Most Dissapointing Game.

EA Games made the MoH game?

Why am I not surprised that the game was repetitive? I mean come on. XD
But they did such a good job on the other ones too....
I hope they're not going to the dumps.
But then again, their Sports division screwed up my PS2.
They didn't work in mine, I think my console hates sports games.
I never bothered to even play any sports games outside of the racing genre. Nothing spectacular about Madden in my mind, haha.
Hey, at least Madden keeps things a bit realistic.
Although '07 was a bit of a disappointment 'cause it was a bit too realistic.
With Rising walk around a jungle level after level after level. Not fun.

To Be Honest i didnt mind Rising Sun though after playing it once icant see me playing it again, i think Fontlines still the best of the Medal of Honuor series
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I just can't play a game that is the same year after year. I mean come on, other than roster changes, what's the big difference between the madden games year to year? haha.
Graphics. Plain Graphics.
You can tell I'm a graphics junkie.
Then they try and add some extra 'features' though I still can't figure out what those are exactly. xD
I like the irony in your posts. :P
A little diversity goes a long way, I hope EA Games' learned its lesson with Rising Sun. I was suckered into that game 'cause of the Pearl Harbor mission, but then it turned into the jungle stuff quite early, and quite frankly it got quite boring.

Same here! It turns out the very first level is the most fun. I could have turned off the game after the first 20 minutes and spared myself a lot of wasted time.
I just can't play a game that is the same year after year. I mean come on, other than roster changes, what's the big difference between the madden games year to year? haha.

Mainly graphics though i cant undrstand why people would buy the latest one due to it being the 1st Madden on a Next Gen Console (buy that i mean P3S,360 and wii)
I was dissapointed in FEAR as well...I only played it for about 1 hour, but the severe lack of health and the abundance of enemies made for a gay experience.
Ratchet and Clank: Deadlocked is a disappointing game...even though I've never played it.

It's disappointing in that I wanted the next RaC game to be a platformer--not some random shooter.
I had high hopes for Pokemon Crystal, stupidly thinking it would be much different than Gold/Silver. How wrong I was...
FF-X-2 as well for me.
It doesn't seem that appropriate for the series.
Never played it though, but just looking at it......
Just my opinion though.
I had high hopes for Pokemon Crystal, stupidly thinking it would be much different than Gold/Silver. How wrong I was...

Emerald had the same effect on me. For a game that released close to a year after Ruby/Sapphire, you'd think it'd be a little more...different.
For me, Eureka SeveN Vol.1 AND 2. I just played the second one hoping it was much longer than the first, but to my disappointment, it was even shorter and the game hardly differed from the first. The only real difference was that there were more characters, a plot twist, more LFO ref-board battles, and situation mode was much more fun. I've almost 100% the game even though I rented it yesterday. Just horrible. But it renewed my love for Moondoggie, as you can clearly see.*Directs everyone to his avatar*
I'd have to go with KH:CoM and Musashi: Samurai Legend,

Samurai legend just looked like a new cool style but had no new gameplay or good story to go with it.