Most Dissapointing Game.

Final Fantasy XII - Character interaction only...<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
Final Fantasy X-2 - Although I still enjoyed playing it.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
Grand Theft Auto - <st1:place w:st="on"><st1>Liberty </st1><st1>City</st1></st1:place> Stories. <o:p></o:p>
Final Fantasy X and X-2 (but I guess if I didn't like the first one, the second was a given, lol.)
Final Fantasy X-2 = It was a terrible story with no legendary weapons but I admired the dressphere completion ^_^

Kingdom Hearts 2 = The story and the characters were great but no secret ending and scenes. It was too short in my opinion.
I've just got God of War and while I am enjoying the game, it isn't nearly as good as it is made out to be. Personally I would say it is the Halo of Hack 'n' Slash games.
Someone is gonna think I have something against Lara Croft....but Legend, though I finished it and I personally thought it was an average game all together, definitelly had one damn dissapointing ending.
I didn't think that the Wii Play game was all that great. I've read many places that it was really popular and stuff, but its too short and there's really nothing to it except 9 quick mini games. Some of them are fun but all in all there's really nothing to it.
Wii play is really for really young kids....I bought it for my 8 year old daughter and she plays that...:D
DK64: RARE fluffed this game up in a major way, way too much item collecting just made the game more of a chore than actually being any fun. Coll intro song though.

Any 3D Sonic game: SEGA seem to actually somehow make every new game worse, it's incredible. Pretty much only the 2D games on the GBA and DS have any value these days.
Final Fantasy X: Good game and everything but certain bits and aspects of the game made it go down a few notches than it should of done. No World Map, Controllable airship, Blitzball....Sphere Grid kicks ass though.

Final Fantasy X-2: Not that I was expecting much anyways for it being a sequal and knowing full well I shouldn't expect nothing more than a gimmick drenched sideshow, but even then it still dissapointed. Good Dress Sphere system, but the Chapters, characters, scenes, and the fact it ruins FFX's story IMO (being on of X's redeeming features) makes me cring at the mere mentioning of the game.

Devil May Cry 2: I played DMC3 first and thought it was awesome, then played the first one (going for a storyline order^_^) which I thought was also awesome, but then came DMC2.....oh dear. Bad scenery, Dante isn't as talkative or cool, the monsters wern't as great, and the general story was rubbish. I just hope that DMC4 can save the shame abit by explaining why Dante is so boring now, for the sake of the otherwise good plot.

GTA Vice City and Liberty City Stories: I'm a fan of the seires, ever since the first one. Oh the memories of being refused to purches the game because I was only like 13 or something....anyways, for a game ported of a handheld (I got the PS2 ports) I wasn't expectingthem to be better than its bigger counterparts, but even still they could have been better. Fun games I admit, but something about them seems half done.

Sonic 3D (and beyond): For me it marked the end of gloryiest Sonic. Thought a 3D Sonic game would be shit hot.....I was wrong. All other 3D Sonics haven't been much an improvement either really, only in graphics. Thank fuck for the GBA and DS side-view games that breath alittle life into the Hedgehog, though I still think his modern look and newer buddies suck
I forgot about DMC2...that was trully horrible...I went through that game just to bloody finish it....and not to mention the horrible horrible cheesy aweful lines that you had to listen through out the whole thing (not that any other instalment of DMC has decend lines anyway, but at least they made some effort for the first one or the third one in that department).

But yeah I agree with that, DMC2 sucks big time...
I have to say Xenosaga. After waiting for so long for a sequel of Xenogears, one of the most awesmone RPG games out there, I get this piece of crap, while the story is ok the gameplay sucks big time, the whole feel of it is disappointing... man.
Lunar 1 and 2. I didn't like the plot, terrible voicing acting, annoying characters, terrible item system. Overall, it wasn't a great series. You were only allowed to carry 15 items at a time. There would be long dungeons without a save point and your character were almost at 0 MP and a few potions.

Whhhhhaaaattttt? :O Do you still have Lunar 1? If so, can I buy it from you?! I've been dying to play that game! I loved Lunar 2 so I must play the first one too. xD

Let's see...most disappointing game for me is FFX-2. Same reasons that many people have, so it's pretty much self-explanatory. Um, other than that...I can't really think of anything else. Last year, I probably would have said FFXII too, but no...because now that I think about it, the game didn't exactly disappoint me, but rather...I found the game lacking a few things due to my own personal taste. The game overall is pretty good, and I did enjoy some parts, but it just didn't appeal to me as much.
Unlimited Saga was absolutely pants -_- I can't believe I actually wasted 10 whole poundson this game, I played it for like half an hour at the most. What a big pile of poo

The only thing this game has going for it is the bonus FFX disc tahtcomes with it.

I don't really know whatI was expecting but it certainly wasn't what I got. I was bitterly dissapointed *shakes head*
Unlimited Saga was absolutely pants -_- I can't believe I actually wasted 10 whole poundson this game, I played it for like half an hour at the most. What a big pile of poo

The only thing this game has going for it is the bonus FFX disc tahtcomes with it.

I don't really know whatI was expecting but it certainly wasn't what I got. I was bitterly dissapointed *shakes head*

Well I spent 40 whole pounds on it, so there you go! Unlimited Saga is by far the worst game I have ever played, and when I bought it I had such high hopes for it. Unfortunately the game failed to deliver on a whole mess of different levels.
Oh my god, I thought Id made a bad move :wacky: It seriously is the shitest game I ever come across

What made you think parting with 40quid was a good idead? o_O
Oh my god, I thought Id made a bad move :wacky: It seriously is the shitest game I ever come across

What made you think parting with 40quid was a good idead? o_O

An article in Official Playstation Magazine (or maybe PSM?) a couple of months before the game came out. Basically it was saying that there would be literally hundreds of hours of gameplay, and they were lauding the game for Sketch Motion graphics. This was back when I still considered Squaresoft to be as good as proof of quality, so I went ahead and got it. Unfortunately though, most of the graphics seemed to consist of very ugly stills or 2D graphics, and it is easy to claim hundreds of hours of gameplay if noone can stand to play it for more than half an hour.

And don't even get me started on the boardgame mechanics and what is likely the shittiest combat system in the history of gaming...
Final Fantasy XII has proven to be pretty damn shitty. It's like playing an offline MMORPG. Every aspect of the game just feels so weak.

Although I love the graphics and the game setting I find Bioshock to be a bit of a disppointment. It's still a great game when compared to the average fps games like Halo 3 but it never seemed to truely excel as I wished it did.
Was hoping for a RPG sort of game but what they gave was a cheap rip off of tekken

Fight Club is craaaaaaaaaaaaap. One of the dullest fighters I've ever played.

At least you can fight as Abraham Lincoln. That was the only high point...cause it made me lol.
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles. Without a doubt.

I was so eager to play it, and on the day of release made sure I had free time so I could go and buy it. I got home and played it, and was so disappointed with it. The only cool thing was the character cusomisation, and everything else was so... bland.

The worst and most disappointing Final Fantasy game and game in general, that I have ever played.