Most Useless Character?

Most Useless Character?

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I think Quina is probably the most useless out of them all. Would the game have been significantly different without him? The only thing he did was (accidentally) lead you into Fossil Roo, if I recall correctly. Oh, and he fought Lich with Zidane. But I think that's it. His abilities and attacks were pretty useless too, and his strength fluctuated a bit too crazily for my liking. At least Amarant had Throw, which made him somewhat useful in battle.

Quina had a huge use: he made Zidane and all his pals feel better about themselves xD
i think the most useless character is eiko because i never used her in my team. I would have said quina but he/she is in my good team.
After giving Quina a chance in this file, he/she actually IS fairly useful, especially with the Earth Shake, Mighty Guard, and Bad Breath abilities.

Garnet is actually more useless than Eiko. Eiko learns stronger spells sooner than Garnet, plus she has the most useful summon in the game: Carbuncle.
Its funny people keep posting Amarant. I loved Amarant. He was my second favorite character. If you cant guess my first. get a brain. Freya. Her fighting isn't great. I mean reis wind is pretty sweet at first. But she is kinda pointless.
Both Eiko and Amarant were pretty useless, but I'm going to say Amarant, because Eiko at least had some extra summons. Amarant was just an extra physical attacker you didn't need, and no one cared about him. He just appears to kill you, you defeat him and he joins your party for no apparent reason. The only other thing he does in the story is almost die in Ipsen's Castle... too bad he didn't. If they were going to add another physical attacker, why not Blank? Or Beatrix? They were both great characters, and Blank was just so cool.

And why is everyone voting for Quina? Heshe had some pretty useful Blue Magic.
Both Eiko and Amarant were pretty useless, but I'm going to say Amarant, because Eiko at least had some extra summons. Amarant was just an extra physical attacker you didn't need, and no one cared about him. He just appears to kill you, you defeat him and he joins your party for no apparent reason. The only other thing he does in the story is almost die in Ipsen's Castle... too bad he didn't. If they were going to add another physical attacker, why not Blank? Or Beatrix? They were both great characters, and Blank was just so cool.

And why is everyone voting for Quina? Heshe had some pretty useful Blue Magic.

I completley agree. I voted for Amarant for the reason stated above. I don't really think Blank and co should be in this poll; only the main party members. Blank/cinna etc were only on your party for a small amount of time and that was earlier on so they were very basic in terms of attacks and skills. BTW, I also agree that Quina was useful. Her Blue Magic was great and nade her very useful from early in the game. With her White Wind, Mighty Guard etc. she was quite integral from early.
Fraya. she's my fave character but in battle,she's useless. she dies every time and she's weak. :( plus i thought she was a guy.
Quina had a huge use

LOL I misread that as "Quina had a huge ass". LMAO! That cracks me up...

Anyhow, replaying Final Fantasy IX... and yea Quina turns out to be much more useful than I thought she was... which was not at all previously. Her physical strength is still really low but her blue mage abilities are coming along well.
Garnet is the useless one white magic so what she's a wanna be hard to get stupid girl!She's too slow!Eiko was more reliable!
the way i see it

Zidane: have to use so no comment
Garnet: useful for healing
Vivi: Good black magic spellcaster
Steiner: good for brute strength
Quina: extremely useful against optional bosses (ozma and hades)
Eiko: useless
Beatrix: excellent character very good with power and abilities
Cinna/Marcus/Blank: no comment
Freya: useful for the dragons crest attack
Amarant: only useful for the throw command

Thats about it
You say Garnets useful for healing, yet Eikos useless?

Doesn't Eiko learn better healing spells than Garnet? And Eiko learns Holy too, so she's FAR from useless...
I voted Quina because it was twice as much work to make him/her a decent enough character, Quina was the Gau of FF9...
You say Garnets useful for healing, yet Eikos useless?

Doesn't Eiko learn better healing spells than Garnet? And Eiko learns Holy too, so she's FAR from useless...

I totally agree with Aerith, Eiko does learn better healing magic. And if you keep up with the Chocobo Hot & Cold game throughout the story then you can acquire Holy fairly early on disc 3, which will at that time be more useful and better than any other attack you have at this point. Including Flare! Also allows you to train on Grand Dragons with ease, i was level 70 before Oeilvert! I voted for Quina anyway, didnt appeal to me that much..a very minor few Blue Magics were ok and his/her physical attacks were pathetic hehe :P! As for Amarant, he didnt do much in the story yeah..but was a powerhouse in battle, plus i was always anxtious to see how him and Zidane would get on throughout the story.

Kev ~
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i didn't play this game much and i dont have it any more but the time i spent playing this game i discovered that the most useless character was quina
That we may never get the answer on, for me quina's a IT. Anyway all of the characters has their uses
  • Zidane : main char, good enough damage,can steal and got good dynes.
  • Vivi : A musthave imho, flare is a awesome spell inlcuding many more good elemental and non elemental attacks like meteor.
  • Garnet: Good healer and summoner, many summons but abit lacking on the support side.
  • Steiner : Good tank, good damage, very good in conjunction with vivi and some nice sword techs.
  • Eiko: Superb healer and supporter , abit lacking on the summon side. Very good utility spells tho.
  • Amarant : Got some very good special abilities, reliable damage, and avaery good supporter.
  • Quina : Downside with quina is her low survivability and very random melee damage, on the upside very strong magic user with her blue magic.
  • Freya : Albeit abit lacking on the damage side, she's still a reliable party member with her wide array of abilities.
But if i were to pick a most useless it would be garnet, albeit good summon abilities she's abit to lacking on the support and healing side.
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they are all good characters and have a good background stories. but a will say that quina is for me a little out of the place. because she\he didn't draw much of my attention.