Musicians and What Instruments You Play

Davey Gaga

Under you like a G.U.Y.
Jun 18, 2006
Glasgow City Centre, Scotland.
Are there any musicians here? If so, what instruments do you play and what pieces are you currently playing?

As for me, I'm a drummer and a keyboarder. I am currently trying to find the drum kit music to "Advent One-Winged Angel" from FFVII:AC. (Any links or help will be greatly appreciated!)

For keyboard, that last thing I played was "Hikari", the Japanese version of Simple and Clean from Kingdom Hearts. I am now working on my invention on the piano (using software called Sibelius, a computer generation of notes, you can make your invention on the computer).

Anyone? :)
I play the keyboard too.. well I learned the Electone, so playin' the Keyboard is no problem for me.

I am gonna learn to play the guitar soon... an electrical one..
The Slasher said:
I play the keyboard too.. well I learned the Electone, so playin' the Keyboard is no problem for me.

I am gonna learn to play the guitar soon... an electrical one..
electrical one? u mean the bass guitar, anyway I play on the bass guitar but I play randomly :P
but I suck...It would be easier with either an electirc guitar, or a guitar that had a longer thing. I think it's called a shaft.
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I play electric guitar. And with that, I've pretty much got as good at bass as I possibly can, 'cause once you learn guitar, 4 strings is nothing. Hmm, I'm not really having any trouble with songs, I'm in a band, I've played a show before, probably the only song I'm sketchy with is "Bleeding mascara" from the band Atreyu. I've been playing for about 4 years or so. And by the way, the shaft thing is called a NECK.
I was percussionist for five years, participating in highschool marching band all my four years. I've got nothing to brag about, since I just see myself as a mediocre ex-percussionist. I enjoyed it though, and I'm glad that at least I know how to read music. >.<
I used to play the violin but quit last year. I sing but it doesnt really count as a proper instrument and its random stuff anyways. I taught myself to play keyboard and I'm currently trying to finish To Zanarkand from FFX.
I taught myself how to play the keyboard. Although, I can't read music, how awesome is that? xD I pretty much play by ear. I seem to get more pride out of it that way as oppose to being taught professionally. I also sing, but that's usually in the confined space of my room :lol: (Luckily for everybody.) Although a lot of people say I have a nice, soft voice o_O Soon, I'll be learning to play the drums (Although some males see this as some sort of crime, according to them no female should play the drums V.V) *Points out that the drummer of The White Stripes is female*
Vincent said:
I'm still learning music.
You've already said that :mellow:

Cloudgurl69 said:
I taught myself how to play the keyboard. Although, I can't read music, how awesome is that? xD I pretty much play by ear. I seem to get more pride out of it that way as oppose to being taught professionally. I also sing, but that's usually in the confined space of my room :lol: (Luckily for everybody.) Although a lot of people say I have a nice, soft voice o_O Soon, I'll be learning to play the drums (Although some males see this as some sort of crime, according to them no female should play the drums V.V) *Points out that the drummer of The White Stripes is female*

Hey, I think female drummers are sexy ;)

I'll give you a quick crash-course: see the treble clef(the squigly line thing at the left hand side of the score)? Well, where the squigly line stops - that lines is a G. You know, the second line from the bottom, not the space, the line.

If you know where G is, you can find any note. Find a C by counting 3 notes up from G. See what I mean?

That isn't very detailed, but meh :P
I always thought it was that if you knew where the C was you could find everything else.
The Sephiroth Gene said:
You've already said that :mellow:

Hey, I think female drummers are sexy ;)

I'll give you a quick crash-course: see the treble clef(the squigly line thing at the left hand side of the score)? Well, where the squigly line stops - that lines is a G. You know, the second line from the bottom, not the space, the line.

If you know where G is, you can find any note. Find a C by counting 3 notes up from G. See what I mean?

That isn't very detailed, but meh :P

That's cool!

My first band teacher taught me this thought:

Spaces between the lines are from notes F, A, C, E. (FACE)

On the lines: E, G, B, D, F. (Every Good Boy Does Fine)

Don't ask me about bass clef. I completely forgot that.