in every way possible.
So far .....Tomb Raider: Angel of god, when Lara died on me first time, I though I was gonna have a heart attack....what the hell was that noise...the sheer thought of hearing those screaming vocals every time I might of drop dead made me turn it off and never put it on again..actually I gave it away the same controls suck to hell and back..horrible horrible....
FFxii was a disapointment to me due to the lack of interest I have in the story line.
ToL is a big disapointment to many pple including me. Few things didn't let me down in that game.
Final Fantasy XII was a huge disappointment. Also...

Shadow of the Colossus was a colossal *just had to say it* disappointment. I'd heard soooo much great stuff about it, then when i finally bought it, i could barely even play the damn thing. The uncooperative, spastic camera made it nearly impossible to keep from being stepped on by the Colossi or to climb them. It took FOREVER to travel across the very bleak, boring landscape to find the next colossus. The horse was also extremely uncooperative. And while the game did an excellent job of making you feel the immense loneliness of the world, i dont want to play a game that makes me feel alone and depressed.
Lunar 1 and 2. I didn't like the plot, terrible voicing acting, annoying characters, terrible item system. Overall, it wasn't a great series. You were only allowed to carry 15 items at a time. There would be long dungeons without a save point and your character were almost at 0 MP and a few potions.
The most dissapointing game I've ever bought was Pursuit Force for PSP. Bloody hell that game was SO unforgivable. I only got to the second level and couldn't get any further. It looks greta but it's just so hard. At least when it was later released in US, the developers listened to the complaints and added a checkpoint feature. Just goes to show it's not always best to get a game first.

Here's a IGN review of it. It even states the European version being frustratingly hard on page 2.
Final Fantasy XII had a disappointing story, but the gameplay was so addictive!! I can't say I was disappointed in it. I'd heard good and bad things. Also, I only had to pay £2 (maybe £3). I traded in games I hated!

Dragon Quest was one of those and that, too, is on the list of disappointments. I'd heard good things about it from many yet when I played it was so bored!!

Magna Carta also looked fun, and the art is just incredible, yet so far I've found the game to be somewhat dull.

Okami's okay, but not as good as I thought it would be, so that was disappointing also.