Most tear shedding scene in final fantasy

I honestly cried like a baby at the end of X. Not where Tidus faded away, mind you, that I could live with.. but at the end of the credits, where he's swimming through the farplaine(ocean, to some).. there was just something very powerful about that image to me...
plus the fact that I kept thinking "I FINALLY FINISHED THIS THING!!". LOL

For me it would have to be the ending of Final Fantasy X.
When Yuna and Tidus depart.

Though Aries death was disappointing, since I had stupidly raised her level, it wasen't as shocking.

It have the most perfect ending ever and the most great shot when Tidus hug yuna from behind it was great,pervert but great.
From FFVIII, with Squall and Rinoa in the Ragnarok, I think is quite a moving scene. It's the music that does it...
You wouldn't think a video game could have emotional scene's o.0 They really do!
My five most cry-worthy scenes were:

5. FFVIII: Space
That entire scene with Rinoa floating in space and Squall rescuing her

4. FFVII: Aerith
The part when Aerith died was simply crushing

3. FFIX: Vivi and the black mages
That entire scene was so awful, I felt so sad for the Black Mages

2. FFX: Ending
With Tidus fading away, that was another crushing one

1. FFX: The destruction of Home
To this day I can still not say why, but this scene had me balling my eyes out, what with the grief on the Al Bhed (mainly Rikku)'s faces and the pure evil of the act...
Gah, now I'm going to go and reload my save so I can rewatch that part!
The scene where Rinoa's in space, and she starts crying, and Squall's ring, and it's copy are floating in front of her. A pretty moving scene if you ask me. Also, the scene where Rinoa hugs Squall onboard the Ragnarok and "Eyes On Me" is playing.
The moment that made me cry was ffx, the bits that made me cry was when i found out auron was only really a ghost cause he was dead already and also when tidus "had to go back" to his own world. those where my most tear jerking ff moments
It have the most perfect ending ever and the most great shot when Tidus hug yuna from behind it was great,pervert but great.


HOW is that hug perverted? You overuse that word too much. It was supposed to be a tender and touching moment, not perverted. :omg:

Aeriths death was my saddest moment, Cloud's speech, the music, everything about it was just depressing.

Tidus' reaction to the fact that Yuna would die would have been one of my own personal favourites, but I was cringing at his bad voice-acting =/

Celes' attempted suicide is emotional too, you just feel pity for her.
I suprised nobody said the ending scene in Advent Children.




Also, when Cloud got shot, I'm like "0=\ Awwww, damnit! They always finish great things by getting shot!"
I cried like a baby at the end of FFVIII with Laguna and Raine. I think their romance was one of the most tragic in the series.

I'm tearing up just thinking about it. ='(
I cried like a baby at the end of FFVIII with Laguna and Raine. I think their romance was one of the most tragic in the series.

I'm tearing up just thinking about it. ='(

Same here. I mean I didn't cry like a baby, but tears did come to my eyes.
I cried lots but without going into them all like I normally do, Id say the one that killed me off the most was Auron being sent. I swear I cried like a baby >>
FFX uh letssee the ending of 8 don't know why. That's it though I didn't cry, I got uber sad though. I almost cried through the ending of X it was so omgosh it's all over

I probably would have for 12 at some parts >__> but it's emotions are.... different. I would have if Balthier would of died though ;~;
I would have been in bits if Balthier died. I didn't like XII all that much but I still cried

VIII made me cry when Laguna has his flashbacks. Weirdly, I didn't cry the first few times I completed it, it's only recently. I must be getting sentimental in my old age :monster:
Hmm, I'll have to go with Final Fantasy X's Ending for the sadest one. I thought when
Yuna trys to hug Tidus and then goes through him, It was quite sad. After all they were through and then for this to happen... sad.
Nobody's mentioned the scene on the Phantom Train platform in FFVI? Well, I'm glad someone at least mentioned Forever Rachel.

And, like everyone else, that scene in FFVII - this being long, long after it was up there with Luke's dad on the known spoiler scale.