Most Useless Character?

Most Useless Character?

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No you have to get Quina at some point in the game. :(

I'm pretty sure you need him in order to use that underground tunnel.

Quina. And Gourmands in general. I have no problems with people who like food - I myself am a foodie. They're just annoying to the point of making their skills seem irrelevant.

I mean it does nothing in the story. It does nothing in battle (hits for 400 and then 4 damage back to back on the same enemy...) And finally its so random it leaves you saying "Wtf mate? ^.^;"
Damn, Quina got raped. Though it was one of my most frequently used characters. Though Blue Mages never really get any love in this game series anyway.

The most useless character to me was Dagger actually. No great particular reason.
Quina, hands down. Sure he was a humorous addition to the plot and everything, but s/he could have been left out if anyone was to be dropped. Everyone else played a vital role to the story.

Actually now that I think back about it, Quina did have the link with Vivi family-wise, and the path to Fossil-Roo I believe. I guess there's always gonna be weird and odd characters in FF games for humor and a twist, but somehow almost every character plays a small but unique role in the game.
Gallax, please add more to your post.

Explain to us why you feel that Quina is the most useless character in FFIX.

I will have to delete that post if you do not comply.
I actually believe *Fighting wise, of course XD* Dagger/Garnet was by far the worst.

I used her on one play through, and decided never to again. (Her summons are fairly weak, not very useful, long, tiresome and her trance was pretty much useless.)

Plus the wight magic wasn't all that great...

...does anyone know what quina can do? There is a blue magic...called frog drop (you get it from the giant toads on marsh). What does it? It damages one foe. How? It multiplies quina's level for the number of frogs caught in that aparently stupid frog catch. Let's see: if you have 100, and quina is at level 50 you deal 5000 damage to a foe regardless of its defence. Not good enough? Then i really don't know what to say...because almost boss battles you just have one enemy and i seriously doubt that characters like dagger or amarant can do better...

Anyway, the best party is zidane (can't be help...have to keep the monkey in my party), vivi (it's mainly all about flare...but it's mainly about heavy damage) steiner (shock, stock i need to go on?) and eiko (her holy is brutal).
I actually like Amarant. =). As for Quina, eh, S/He's quite useless and wtf is up with that attack!? I think it's like...random or something. heh.

And having two summoners was so pointless to me.
Agreed. Amarant really did pop out of nowhere to join the party, and he doesn't seem to have much relevance to the storyline, to me.
The only reason i have for his presence is probably to teach the players a lesson about teamwork? Like, when he was like stuck at Ipsen's Castle??
The only reason i have for his presence is probably to teach the players a lesson about teamwork? Like, when he was like stuck at Ipsen's Castle??

That was more of Zidane teaching a lesson about teamwork...Amarant taught the lesson of not to go running off on your own. He had some useful Chakra skills too, and his Throw move comes in handy against Ark and Ozma, so he's not entirely useless.
Quina. Quina isn't that important and was only traveling with Zidane for food. Must be a hobo, I presume, after trying to eat a bunch of enemies who either taste bad or good. She's fat, as we say, but really...."dorky".
Quina. Quina isn't that important and was only traveling with Zidane for food. Must be a hobo, I presume, after trying to eat a bunch of enemies who either taste bad or good. She's fat, as we say, but really...."dorky".

Quina was traveling with Zidane because his/her master asked Zidane to take him/her along. Eating the enemies was merely a way to incorporate blue magic, which worked well given that the Qu species were food oriented. I wouldn't exactly call Quina a hobo, either. He/she wasn't hopping trains and performing odd jobs for people in exchange for room and board.

The only parts of the game where Quina is useless is Gizamaluke's Grotto (assuming you went to the Qu Marsh first) and when Kuja splits the party up. Those two parts are made easier by the inclusion of one more character, even if it is Quina just tossing healing items or something.
My vote is for Marcus/Cinna/Blank i mean really...they had absolutely no real purpose in my opinion. I mean sure they were in the beginning of the game, but overall, totally useless...couldnt use them in battle and couldnt do much with them.
Ew, Quina. Why was she even there? -_-;;

I mean, yeah, she had her funny moments and stuff but Battle system wise s/he was Horrbile! Her/His attack scale varied so often and then the blue mage magic was not quite great either.
Yeah Quina is real useless unless she's doing enemy skills or something, but she's quite humorous throughout the whole game. I mean, with a fork and eating a bunch of stuffings from enemies can still be good, since eating the flesh of monsters could make more peace around Gaia.
I voted Quina.
My reasons:
- Blue Magic pathetic
- Look at his/her/its face
- Irrelevant to storyline
- Unreliable attacks
- My need to say his/her/its

As for the others:
Freya was pretty awesome, Cherry Blossom was just a brilliant skill. Good in battle, cool out of battle.
Eiko was pretty irrelevant in battle, but she was much more relevant to the storyline than many other characters.
Amarant was brilliant in battle, and tough as old boots. He totally listens to Pantera. =]
For Beatrix you can't say she was irrelevant to the story for her important part, because she didn't have one. My favorite scenes in the games were fighting her, fighting as her, or making Steiner learn her skills.
Marcus/Cinna/Blank were simply auxilliaries to get the story moving.
i sed other meening steiner!!!! ameen

hes pointless
hes always there
hes bad in battle
he needs vivi to be able to fight
he's gulable
and sooo stupid
he folows the princess every were
he hates zidane for gods sake!!!!

need i go on?


- He's not pointless in any way, as far as I'm concerned, and you've not put a context in which he is pointless
- He's always there? No, he is not.
- He is not bad in battle if you equip him well, teach him strong moves and train him.
- I never used Sword Magic
- He's gulable and sooo stupid? And you can't spell. Your point?
- He does follow the Princess everywhere, because that is his job.
- He hates Zidane because he feels that monkey-man threatens the Princess, whom it is his job to guard.

No, you really don't need to go on.
I wouldn't agree that Steiner's in any way useless... His sword techs are pretty handy, if not, powerful at times..
Quina, to me might be there for comic relief???
I vote for Quina because, really, there was no point putting... IT in the story.

1) You see, I don't even know what the heck it's gender is!
2) It fights with a fork, which does not do that much damage at all.
3) The only thing I found it good for in battle was some of the healing blue magic it learned.
4) It always leaves the party and you have to go get it back from its swamp thing.
5) It has no significant dialogue, all it does is want to eat something the WHOLE TIME.
6) It never really bonds with any of the characters, so i could care less if it got killed off permanently from the story.