Most Useless Character?

Most Useless Character?

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I suppose that it depends on how one plays the game.

I, personally, never found Quina to be very useful at all, but I've spoken with people who had Quina as one of their main party members, and spoke highly of his/her usefulness in a battle. So it depends.
Whoever the guy was that died in one hit. :\ He was a pain to have, especially when trying to steal. I think that was Cinna? Hm.

Other than that, Quina never fit into my party, and Amarant is a different story.

Quina's Eat takes way too long, and is a pain when you accidentally kill the enemy. IMHO, I don't really care for Quina's abilities. If I can survive all the way with my current party, that's all I really need. XD Early in the game, the fork weapon thing I had bad luck with. I'd always get low attack damage most of the time.

Amarant was the punching bag, seriously. At least for a while.
Id Vote for eiko! Her healing Sucks! Garnet Is a better Healer.I think why have eiko when you could have Garnet! The only time She's useful is when she has doublecast! I'll Say this one more time!What is eiko use for?you have garnet already!
I never really had a place in the party for Quinna. He/She always took fr top long to anytihng useful. So when i could evict her from the party i did...
I was going to say that I didn't think any of them were useless, and then thinking of Amarant, I couldn't find a use for him so I guess I will be voting for him, he was just a grumpy git anyway :mad:
I would say that the most useless characters were amarant, eiko, and quina.

Amarant because he's not important to the story line and his overall stats and abilities arent that great.

Eiko because she only knows like 4 summons and her overall stats and healing abilities are like ten times worse that garnets.

Quina only because the amount of dmg she inflicts is like random. One attack could do like 2910 then the next attack would 309
I would say that the most useless characters were amarant, eiko, and quina.

Amarant because he's not important to the story line and his overall stats and abilities arent that great.

Eiko because she only knows like 4 summons and her overall stats and healing abilities are like ten times worse that garnets.

Quina only because the amount of dmg she inflicts is like random. One attack could do like 2910 then the next attack would 309

I agree with you, Quina isn't consistent, his damage like you said was random, but his Blu Magic was pretty awesome, Pumpkin Head was da bomb!

Amarant was good imo, His throw, and Flair stuff made him very useful at times. I think hes far from useless.

Eiko i only used when Garnet lost her voice, then I just stopped using her, her healing was nice, I enjoyed the sound of the flute :). But thats about it, Phoenix was a useful summon, Ark was better than Maiden, and Fenrir. Plus Odin + Odin's Sword did more dmg then Ark sometimes :D.

Storyline-wise I didn't particularly find Amarant all that important. He didn't contribute too much in the way of direction in the storyline or some all-important theme like Vivi and his identity. What he did contribute could have easily been rerouted to have the other characters do what he did. About Quina... s/he's just comic relief, that's it. BUT! I actually like him/her/it.

Battle-wise I really try to make everyone useful in some sort of way, but ultimately the one who sorta falls to the wayside for me is Dagger. I'm not much of a summon user (I use them occasionally, but Vivi's my main person for magic damage), so all I really use her (and Eiko) for is healing. But Eiko can use spells that Garnet cannot: Full-Life, Esuna, Haste, Might, and Holy, to name a few. And even her summons (namely Carbuncle and Phoenix) have more utility than Dagger's. Apart from a rare summon casting, my Dagger doesn't have much utility other than just using white magic, but even Eiko trumps her in that department by having access to more useful white magic. BUT dagger's still a pretty good healer, so it's not like I'm not using her.

Quina's awesome, nuff said. I don't care that I don't know his/her/its gender. To me that's really not important. If you just put in a little investment into training him/her/it, you'll be paid twentyfold.
Even though I like Quina, I still don't see the purpose in her. Half of Quina's time is spent rolling her tongue around and eating. Other than evening out the numbers for the Shrine thing, I don't see a point in her.

Amarant was pretty blah, too. Was he just there to show hat Zidane framed him? He rarely speaks, but when he does, it's extremely emo.

I felt that Eiko and Freya had a purpose. Eiko was there to show who Garnet really was, and Freya was there to show that Kuja was strong enough to wipe out a city of rats? I'm not so sure about her, but came in handy in Burmecia.
Battle wise, Eiko or Amarant.

The only use of for the flaming Amarant was that i got one of his more powerful weapons early on, and cleaned up with his high hits, and when i synthiesed save the queen i had him throw it lol. Eiko is more of a defensive summoner/White mage, which i didnt really needed, Dagger was fine for me.

But everyone else was pretty important

Zidane- Stole enough until his theivery did 9999 damage.
Dagger-Healer, strong summons like Ark.
Steiner-Stock, and Chimblizzard(NO IDEA HOW TO SPELL IT) 99999 damage.
Vivi-Blackmage, used auto reflect, reflectx2, and flare on himslef for 9999
Freya-Killed enough dragons until dragon crest did 9999 damage.
Quina-Good supporting magic like mighty guard, and caught enough frogs til frog drop did 9999 damage.
Storyline-wise I didn't particularly find Amarant all that important. He didn't contribute too much in the way of direction in the storyline or some all-important theme like Vivi and his identity. What he did contribute could have easily been rerouted to have the other characters do what he did. About Quina... s/he's just comic relief, that's it. BUT! I actually like him/her/it.

Battle-wise I really try to make everyone useful in some sort of way, but ultimately the one who sorta falls to the wayside for me is Dagger. I'm not much of a summon user (I use them occasionally, but Vivi's my main person for magic damage), so all I really use her (and Eiko) for is healing. But Eiko can use spells that Garnet cannot: Full-Life, Esuna, Haste, Might, and Holy, to name a few. And even her summons (namely Carbuncle and Phoenix) have more utility than Dagger's. Apart from a rare summon casting, my Dagger doesn't have much utility other than just using white magic, but even Eiko trumps her in that department by having access to more useful white magic. BUT dagger's still a pretty good healer, so it's not like I'm not using her.

Quina's awesome, nuff said. I don't care that I don't know his/her/its gender. To me that's really not important. If you just put in a little investment into training him/her/it, you'll be paid twentyfold.

Exactly how I felt, Quina allowed my party to powerlevel very early in the game with her/his Blue Magic lvl 5 death (I think), works great against Grand Dragons (before I left that grotto place, my characters were close to lvl 40-48-ish...the game was a cakewalk). Mighty Guard, Angel Snack, Twister were some of my fav. Blue Magic to use.

I agree with your thoughts on Dagger/Garnet. I too didn't use her much in battle and her summons. In fact, I didn't find any of the summons, her or Eiko, useful after a while. This is usually because of the "non-boost" affect most of the summons had (despite Pumice Piece), and the damage output they could do. Also, I didn't enjoy the summoning animations...too long. :elmo:
Amarant proved useless as a contributing factor to both combat and plot. Flame on failure Amarant.

Quina proved to be useful in terms of combat, but plot I find myself scratching my head.
I'm shocked to see Freya on the list...but I'll digress from that and get on with the thread point.

Whilst Amarant didn't add anything plot wise, I always find myself using him as one of my main characters. From time to time I'd switch him and Stainer, cause I like having Stainer and Vivi together in the same party.

I pick Quina, simply because he/she/it's damage is never consistent for me. I've never been a mage person, redmage and blue mage type characters always take a backseat in my parties so I never really used Quina...also plot wise the character seemed rather useless save for the fact that it was implimited as a somewhat 'comic relief'.

I would've liked to have picked Beatrix because you don't really get to use her that much...but she was a rather important role for the plot...I've always wished you got to fight with her more.
Quina was too unreliable for my liking, it never did anything amazing, and the only thing it was even useful for was a laugh every once in a while.

Dagger/Garnet was also extremely useless when she lost her voice, though it was intended.. and though Amarant was an awesome fighter, he didn't have much purpose.

I disliked its moves, and felt if they are going to include an annoying it thing the least they could do is explain it a bit better however I do have a friend who loves the little he/she thing.
For me the title goes to Amarant simply because I didn't use him at all, and his contribution to the plot wasn't very significant. Quina was fairly useless as well, but I did spend a little bit of time eating stuff, however he/she wasn't very useful as far as the plot goes.
Quina, though he/she could be useful if you get all of it's moves, it was simply too much bother, and I found myself never really using him/her.

I think that the most useless character to me for a while for a Dagger, OMG, she made me so mad when ever she couldn't "concentrate" She couldn't throw a frigging Potion!! Dx!!!
Eiko, was far more useful to me at that time, but then when that time passed, I used every character equally, everyone was useful to me in a way or the other so yeah.
Dagger just became so useless in that time when she couldn't even throw a Potion for pete's sake!!