Most Useless Character?

Most Useless Character?

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IMHO, none of them are useless, since all of them have their unique uses - in one way or another.

For one, Freya isn't useless. Although she needed some serious leveling up to do when you are forced to use her in Disc 3, she's fine.

Quina annoys me sometimes, though. However, his/her ability to use powerful Blue Magic makes him/her useful. (Haha, Limit Glove)

Although many people state that "one summoner/white mage" is "enough", I find having Eiko in my party very convenient... especially in Disc 3, when Dagger had some problems with her concentration (or something). Plus, isn't it very useful to have one white mage summon an eidolon to deal damage to an enemy, and another white mage to heal the party? ^_^ That's just me, though. XD

Amarant, on the other hand, had little use to me on the first few events. However, as the story progressed, I found him to be quite useful with his "Flair" command.

Beatrix isn't useless. Period. Wish that we could've had the option of keeping her in the party, though. :P

Marcus/Cinna/Blank aren't useless either. I would've been dead meat in the Evil Forest if it weren't for Blank. Same goes for Marcus, who helped alot in Disc 2. However, Cinna, IMO, is "sorta" useless, but that's just me.:D
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Freya is infinitely useful, by using her 'jump' technique (which you can later upgrade to take up to 9999 hp) she can effectively survive the worst enemy attacks and revive the rest of the party...and she looks cool too.

Quina is just wrong...Fighting for the salvation of the world with a fork? No thank you, that's more lame than uncle Wakka's balls
Quina, the most useless damn creature ever...

I am replaying the game now and the highest things bloated monster hits is 100 and the monsters bite off like 400 off her 350 lvl 14 life! >_>

I hate her. Yes, I do.

I simply ADORE Freya and Zidane, though. They are my top killersssssss~!
Has to be Quina. He or She is ok, but was definately one of my least used characters. Wasn't useless, but, I just prefered the others to her, same goes with Amarant too.
uhh i'd have to say quina!
i mean it's cool that he/she can learn abilities after eating stuff. but is that a boy or girl first off? and her strength is so weak! like it's so frustrating using her cuz it's so dang hard to eat enemies, he/she's a fat thing that moves so slow and what is the use or story behind her life? isnt interesting! so i dont care if they delete quina. dont need her anyways. xD
I really love quina it has a lot of strenght with a well used frog drop wich deals 9999 and its attacks are devastating its a well rounded blue mage. Marcus and the others are a piece of crap since they fight like zidane thats no fun.
Armarant; although I do think Eiko is useless too because she's quite annoying and I personally use Garnet as a white mage more than her and the ZidanexEiko thing was so not right. But Amarant is pretty useless too, I don't think he brings anything into battle to be honest and also he doesn't add anything new or interesting to the storyline, he is just, I suppose, there!
woo hoo my first post!!! i would say the most useless character out of your permanents would be Quina.....(its obvious need i say more???0 but out of every character i would say Cinna lol jeez he was bad i liked blank! he was cool but cinna with his hammer was a bit stupid...marcus werent great either!:wink:
*Voted Eiko* I mean whats the point of having 2 people that can summon and use the exact same gear to wear? I found no purpose for Eiko, nor did I use her when she was a playable character. It was tough for me: between Quina, Amarant, and Eiko.
Eiko she was useless, and Quina was useful D: with his/her blue magic I actually used it a lot, however Eiko was like a useless thing D:
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I found Eiko extremely useless.Why have two summoners that do the same thing?Thats just ridiculous. :P Now maybe if she was alittle bit stronger she would have been okay but she was very useless in my opinion.
I don't find any of the characters useless.Each character has its own role,it depends on us whether we'll use him/her wisely or not.You can turn a weak character into a powerful one if you just like him/her.That's all I think it is.And in fact I find Eiko's summons are more useful than Garnet's.Garnet's summons are only good for high damage instead Eiko's have saved my a** a lot of times with Carbuncle and Phoenix.A player who depends on strength and instant win will use Garnet,on the other one a player who chooses to win a boss by strategy will use Eiko because she can support him.
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I didn't really find any of the characters useless, although I did stick to one main party and sort of lef the other guys out. I think in terms of the story Quina didn't do much for me, nor Amarant, but they had their purposes I suppose.
to me the most useless character was steiner, or however you spell his name. i didnt find a good use for him and did better without him replacing him with quina, because of his auto life, and frog drop abilities.