Most Useless Character?

Most Useless Character?

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Quina isn't actually that useless.
He/she has some pretty advanced moves it you take the time to level him/her up and teach it all the right blue magic.

I have to say Eiko was the most useless. Not that I don't like her, it's just that...Garnet pretty much outweighed her as a white mage and a summoner.
Yes, because you've yet to provide a valid reason for why he's useless.

I went for Amarant myself. Would the story have been critically different without him? Did we need him to fight? Did we like him? My answer to each of these questions is a solid 'No'.

What the??

Amarant, although comes into the story a bit late and doesn't change the storyline reflects Zidane. It shows how friendly and generous Zidane is.

He's great in battle. Get 99 wing edges and you cannot lose. The combination of Freya's dragon breath and Amarant's no mercy is unstoppable.

I don't see why Beatrix and Tantalous are in that poll though. They aren't that pointful because they aren't mai characters.
PS: Who the hell voted for Freya? I shall... chop them...
ive gotta go for eiko cause she hasnt got a 9999 attack like the others have ^_^
Amarant...though Quina is not my fav either, but as said, Amarant didn't have any role in the entire game. Sure he's after Zidane for some reason, but hell what does THAT add up to the story?
Yep I agree with the majority here...I think Amarant is the most useless. His appearance in the game has no meaning, he has no proper storyline as to his background, aside from the whole very un-original lone-wolf thing, and he doesn't really contribute much.

I can't believe someone voted for Freya!!! In Burmecia/Cleyra and the bits before that she is probably the most effective character - not to mention all the background and history to do with her in those areas. Admittedly when she returns she is a bit behind, but after leveling her up again she was once again my favourite character to use.
I went with the "Panzee Amarant"! Completely WORTHLESS storyline of a character, needless to say didnt need him. His abilities were pretty freakin weak.Chakra, in trance even... you might as well count yourself as KOed.
they pretty much just SPAMMED the game XD!
Quina Because of the solid fact that that thing had no gender, when you fight with it s/he would always die and need to eat people which was useless since the monster had to have low HP and if it's that lo wyou might as well kill it anyway. Had useless skills anyway.
has to be steiner he was by far the weakest in my group,
i like quinna because her eat attack reminded me of the enemy skill ateria in FF7 and i really liked that.
but back on to steiner! e was rubbish and totally weak, i thought he quite funny from time to time tho..
but all in all he was rubbish. he had one half decent attack and that was his trance move where vivi would cast a spell on his sword and he'd us it against an enemy.
...Dissapionting :'(
Quina was not worthless, s/he was one of the 4 that can do 9999 damage.

Eiko was worthless in my mind.
I already had a white mage/summoner
I tend to think differently than most people on this one, considering Quina, Amarant and Freya were ALL in my party for the final area. I liked each of the three. If I had to choose one character then it would probably be Eiko, since she was similair in style to Garnet and I honestly found Garnet more useful, even if Eiko did have Pheonix.
i was originally going to choose garnet because she's just plain shocking, mostly because she was a summoner more than a healer. Then i remembered how annoying quina was and how variable its damage was.

kakashi why did you only use amarant as a ninja? he is so much more, you can use him for support (aura, chakra and curse) and he can be used for damage (normal attack, countdown, demishock, spare gil and no mercy (9999 damage))
Storyline-wise, all the chars, bar few are pointless...

Vivi: doesn't really contribute to the story
Amarant: Ditto
Quina: Has lived in a swamp eating frogs. Ooh, interesting
Freya: Only really helps along the story in Burmecia and Cleyra
Beatrix: The game could survive without her, but it doesn't matter cause she ain't a main char
Tantalous: Ditto
Steiner: Helps move the sory in situations noone else could, but isn't detailed storylineish.
Im going for Quina just what the hell i that thing! its a bad fighter its not even important to the story that much apart from when you find the secret entrance in the marc#sh then i never see it again