Most tear shedding scene in final fantasy

The kissing scene in FFX, weren't my tears though.
For me, it was the ending of Crisis Core. I saw the ending on Youtube and it was the ONLY scene in an FF that made me shed a sad :sad2:
In FF7 when I had to leave Wedge, Biggs, and Jesse behind and they got crushed under the plate. I almost shed a tear but I was like 10 at the time.
The ending of Crisis Core (even though I almost had to laugh a bit, because it looked quite a bit gay :P), and when Cloud uses the Mulitslash Limit Break on Sephiroth, in Advent Children. That one wasn't really sad, but so awesome and epic,...

I sobbed at the end of FFX. It's too deep to explain.

And I shed a tear or too of FFXII when the princess of Dalmasca was finally able to set her country free. Freedom is encrodic.

People who don't cry are more childish then people who don't.
my answer

mine would be where aerid dies tons of you probly agree
When Aeris Died, I didn't cry, I just had that sad feeling as it was so unexpected.
I have to admit, I shed a few tears at the end of Advent Children.
I didn't cry at the end of X but was pretty emotional.
I shed some tears during the laughing scene. I stared at it in disbelief without blinking until my eyes completely dried out. To compensate for the dryness, my eyes began to water.

Nothing else in Final Fantasy brought tears to my eyes. Plenty of emotional scenes, though. Aeris' death comes to mind.
In FFXII Vaan asked Fran her age... Oh indeed I shed tears, in laughter xD

In a more serious way was when Tidus disappeared in X... I couldn't stop, so sad. And then he reappeared. Aww
In FFXII Vaan asked Fran her age... Oh indeed I shed tears, in laughter xD

Hah. My reaction to that was, "What an idiot." I just dislike Vaan so much. >.> In fairness though, that scene was a bit comical. xD

Hmm, I wouldn't say it's really tear-shedding, but I thought the ending of FFVIII really got my attention. I'm talking about that part where Laguna visited Rayne's grave and had memories of her when she was still alive. That was really sad...
That was a sad part.

Also, a very touching part for me in FF VIII was when Squall and Rinoa share their first dance. It really didn't make me cry, but I could totally connect with him in that instance which made it that much more touching. Not to mention how perfect that dance was anyways only to look up and find a shooting star above you. ;)
The only scene in Final Fantasy that really had me shedding tears was the end of VIII with Laguna at Raine's grave. I was still crying long after the credits rolled. If I ever rewatch that scene on youtube I still get teary eyed.

I don't know, I guess it was just so final. Cloud and Yuna can still see their lover's spirits. (Heck, in X all you had to do was visit the farplane) Laguna will never have any contact with Raine ever again.
I always cry at the end of FFVIII, with the whole Laguna and Raine scene where we see them get engaged in a flashback and then we see him visit her grave... I practivally sobbed teh first time, but now its just a tear or two... but it still hits me everytime... but then, a lot of FFVIII was emotionally charged... more so than any other FF, imo.

EDIT: LOL, Rydia... I was writing my response while you apparently made yours... and we had the same scene in mind, go figure... but yeah... it really is a tear jerking scene.
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A big tear jerker, for me, was of course when Aerith died. Seriously, I cried. I shed big big big tears. I think, the biggest thing that did it for me, was the music. Soo very tragic. It's just not the shame without that beautiful music! And, of course, at the end of X when Tidus was slowly fading away and he embraced Yuna from behind. That really pulled at my heart. Ugh, soo beautiful.